Tenders of Express Industry Council Of India

Tenders of Express Industry Council Of India

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Tenders of Express Industry Council Of India
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Tenders of Express Industry Council Of India
Delhi, Delhi

Closing Date

27 Mar 2024

Tender Amount

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Auction Sale Of Lot No : 49-05-a Lot Name : Miscellaneous Detailed List Is Attached In Auction Terms And Conditions , Lot No : 49-12-a Lot Name : Garment Detailed List Is Attached In Auction Terms And Conditions , Lot No : 49-12-b Lot Name : Miscellaneous Detailed List Is Attached In Auction Terms And Conditions , Lot No : 49-12-c Lot Name : Miscellaneous Detailed List Is Attached In Auction Terms And Conditions , Lot No : 49-18-a Lot Name : Miscellaneous Detailed List Is Attached In Auction Terms And Conditions ,
New Delhi, Delhi

Closing Date

8 Jul 2024

Tender Amount

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Auction Sale Of Lot No : 50-12-a Lot Name : Garments Detailed List Is Attached In Auction Terms And Conditions , Lot No : 50-12-b Lot Name : Miscellaneous Detailed List Is Attached In Auction Terms And Conditions , Lot No : 50-18-p Lot Name : Watch & Accessories Detailed List Is Attached In Auction Terms And Conditions , Lot No : 50-18-q Lot Name : Watch & Accessories Detailed List Is Attached In Auction Terms And Conditions , Lot No : 50-18-r Lot Name : Watch & Accessories Detailed List Is Attached In Auction Terms And Conditions ,
Delhi, Delhi

Closing Date

28 Feb 2022

Tender Amount

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Mstc/wro/express Industry Council Of India/10/igi Airport, New Delhi/21-22/34061
Delhi, Delhi

Closing Date

7 Feb 2022

Tender Amount

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Mstc/wro/express Industry Council Of India/8/igi Airport, New Delhi/21-22/29934
Delhi, Delhi

Closing Date

27 Apr 2024

Tender Amount

Refer Documents 
Auction Sale Of Lot No : 50-05-a Lot Name : Garments Detailed List Is Attached In Auction Terms And Conditions , Lot No : 50-05-b Lot Name : Shoes & Paper Detailed List Is Attached In Auction Terms And Conditions , Lot No : 50-05-c Lot Name : Shoes & Paper Detailed List Is Attached In Auction Terms And Conditions , Lot No : 50-12-a Lot Name : Garments Detailed List Is Attached In Auction Terms And Conditions , Lot No : 50-12-b Lot Name : Miscellaneous Detailed List Is Attached In Auction Terms And Conditions ,