Tender Results of Andhra University
Tender Results of Andhra University
Andhra University Tender Result
Civil And Construction...+3Electrical Generators And Transformers, Electrical and Electronics, Road Construction
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountINR 311.1 K (USD 3.7 K)
Providing Approach Cc Road And Rcc Poles With Barbed Wire For Protection Of Transformer In The South Campus Au
Andhra University Tender Result
Civil And Construction...+3Electrical Works, Electrical and Electronics, Software and IT Solutions
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountINR 315.6 K (USD 3.7 K)
Renovation Of Electrical Works In Computer Lab In Civil Engineering Departments , Au College Of Engineering (a)(electrical Works)
Andhra University Tender Result
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountINR 319.2 K (USD 3.8 K)
Erection of LED street lights at assembly hall area ,pharmacy ,school of Distance Education, hostels area like Vidya,samatha,mamata, foriegn students hostel,SKD area etc, and security lights at the department building in AU south campus
231-240 of 564 active Tender Results