Belgium Tender Results

Belgium Tender Results

European Union, Represented By The European Commission Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
One priority of the 2022-2023 Multi Annual Action Plan of the ‘Global Challenges’ thematic programme is to strengthen the role of Local Authorities in the implementation and localisation of Sustainable Development Goals, following a Territorial Approach to Local Development (TALD). To promote this agenda, INTPA, through its thematic unit in charge of Local Authorities (G2), requires technical assistance, namely highly qualified sectorial expertise to provide strategic and operational support to the European Commission (EC) staff in European Union Delegations and at headquarter level. The Technical Assistance team will support the translation of the EC’s vision on Local Authorities as developmental actors through a territorial approach in EC-supported programs and projects. This support is provided in line with the EC COM 2013“Empowering Local Authorities in partner countries for enhanced governance and more effective development outcomes” and with the EC Reference Document n°23.
Contract Date24 Oct 2023
Contract AmountEUR 1.9 Million (USD 2 Million)

Elia Asset Nv Sa Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
The subject of this tender is the Design, Manufacturing, Testing (FAT), Delivery including unloading and After Sales Services of Auxiliary and Earthing transformers for Elia and/or German (50Hertz) substations. The tender includes 1 Lot for a framework agreement for a period of 5 years (with prolongation option for +1+1+1 years). The final contracting entity may be: (i) Elia Transmission Belgium S.A./NV (ii) Any company belonging to the Elia Group and/or (iii) A new company that will be set up by one of the companies of the Elia Group
Contract Date23 Oct 2023
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

European Union, Represented By The European Commission Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
INSC Annual Action Plan 2022 Annex 1 Nuclear Safety Culture 2022 - Component B: ASEAN - Service contract. ASEANTOM members need further support on Emergency Preparedness & Response. A restricted service tender needs to be conducted for identifying the Contractor to provide such support at the best price-quality ratio.
Contract Date21 Oct 2023
Contract AmountEUR 945.6 K (USD 1 Million)

Office Of The Secretary General Of The European Schools Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Prestations de services de nettoyage des bâtiments, des vitres et des espaces extérieurs et abords occupés par les Ecoles Européennes de Belgique (Bruxelles et Mol) et le Bureau du Secrétaire général du Conseil supérieur des Ecoles européennes situé sur le territoire de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale (lot 1)
Contract Date20 Oct 2023
Contract AmountEUR 28.7 Million (USD 31.1 Million)

European Commission, Directorate General For Informatics DIGIT , Directorate For Strategy And Resources, ICT Procurement And Contracts Unit Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
IT consultancy services in the field of digital workplace solutions. Procurement documents are available at: (
Contract Date18 Oct 2023
Contract AmountEUR 739 K (USD 802 K)

European Commission, Health Emergency Preparedness And Response Authority HERA Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
The subject matter of the FWC is the supply of up to 100 080 (one hundred thousand and eighty) treatment courses of human pharmaceutical oral dosage form of Tecovirimat which is approved and sold in the United States as 'TPOXX' (US FDA marketing authorisation NDA208627) and/or Tecovirimat SIGA (EMA conditional marketing authorisation (EU/1/21/1600/001) (the 'Product'). Tecovirimat SIGA is indicated for the treatment of the following viral infections in adults and children with body weight at least 13 kg: smallpox, monkeypox, cowpox. Tecovirimat SIGA is also indicated to treat complications due to replication of vaccinia virus following vaccination against smallpox in adults and children with body weight at least 13 kg.
Contract Date17 Oct 2023
Contract AmountEUR 1 (USD 1.0796129)

European Commission, Directorate General For Regional And Urban Policy REGIO , REGIO B 2 Evaluation And European Semester Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
The objective of the study is to assess the impact of the EU initiatives (cf. specifications) and policies on cohesion, understood as the extent of regional and social disparities in the EU, during the period 2014-2020. The study will also analyse funds disbursed under regional state aid, with a particular attention to the amounts of aid channelled to EU regions under this regime to enhance regional development.
Contract Date16 Oct 2023
Contract AmountEUR 450.2 K (USD 476.2 K)

European Commission, Office For Infrastructure And Logistics In Brussels OIB , OIB RPP 2 Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Rental and/or purchase of medium and high capacity digital printer-copiers, supply and updating of software, supply of consumables (other than paper) and finishing equipment, omnium maintenance services and associated services such as: moving and reinstalling the printer-copiers supplied (through rental or purchase), automation of production processes, integration developments, document security, development and configuration of software for automating tasks and provision of print operators (except for lot 3).
Contract Date16 Oct 2023
Contract AmountEUR 1.6 Million (USD 1.7 Million)

European Commission, Directorate General For Environment ENV Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Framework contract with a single operator for supporting activities on Regulation No 1257/2013 on ship recycling. The general objective of the framework contract is to assist the contracting authority at various stages of implementation and revision of the EU Ship Recycling Regulation No 1257/2013 (SRR), ensuring that the recycling of EU flagged ships is carried out in accordance with the requirements specified in the Regulation i.e. following safe and environmentally sound practices.
Contract Date13 Oct 2023
Contract AmountEUR 4 Million (USD 4.3 Million)

Haven Van Antwerpen Brugge NV Van Publiek Recht Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
De Port of Antwerp Bruges wil via deze raamovereenkomst diensten kunnen afroepen. Het betreft diensten ten aanzien van de afdelingen van Assets, Port Projects en SHEQ (Safety, Health, Environment & Quality), voornamelijk te Antwerpen. Het gaat dus voornamelijk om technische diensten (technieker, ingenieurs, BIM-functies, preventie-functies, …). De instantie (het bureau, de zelfstandige, …) die één of meerdere profielen ter beschikking zal stellen, wordt hierna de kandidaat genoemd. De kandidaat mag een kandidatuur indienen voor één, meerdere of alle percelen.
Contract Date13 Oct 2023
Contract AmountRefer Documents 
161-170 of 10000 active Tender Results