Centrifuging Tenders

Centrifuging Tenders

Indian Council Of Medical Research - ICMR Tender

Healthcare and Medicine
Mumbai, Maharashtra
Closing Date28 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Description: CATEGORY: 15ml Centrifuge tube graduated with cap sterile Conical bottom Tarson 546021 250 pieces OR Box , Eppendorf Safe- Lock Tubes 1.5 mL cat no.0030123611 , MicroAmp Optical 8-Caps Strips -300 Strips -Applied Biosystems , MicroAmp Fast Reaction Tubes 8Tubes OR Strips -125 Strips -Applied Biosystem , Borosil Conical Flask 50 ML TO 250 ML , Flow Tubes without cap 5 ml round bottom size 12mm x 75 mm , Cryovials Tarson 523021 500vials per pack

Department Of Agriculture Cooperation And Farmers Welfare Tender

Jaipur, Rajasthan
Closing Date6 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Description: CATEGORY: Conical Flask , Air Condenser , Centrifuge Tubes , Micropipe ml and compatible tips , Micropipette 1 ml and compatible Methanol , Methanolic Boran Trifluride , Hexane , Volumetri 25 ml , Volumetric Flask 10 ml , Volumetric Flask 5 ml , Gla with screw cap 2 ml , Vortex Morter , Sodium Hydroxide , Dextrose Angydrous , Potassium Iodide , Diethyl Ether , Filt Paper packets No-4 , Separating Funnel 100 ml , Separatin Funnel 500 ml , Potassium Hydroide pellets AR , Chlorofor Measuring Cylinder 50 ml , Resorcinol , Alcohal Meter , Petr Ether , Hydrochloric acid , Toluene , Glycerol

Indian Council Of Medical Research - ICMR Tender

Healthcare and Medicine
Corrigendum : Closing Date Modified
Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
Closing Date10 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Description: CATEGORY: Sterile 50 ml tubes , Rack for tubes , 0.22 um Filters , 10ml, 20 ml syringes , Sterile 1.5 ml Micro centrifuge tubes , MCT rack , Gloves , Mask 3 ply , Mask N95 , PCR tubes , Wash bottles , Sterile Filter tips 10ul, 200ul, 1000ul , Cryo box , Fetal Bovine serum , DMEM low glucose , McCoy 5A , RPMI , DMSO , DMEM High glucose , Trypsin EDTA solution , Cell line Saos-2 , Pen-strep solution, 10X , 1 ml Microtips, autoclavable

Goa Shipyard Limited - GSL Tender

Machinery and Tools
Corrigendum : Closing Date Modified
South Goa, Goa
Closing Date6 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Description: CATEGORY: Lub Oil centrifuge with heater control panel sludge tank feed pump sludge discharge pump all accessories , Flow meter for treated oil , Gauge Assembly board with pressure compound gauges pipes isolation cocks etc , Loose fitting instrumentation as applicable , Shock mounts with center side holding down fasteners , Flexible pipes or bellows for all equipment interfaces with external or loose supplied system , Electrical items for connectorisation termination ie cable gland lugs etc , First submission of binding drawing , Documentation hard copy , Documentation soft copy , IETM documentation , Service of service engineer , Preservatives de preservatives , Commissioning spares , Onboard spares , Standard and special tools , Training training material

Indian Council Of Medical Research - ICMR Tender

Pondicherry, Pondicherry
Closing Date3 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Description: CATEGORY: TaqMan Multiplex Master Mix , Optical Flat 8 Cap Strips, Biorad , 0.2ml, 8 Tube PCR Strips without caps, low profile, white , Eppendorf Protien LoBind Tubes , Reversible rack with cover one side place for 1.5 ml and another side for 0.6 ml, 4 per pack , Microcentrifuge tubes 1.5 ml,each contain 1000nos , Microcentrifuge tubes 2 ml, each contain 1000nos , Sealer, Microplate Seal , Trizol LS Reagent ,100 ml , Ethanol ,500 ml , 2 ml Centrifuge tube , Falcon tubes 50ml , Mineral oil ,5 ml , Cryobabies white Tarsons 1000 roll labels 0.9x0.5 , Biohazard Autoclave bags small 8x12, 100 per pack , Biohazard Autoclave bags Large 24x36, 100 per pack , MINJ PP Prepulled Microcapillary,10 per pack , 1 ml syringe with detachable needle , 1 percentage Gentian Violet Stain 125ml , Methyl Cellulose , Dneasy Blood and Tissue kits ,250 , Taq PCR core kit 1000 U , InBios Kala Azar detect rapid test ,25 per kit , Bio Rad SSO Advanced Universal Probe Supermix , QIAquick Gel Extraction kit ,250 , Axygen 1.5ml Maxy Clear Snaplock Micro Centrifuge Tubes , Invitrogen Trackit 100 bp DNA ladder 100ulx2 , 50bp dna ladder , Glycerol 1L , RnaseA , Lightcylcer 480 multiwel plate , Gutathione S transferase asssay kit , 100ul universal fit filter tips

Indian Council Of Agricultural Research - ICAR Tender

Bengaluru Urban, Karnataka
Closing Date30 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Description: CATEGORY: 100bp DNA ladder , 50bp DNA ladder , 50X TAE , SODIUM CHLORIDE , screw tubes flat bottom , Cryotags , 10 L tips , 0 point 5ml Centrifuge tubes , 1 point 5ml tubes , Gloves small , Gloves medium , Loops PW013S5X100 , Loops PW012S5X100 , Stabbing loops , Spatula , 15ml tubes , plastic swab , Gloves large , Loops , PCR Tubes , Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate agar XLD Agar , Rappaport Vassiliadis Soya broth RVS broth , Brilliant Green agar base w 1 point 2 agar , proteinase K , Lysozyme , Stand for vials , Cotton swab , Reagent trough V shape

Indian Council Of Agricultural Research - ICAR Tender

Muzaffarpur, Bihar
Closing Date6 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Description: CATEGORY: tube PS with LDPE snap cap 37 into 75 mm , Nitrile Gloves powder free Medium , Hand protectors 50 ml bulk pack , Self standing centrifuge tube 50 ml bulk pack , Pure pack Centrifuge tube conical bottom 15 ml , Pure pack Centrifuge tube conical bottom 50 ml , Utility tray PP 320 into 260 into 100 mm , Utility tray PP 540 into 435 into 130 mm , Draining tray PP 400 into 300 into 100 mm , minus 20 degree C mini cooler with gel filled cover , Ice bucket with Lid PUR 2 point 5 lit , PCR tube 0 point 2 ml Flat , Semi skirted deck 96 wells Standard PCR plate 0 point 2 ml , Round magnetic stirrer bar with pivot ring PTFE Assorted , Magnetic Retriever PTFE 30 cm , Conical Flask Graduated 50 ml , Conical Flask Graduated 100 ml , Conical Flask Graduated 150 ml , Conical Flask Graduated 250 ml , Conical Flask Graduated 500 ml , Conical Flask Graduated 1000 ml , Mortar and pestle Porcelain 60 ml , Mortar and pestle Porcelain 150 ml , Forceps Blunt Points 125 mm , Forceps Blunt Points 150 mm , Beaker tongs Asbestos jaw 300 mm , Beaker tongs Plastic coated jaw , Test tube holder wooden holder plated steel , Brush beaker Beaker , Brush Test tube Test tube , Brush Flask Flask , Brush Pipette Pipette , Separatory funnel with I by C PP stopper 1000 ml , Retort stand cast iron Base 6 1 by 2 inch into 11 inch with 1by2inch into 36 inch rod , Retort stand Steel base with tapped hole 200 into 125 mm , Retort stand Steel base with tapped hole 250 into 160 mm , Universal Clamp , Burette Clamp For two burettes , Clamp Extension universal Jaw opening size 3 , Boss head aluminum alloy , Burette Retort Stand PP base with SS rod 30 into 20 Central , Essential oil determination Apparatus Clevenger type 2000 ml , Reflux Assembly 1000 ml , Bottle Reagent with screw PP cap 2000 ml , White Paper Laboratory Tissue Roll Size 20 m , Bottle Reagent Flat head glass stopper 250 ml , Bottle Reagent Flat head glass stopper 1000 ml

Indian Council Of Agricultural Research - ICAR Tender

Muzaffarpur, Bihar
Closing Date21 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Description: CATEGORY: Petri Dish Autoclavable , Rectangular HDPE carboy with PP Closure and stopcock 10l , Rectangular HDPE carboy with PP Closure and stopcock 20l , Measuring Beaker with handle PMP 1000ml , Measuring Beaker with handle PMP 2000ml , Measuring Beaker with handle PMP 5000ml , Micro Tips Bulk , PurePack SPINWIN Microentrifuge tube Sterile 0 point 5 ml , PurePack SPINWIN Microentrifuge tube Sterile 1 point 5 ml , PurePack SPINWIN Microentrifuge tube Sterile 2 ml , Rack for Micro Centrifuge Tube 5ml , Cryo Box for Micro Centrifuge Tube 5ml , Storage Vial Self standing PP with HDPE Closure 2ml , Storage Vial Self standing PP with HDPE Closure 5ml , Kimwipes Disposable Wipes , Tube Conical Bottom SPINWIN polypropylene with HDPE Closure 15ml , Tube Conical Bottom SPINWIN polypropylene with HDPE Closure 50ml , Screw Cap centrifuge Tube Round bottom Polypropylene 10ml , Screw Cap centrifuge Tube Round bottom Polypropylene 50ml , Float Rack Polypropylene 1 point 5ml 8 places , Float Rack Polypropylene1 point 5ml 16places , 96 Place Reversible Rack with Cover Polypropylene 105 1 point 5 2ml 96 places , Micro Tube Box PC LDPE , Rack for Micro Tube RPP , mini cooler PC with non toxic gel , Cryo Box 100 Polycarbonate , Ice Bucket with Lid PUR , Parafilm M , Indicator Tape for Steam A utoclave , Maxiamp PCR Tubes 0point 2ml , Maxiamp PCR Tubes 0 point 5ml , Cryo babies Di mensi on , Cryo Tags Di mensi on , PCR Workstation Rack Polypropylene rack for 0 point 1by 0 point 2 ml PCR tubes 96 places , Reagent glass bottles with screw cap 2000ml , Reagent glass bottles with screw cap 1000ml , Reagent glass bottles with screw cap 500ml , Erlenmeyer Conical Flask Narrow mouth with Rim 1000 ml , Erlenmeyer Conical Flask Narrow mouth with Rim 500 ml , Erlenmeyer Conical Flask Narrow mouth with Rim 250 ml , Yeast Extract Powder 500gm , Agar Agar Type 1 500gm , D Glucose anhydrous 500gm , Peptone Type 1 500gm , Triclogel Instant Hand Disinfectant Gel 500 ml , Triclogel Instant Hand Disinfectant Gel 5litre , EMSURE ACS ISO Reag Ph Eur Ethanol absolute for analysis 1L , Beef Extract Powder 500gm , Water DNase RNase Free 5x 100ml , 10X TBE 500 ml , 50X TAE 1000 ml , RNA Isolation Mini Kit 50 reactions , RNA MinElute Clean up Kit 50 reactions , First strand cDNA Synthesis Kit 50 reactions , One Step PrimeScript RT PCR Kit Perfect Real Time 100 reactions , Gel Extraction Kit 50 reactions , 6X Cresol Red DNA Loading Dye 6x 1ml , Ethidium Bromide 10 mg , Low Melting Agarose Dnase RNase Free 100 g , DNA A mplification Kit with Marker 50 reactions , TRIZOL soln 100m , Oligonucleotides , 1 kb DNA Ladder Ready To Use , Red Dye PCR Master Mix 2X 5X 100 reactions , CTAB Cetyltrimethylammo nium bromide Powder 50 g

Indian Council Of Medical Research - ICMR Tender

Pondicherry, Pondicherry
Closing Date10 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Description: CATEGORY: 200ul filter tips,1000 per pck , 20ul filter tips ,960 per pck , 10ul filter tips , 1000ul filter tips,1000 per pck , Micro centrifuge tube 1.5ml,500 per pck , Micro centrifuge tube 2ml,500 per pck , Fine tweezer tip thickness 0.08mm , Cavity block , PCR tube 0.2ml,1000 per pck , X-tracta gel extractor 100 per pck , PCR storage rack low temperature , Guanidine thiocyanate GTC ,500gm , Celite 545 size,500gm , EDTA disodium salt dihydrate 100g , EDTA dipotassium salt dihydrate, AR 99 percent , 100g , Tris Free base for molecular biology, 1 kg , Sodium hydroxide pellets 500g , Sodium chloride 500g , Acetic acid glacial, Hi LR,500g , Tris HCL,100g , Trition-X 100,100ml , Tween 20,500ml , Ethidium bromide solution,10ml , Rnase free water,1 L , Ethanol premium grade 500ml , Nucleospin gel and PCR clean up, mini kit for gel extraciton or PCR clean up 50reaction , Bid dye terminator V.31 cycle sequencing kit, 25 reaction , NucleoSEQ kit for dye terminator removal, 50 reaction , 20bp DNA ladder , 100bp dna ladder , Reverse transcription core kit, 500 reactions , Superscript III platinum one step qrt PCR system 500 reaction , QIAmp circulating nucleic acid RNA kit 50 reaction , Reversible rack storage box , Aluminium PCR chiller block 0.2 ml and 1.5ml , 96 well PCR aluminium chiller block , Light cyle 480 multiwell plate 96, white ,50 plates with sealing foils

Manipur University Tender

Healthcare and Medicine
Imphal East, Manipur
Closing Date1 Jan 2025
Tender Amount₹ 7 Lac 
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Description: CATEGORY: DERMA GUARD LITE Small , DERMA GUARD LITE Medium , DERMA GUARD LITE Large , Last drop low retention pipette Tips , Last Drop Pipette Tips , Last DROP LOW RETENTION Pipette Tip , Last DROP LOW RETENTION Pipette Tips , CR Tubes_PP , Micro Centrifuges Tube , Micro Centrifuges Tube_PP , Centrifuge Tube Conical Bottom , Cell Spreaders Gama Radiated Sterile , Soft Inoculation Loop , Polyvinyl pyrrolidone , 2_Mercaptoethanol , EDTA disodium dihydrate , Phenol_Chloroform , Ethidium Bromide , DreamTaq DNA Polymerase , 3M Sodium Acetate Solution , Sodium Chloride , Isopropyl alcohol , Magnesium Chloride , Bromophenol Blue , Glycerol , Agarose LE , 10X Taq Buffer with KCl , dNTP Mix , GeneRuler 1 kb Plus DNA Ladder , CTAB, molecular Grade , Tris Base , Acetone , Indole_3_acetic acid , Indole_3_butyric acid , 1_Naphthalene acetic acid , Diphenylamine , Tetrazolium salt , Ammonium Molybdate , Ammonium Fluoride , Hydrochloric Acid , Potassium Dichromate , Stannous Chloride , Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate , Sulfuric acid , Orthophosphoric Acid , Sodium Bicarbonate , Diluent , Isoamyl alcohol , Gelatin , Formaldehyde solution , Acetocarmine , Prussian blue , Sodium acetate , Sodium chloride , Boric Acid , Gibberellic acid , Beef Extract Agar , AC Agar , Yeast Extract , Sucrose , Acetic acid glacial , Ninhydrin , Orthophosphoric acid , Potassium permanganate , Sodium hydroxide , Oxalic acid , Sulphosalicylic Acid , Buffer capsule pH 4 , Buffer capsule pH 7 , Buffer capsule pH 9.2 , Calcium nitrate tetrahydrate , Ammonium acetate , Potassium Dihydrogen Orthophosphate , Ammonia solution extrapure , Barium chloride dihydrate pure , Magnesium sulphate hexahydrate , Magnesium Nitrate Hexahydrate , Bromocresol green , Nitric acid , Toluene , Gum acacia powder , Methyl red , Activated Charcoal phosphate free , Chloroform_mol grade , Xylene Cyanol FF , PCR tube 0.5 ml , 2_4_dinitrophenol , Potassium Chloride , Volumetric Flask , Burette , Burette stand with clamp , Conical Flask 250 ml , Conical Flask 500 ml , Conical Flask 1000ml , Test Tube 15 x 125 mm , Filter paper grade-1 , Measuring Cylinder 1000ml , Measuring Cylinder 500 ml , Measuring Cylinder 250 ml , Measuring Cylinder 100 ml , Measuring Cylinder 50 ml , Pipette 5ml , Wash Bottle , Pipette , Laboratory Tray_Large , Laboratory Tray_Medium , Laboratory Tray_Medium1 , Bottle_Reagent_Amber_100ml , Bottle_Reagent_Amber_250ml , Bottle_Reagent_Amber_500ml , Bottle_Reagent_Clear_100ml , Bottle_Reagent_Clear_250ml , Bottle_Reagent_Clear_1000ml , Spatula One Side Spoon_4 inch , Spatula One Side Spoon_6 inch , Spatula One Side Spoon_8 inch , Petri Dish_100mm , Glass stirring rods , Whatman Filter Paper No 1 , Whatman Filter Paper No 42 , Microscope slides_1.35mm , Polynucleotide Sequences , Ammonia solution , Bavistin carbendazim , Cryo Box_PP
251-260 of 276 archived Tenders