Procedure open pursuant to Legislative Decree. n. 163/2006 for the lease of fiber optic connections between the Bank of Italy's stables in the metropolitan area (G858 007/10).
Open procedure for renewing the maintenance service of the perimeter defence infrastructure for the internet navigation of the Bank of Italy - G858 - 011/10.
Open procedure, pursuant to Legislative Decree. n. 163/2006 and s.m.i., for the acquisition of a software product and services for the project “New 730 on WEB” Cod. G 858 – 013/10.
Race to acquire a software product and its professional services for the realization of the project CABI - Centro Applicativo Banca d’Italia. Cod. G858 6/2010.
Open procedure for the conclusion of a contract for the insurance cover of the risks of death and permanent invalidity for the staff of the Bank of Italy.
Contract Date9 Mar 2011
Contract AmountEUR 27.7 Million (USD 29.6 Million)