Belgium Tender Results
Belgium Tender Results
European Parliament Tender Result
Contract Date22 Nov 2023
Contract AmountEUR 480.9 K (USD 529.3 K)
This call for tenders aims to award contracts to provide assistance to the European Parliament in the update, upgrade, maintenance, and further development of its physical and online educational Role Play Games (RPG) and to assess the European Parliament’s Role Play Game offer in order to identify needs of secondary schools and non-formal education providers on the territory of the European Union possibly not covered.
European School Brussels III Tender Result
Contract Date20 Nov 2023
Contract AmountEUR 420 K (USD 458 K)
Le marché a pour objet les prestations de services et la fourniture du matériel nécessaire à l’entretien préventif, au dépannage et au contrôle des installations techniques H.V.A.C. de l’Ecole Européenne de Bruxelles 3 : - installations de chauffage central ; - installations de ventilation ; - installations de conditionnement d'air de type split; - installations de traitement d'eau; - installations de préparation d'eau chaude sanitaire ; - installations de distribution d'eau de ville ; - installations électriques de H.V.A.C. ; - installations de sécurité liées à H.V.A.C. (clapet coupe-feu, etc.) de l’école européenne à Ixelles, À l’exception des installations de détection gaz, incendie, et intrusion.
European Commission, Directorate General For Communications Networks, Content And Technology CONNECT , CNECT I 3 Audiovisual Industry And Media Support Programmes Tender Result
Contract Date20 Nov 2023
Contract AmountEUR 648.2 K (USD 707 K)
Open call for tenders. Service contract of 48 months until 2026 included (end of MEDIA programme). In line with the EU Green Deal and the Media and Audiovisual Action Plan of the European Commission ('Action 6 – Greening the Audiovisual industry'), we would like to develop a common tool for CO2 measurement for the audiovisual sector.
European Commission, Directorate General For Research And Innovation RTD , RTD B 1 Green Transitions Tender Result
Contract Date20 Nov 2023
Contract AmountEUR 951.3 K (USD 1 Million)
This action will analyse and address non-technological barriers to deployment of circular solution focusing on behaviour and decision making of economic operators in linear value chains that have the potential to become circular value chains. The contractor should analyse existing and potential circular value chains to identify patterns in intra-value chain and inter-value chains interactions and collaboration between all relevant actors and mapping material flows. The contractor is expected to describe and categorise these interactions and collaborations, and provide insight into the opportunities and challenges as well as conditions of success. The role of trust between different actors, the importance of a sufficient level of knowledge and data sharing, the role of digital technologies and the importance of incentives on regional, national, European and/or global level are key topics that should be addressed.
European Commission, Directorate General For Climate Action CLIMA , CLIMA B 2 ETS II Implementation, Policy Support And ETS Registry Tender Result
Contract Date17 Nov 2023
Contract AmountEUR 265 K (USD 289 K)
We propose to launch a new contract with the aim of providing the Commission with assistance in the assessment of applications for new/changed allocations. The contractor will be required to carry out compliance checks of the applications received from the Commission based on a pre-agreed methodology. The contractors should give their technical input in the form of report to the Commission, which then decides on each application. The contract will also contain a helpdesk facility which is a service offered to Member States and which is highly useful and well appreciated by the competent authorities.
European Commission, Directorate General For Informatics DIGIT , DIGIT R 3 Procurement And Legal Compliance Tender Result
Contract Date17 Nov 2023
Contract AmountEUR 300 K (USD 326.4 K)
Three types of services are foreseen: — Type 1 – IAS – internet access services; — Type 2 – DNET – dedicated network services; — Type 3 – NBCS – number-based communication services.
European Commission, Directorate General For Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship And SMEs GROW , GROW D 1 Skills, Services, Professions Tender Result
Contract Date16 Nov 2023
Contract AmountEUR 187.6 K (USD 204.6 K)
The Commission is envisaging a study as part of preparatory works for possible future update of the minimum training requirements for the profession of midwife under the Professional Qualifications Directive. The study aims at mapping the existing training requirements in EU/EFTA states, and at providing information about the national health systems and views of stakeholders on the possible update. The contractor would need to: • collect data on national legislation, administrative rules, teaching standards and curricula in the EU and EFTA states; • assess which of the requirements in the EU and EFTA states go beyond the current requirements under the Directive; • assess which of the national developments in midwifery training resulted from generally acknowledged scientific and technical progress, and based on any commonalities in the national requirements of the EU Member States, provide an analysis on whether it recommends to update the EU minimum requirements, and if so, to what extent.
121-130 of 10000 active Tender Results