Orissa Construction Corporation Limited Tender
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₹ 1,39,000Document Cost
₹ 11,800Tender Fee
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E-procurement Notice No.06/occl/2024-25(on-line)
Scription for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user
Tender Id
2024_OCCL_103699_1Bid Award Id
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Bid identification No. OCCL-HQP/26/2024-25Tender Authority
Orissa Construction Corporation Limited ViewPurchaser Address
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BOQ Items
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Providing , laying, spreading and compacting metal 90mm to 45mm of specific size (IRC Grade -I) including cost, carriage, ,Royalty and all other taxes to water bound macadom specification in uniform thickness and placing the voids in small stone and hand packing the the same to proper chamber including conveying , spreading of filter materials and filling the intersects by speading the same over the surface consolidation with PPR and brooming reqisite type of screening binding materials to fill up the interstics to course aggregates watering and compacting to the reqired density requisite types dust to fill up the interstics of course aggregates , watering & compacting to the required density and thickness 100mm as per clause No.404 of MOSTT & H specification for road and bridge works ( 4 th revision ) including , cost,conveyence , royality , taxes of all materials etc. complete as per the direction of Enginner -in -Charge .
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Collecting & supplying of approved quality of grade -ii metal & chips from approved quarry 7 staqcting at the work site in the regular stacks of 1.50x1.50x0.50M to be measured as one cum for pre measurement including cost, carriage , royality & all other taxes of all material etc. complete conveying from stacks laying , spreading & compacting stone aggregates og specific size to water bound macadom specification including spreading uniform thickness hand packing rolling with 3 wheelrd steel roller and 8-10 Tonnes in stage proper to grade & and chamber applying & bromming requisite type dust screening binding materials to fill up the interstics of course aggregates watering , watering compacting to the required density as per clause 404of MOSRT & H specification of road & bridge work ( 4TH Revision )
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Collecting & supplying of approved quality of moorum from approved quarry & stacking at the work site in the regular stacks of 1.50x1.50x0.50M to be measured as one cum for pre measurement including cost, carriage , royality & all other taxes of all material etc. complete conveying from stacks laying , spreading on road surface and considaration with P.P.R. including , hire& running , charges of ppr and taxes of all materials complete as per the direction of the Enginner in charge .
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Earth work in excavation of foundation hard soil or gravelly soil by manual meams levelling and dressing the bed and depositing the excavated earth away from clear of working area with all leads , lifts with cost of all labour , T&P labour welfare cess etc complete in all respects as per specification and direction of the Enginner in Charge .
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Filling in foundation and plinth with sand in layers not exceeding 22.50cm in thickness well watered and rammed including cost, conveyence, royality and other taxes of all leads, lift and delifts with cost of all labour T&P welfar cess etc. Complete in all respects and as per specification and the direction of Engineer in charge .
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Providing and laying plain cement concrete of (1:3:6) with 40mm and down size crusher broken hard black granite metal in foundation from approved quarry including hoisting,lowering and laying concrete in layers/position to the required level,ramming,shoring, centering and shuterring if necessary at the time of laying concrete,watering and curing including cost and conveyance of all materials, royalities and taxes all labour and lobour cess, T & P required for the work etc.complete including dewatering if required as per the direction of the Engineer-in-charge.
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R.C.C work of M-25,A20 grade having a minimum compressive strength in work test of 150 kg/Cm2 in 15 cm cubes at 28 days after mixing and test conducted in accordence with IS 456 IS516 using 20 mm down graded size black hard granite stone chips of approved quality from approved quarry including hoisting lowering and laying concrete and compting by using vibrates watering and curing ,finishing the exposed surface smooth,providing grooves and beads where necessary in all heights complete including cost , conveyance, royalityies, taxes of all materials, cost of all labour, labour cess and all T&P etc required for the work complete in all respect but excluding centering ,shuttering and reinforecment as per the direction of the Engineer-in-charge.
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Rigid and smooth centering and shuttering for cement concrete in foundation works including false work & dismantaling them after casting with all cost ,carriage ,royality , curing , labour welfare cess etc complete as per direction of Enginner in charge.
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Foundation ,plinth band and footing
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Foundation wall and fins
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Supplying ,Straightening,cutting,bending bent up or coiled rods,including cranking, hooking, welding or jointing the MS rods or tor confirming to IS431(Plain) and 1785(Tor) steel and binding,laying the grills,hoisting,lowering and placing in proper position required for RCC works including cost,conveyance and taxes of specified rods and binding wire of 18 20 gauge confirming to IS 280(galvanised minimum 1mm) and cost of all labour,labour cess with allT&P requird for the work etc complete as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge
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Filling foundation and plinth with excavated materials well watered and rammed etc. complete as per the direction of the Engineer in charge.
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The item rates indicated aove work inclusive of cost of all labour, materials,conveyence,taxes and royality(with EMF,DMF and additional charges) of materials,labour cess,here and running charges of all machineries and equipments and other incidental charges so as to complete the item in all respect as per specification and direction of Engineer-In-Charge.Accordingly the bidder has to quote the rates.The rate are exclusive of GST as applicable.
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