Tender Results of Mizoram University
Tender Results of Mizoram University
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Mizoram University - MZU Tender Result
Electrical and Electronics...+2Electronics Equipment, Software and IT Solutions
Aizawl, Mizoram
Contract Date1 Aug 2024 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 99 K
CATEGORY: laptop
Mizoram University - MZU Tender Result
Food Products
Aizawl, Mizoram
Contract Date30 Jul 2024
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Tender For Providing Mess Services At Hostels In Mizoram University
Mizoram University - MZU Tender Result
Healthcare and Medicine
Aizawl, Mizoram
Contract Date30 Jul 2024 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 15.7 Lac
1 3 Diphenylisobenzofuran 1g,1 4 Phenylenediacetonitrile 10g,2 1h Imidazol 1 Yl Pyridine 500g,2 2 D
Mizoram University - MZU Tender Result
Aizawl, Mizoram
Contract Date29 Jul 2024 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 14.6 Lac
CATEGORY: Laboratory Chemicals and Glassware
Mizoram University - MZU Tender Result
Aizawl, Mizoram
Contract Date27 Jul 2024 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 2.2 Lac
CATEGORY: Aluminium foil rolls , Artist tweezer style 5 dash SA dash ,
Autoclavable Petri Plate Size 90mm diameter x 15mm ,
Capillary tube for melting point apparatus 100mm dia
external 1point55 mm dia internal 1point15mm , Centrifuge
tube 15ml , Centrifuge tube 50ml , Cone crucible 2inch ,
Conical Flask 50ml , Conical Flask 100ml , Conical Flask
250ml , Crucible with cap or lid 10ml , Carboy 25L , Dropper
Plastic or Pasteur Pipette 3ml , Electrode polishing pad ,
Funnel Glass 50mm , Beaker Glass 50ml , Vial Glass 5ml ,
VialorTube Plastic , Hanker Condenser Clamp , Magnetic
Stirring Bar , Measuring cylinder , Micro centrifuge tube
polypropylene , Micropipette , Micropipette tip , Microscope
Glass Slides , Parafilm , Retort Stand , Rotary pipette stand
vertical , Round bottom flask , Septum , Syringe filter , Test
tubes with rim , Tissue paper roll , Wash Bottle New Type ,
Whatman Filter paper Grade 1 , Whatman filter paper Grade
40 Circle , Whatman filter paper Grade 42 Circle
Mizoram University - MZU Tender Result
Electrical Goods and Equipments...+1Electrical and Electronics
Aizawl, Mizoram
Contract Date25 Jul 2024 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 26.2 K
CATEGORY: Alausuria , Anabaena Repd , Anabaena veg ,
Batrachospermum cystocarpic , Batrachospermum sexual ,
Batrachospermum vegetative , Botrydium , Chara
Reproductive , Chara veg , Dictyota Vegetative , Dictyota
antheridial , Dictyota oogonial , Dictyota tetrasporic ,
Drapnoldiapsis , Ectocarpus mixed stage , Ectocarpus
plurilocular , Ectocarpus unilocular , Microcistis , Nitella
fertile , Nitella Vegetative , Nitella vegetative , Nostoc veg ,
Oedogonium capcells , Oedogonium hold fast , Oedogonium
marcrandrous , Oedogonium mixed stage , Oedogonium
vegetative , Oscillatoria , Polysiphonia mixed stage ,
Polysiphonia tetrasporic , Polysiphonia veg , Polysiphonia
antheridial , Polysiphonia Cystocarpic , Scytonema ,
Spirogyra Vegetative , Spirogyra Scal conj , Spirogyra lat
conj , Spirogyra Zygote stage , Volvox antheridial , Volvox
daughter colonies , Volvox mixed stage , Volvox oogonial ,
Volvox veg , Zynema lat Conj , Zynema scal Conj , Zynema
veg , Agaricus complete , Agaricus amanita Poisonous
Mushroom , Agaricus stipe , Agaricus pileus , Albugo
Cystopus conidial , Albugo Cystopus sexual , Aspergillus ,
Erysiphae , Fusarium , Mucor Vegetative , Mucor Zygosporic
, Mucor sporangial , Penicillium , Peronospora , Peziza ,
Phytopthora , Plasmopora , Polyporus , Puccinia Aecial ,
Puccinia Pycnidial , Puccinia Teleudo , Puccinia Uredo ,
Pythium , Rhizopus Sporangia , Rhizopus Veg , Rhizopus
Zygospore , Taphrina , Ustilago on Barley covered Smut ,
Ustilago on grass , Ustilago on oat cover smut , Ustilago on
wheat loose Smut , Yeast budding , Yeast cell , Anthoceros
antheridia , Anthoceros archegonia , Anthoceros sporophyte
, Anthoceros veg , Marchantia antheridial plant , Marchantia
archegonial plant , Marchantia gemma cup , Marchantia
sporophytes , Marchantia thallus , Polytrichium antheridia ,
Polytrichium archegonia , Polytrichium with capsule , Porella
antheridia , Porella archegonia , Porella sporophytes ,
Porella vegatative , Riccia antheridia , Riccia archegonia ,
Riccia flutans , Riccia sexual , Riccia Sporophyte , Riccia veg
, Sphagnum anthd arch , Sphagnum capsule , Sphagnum
veg , Targonia female , Targonia male , Targonia
sporophytes , Targonia vegetative , Equisetum cone ,
Equisetum Rhizome , Equisetum Roots , Equisetum stem ,
Fern prothallus , Isoetes megasporophyll , Isoetes
microsporophyll , Isoetes root , Lycopodium cone ,
Lycopodium root , Lycopodium stem , Ophioglossum leaf ,
Ophioglossum plant , Ophioglossum roots , Ophioglossum
spike , Psilotum stem , Psilotum synangia loose , Psilotum
synangia with stem , Psilotum veg plant , Araucarea female
cone , Araucarea Male cone , Araucarea stem leaf , Cycas
coralloid root , Cycas male female sporophyll , Cycas leaflet
, Cycas ordinary root , Cycas ovule , Cycas rachis , Ephedra
male female cone , Ephedra root , Ephedra stem , Ginkgo
male female cone , Ginkgo leaves , Ginkgo stem , Gnetum
m male female cone , Gnetum leaves , Gnetum ovule ,
Gnetum stem
Mizoram University - MZU Tender Result
Healthcare and Medicine
Aizawl, Mizoram
Contract Date25 Jul 2024 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 3 Lac
Refrigerated Centrifuge
Mizoram University - MZU Tender Result
Aizawl, Mizoram
Contract Date25 Jul 2024 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 2.5 Lac
CATEGORY: Electronics Balance , Micro tips , Autoclavable Bag , Water
Distillation Unit , Water Tanky for Distillation unit ,
Erlenmeyer Conical Flask Narrow Mouth with rim ,
Waterproof Digital thermometer , Utility Tray pp , Spatula ,
Ice Tray 1 L , Safety googles , Mini cooler 20 C 32 places ,
SPINWIN Tube Conical Bottom 15 mL
Mizoram University - MZU Tender Result
Food Products
Aizawl, Mizoram
Contract Date25 Jul 2024 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 5.9 Lac
CATEGORY: Cotton Blue , Lactose Monohydrate Milk Sugar , L Amino
Acids Kit , Magnesium Chloride Anhydrous , Magnesium
Sulphate Dried extrapure AR 99 , Magnessium Nitrate
Hexahydrate , Maltose Monohydrate , Manganese II Chloride
Tetrahydrate extrapure AR ACS , Manganese II Sulphate
Monohydrate , Meat Extract B Powder Type I , Methanol ,
Methyl viologen dichloride hydrate , Mueller Hinton agar ,
Mueller hinton broth , n Hexane EMPLURA , n hexane
extrapure AR 99 , Nitric Acid 70 , Nitric acid Ultra pure ,
Nitrilotriacetic Acid NTA extrapure AR ACS 99 , Nitro Blue
Tetrazolium Chloride Nitro BT NBT extrapure AR 99 ,
Nutrient Broth , Orthophosphoric Acid extrapure AR ACS 85
, Petroleum Ether 100 120 extrapure , Pikovskayas Agar ,
Pikovskayas Broth Medium , p nitrophenyl a D
Glucopyranoside maltose , p Nitrophenyl a D
Glucopyranoside extrapure 98 , Potassium Acetate ,
Potassium bicarbonate , Potassium Carbonate anhydrous ,
Potassium Chloride extrapure AR ACS 99 5 , Potassium
Dichromate , Potassium ferricyanide , Potassium Hydroxide
Pellets extrapure AR ACS , Potassium Iodide , Potassium
Sulphate , Potassium tartrate , Qxalic Acid Dihydrate , Rose
Bengal , Safranin , Sodium Acetate Anhydrous , Sodium
Bicarbonate , Sodium carbonate , Sodium carbonate
Anhydrous , Sodium Carbonate Anhydrous ACS 99 9 ,
Sodium Carbonate Anhydrous extrapure AR ACS , Sodium
Chloride , Sodium Dichromate dihydrate , Sodium
Dihydrogen Phosphate Monohydrate , Sodium Hydroxide
Pellets , Sodium Hypochloride solution , Sodium
Hypochlorite 4 wperv solution , Sodium Molybdate
Dihydrate extrapure AR ACS , Sodium nitrite , Sodium
nitroprusside dihydrate , Sodium Phosphate buffer , Sodium
Phosphate buffer pH 7 2 1M , Sodium sulphate anhydrous ,
betaNicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Disodium Salt
Reduced betaNADH Na2 DPNH Na2 extrapure 98 ,
betaNicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate
Tetrasodium Salt Reduced betaNADPH Na4 extrapure 98 ,
Stannous Chloride Dihydrate , Starch agar , Starch Agar ,
Streptozotocin , Sulfuric acid about 98 EMPLURA , Sulphuric
Acid Pure AR , Toluene extrapure AR ACS , Trichloroacetic
Acid extrapure AR ACS 99 5 , alpha amylase diastase from
malt , alpha amylase From malt , alpha glucosidase Maltase
Mizoram University - MZU Tender Result
Electrical and Electronics...+1Electronics Equipment
Aizawl, Mizoram
Contract Date23 Jul 2024 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 1.8 Lac
High-end Video Conferencing System
21-30 of 266 active Tender Results
Tender Results By Authorities
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Public Works Department Tender Results
Zilla Parishad Tender Results
Local Self Government Department Tender Results
Directorate Of Urban Local Bodies Tender Results
Public Health Engineering Department Tender Results
Military Engineer Services Tender Results
Municipal Corporation Tender Results
Rural Development Department Tender Results
Panchayati Raj Department Tender Results
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