Tenders of Unicare Pharma Limited

Tenders of Unicare Pharma Limited

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Tenders of Unicare Pharma Limited
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Tenders of Unicare Pharma Limited
Real Estate Service
Ramanathapuram, Tamil Nadu

Closing Date

13 Apr 2022

Tender Amount

₹ 2.3 Cr 
Sale Of Property By Liquidator of Seven Eleven Business Services Private Limited (in Liquidation)
Real Estate Service
Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Closing Date

29 Apr 2021

Tender Amount

₹ 1 Cr 
Sale Of Property By Liquidator of Seven Eleven Business Services Private Limited (in Liquidation) Item No. 1
Real Estate Service
Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Closing Date

14 Aug 2019

Tender Amount

₹ 2 Cr 
Sale Of Property By Liquidator Of Seven Eleven Business Services Private Limited (in Liquidation)
Real Estate Service
Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Closing Date

29 Apr 2021

Tender Amount

₹ 1 Cr 
Sale Of Property By Liquidator of Seven Eleven Business Services Private Limited (in Liquidation) Item No. 2
Real Estate Service
Theni, Tamil Nadu

Closing Date

31 Aug 2020

Tender Amount

₹ 5 Lac 
Sale Of Assets By Liquidator of Unicare Pharma Limited-in Liquidation