Hyderabad Road Development Corporation Limited Tender

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Hyderabad Road Development Corporation Limited - HRDCL Tender

Civil Works
Opening Date30 Jun 2020
Closing Date7 Jul 2020
Tender Amount₹ 20,28,64,149 
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.



Construction of Missing Links/slip Roads in Hyd City for Pckg B1 Sub Work: Construction of Vup Under Road Safety at Km 1+320


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Construction of granular sub-base with crushed stone as sub base material of Grading V as per Table 400-1, spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface, mixing by mix in place method with rotavator at OMC, and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per clause 401 of MORT&H 5th revision & as directed by Engineer-In-Charge.




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Providing, laying, spreading and compacting graded stone aggregate to wet mix macadam specification including premixing the Material with water at OMC in mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed Material by tipper to site, laying in uniform layers with paver finisher in sub- base / base course on well prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density,Ref. to Technical specification 406.




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Providing and applying primer coat with Slow Setting Bitumen Emulsion on prepared surface of granular Base including clearing of road surface and spraying primer at the rate of 0.70 to 1.0 kg/sqm using mechanical means,Ref. to Technical specification 502.




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Providing and applying tack coat with Rapid Setting Bitumen Emulsion using emulsion pressure distributor on the prepared bituminous/granular surface cleaned with mechanical broom,Ref. to Technical specification 503.




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Providing and laying of Dense Graded Bituminous Macadam with with 100-120 TPH Batch Mix plant using HBG crushed aggregates of Grading-2 as per table 500-10 of MoRT&H Specification 505 (5th revision) premixed with bituminous binder of VG 30 grade @ 4.50% of weight of total mixture, transported to site, laid over a previously prepared surface with Paver finisher hydrostatic with sensor control 100 TPH for full width to the required grade, level and alignment and rolled as per Clauses 501.6 and 501.7 to achieve the desired compaction for finished item of work as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge including hire and operational charges all T&P and all other contingent charges necessary including cost of (excluding seigniorage) charges of all materials etc., complete and as per MoRT&H specification No. 505 (5th Revision) (Excluding GST Charges)




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Providing 30mm thick compacted Bituminous Concrete with 100-120 TPH Batch Mix type hot mix plant using HBG crushed aggregates of Grading-2 as per table 500-17 of specification 507 of MoRT&H (5th revision), premixed with Bitumen binder CRMB 55 Grade Bitumen @ 5.4% of mix and filler, transporting the hot mix to work site, laying with Paver finisher for full width to the required grade, level and alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction as per MoRT&H Specification 507 (5th revision) complete for finished item of work in all respects as directed by Engineer-in-Charge (Payment will be made based on levels for finished item of work) (Excluding GST Charges).




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Earth work in excavation in ordinary soils for foundation of structures as per drawing and technical specification, including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling with approved material.Ref. to Technical specification 304, including all leads and lifts.




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Earth work in excavation in hard rock (Blasting prohibited) for foundation of structures as per drawing and technical specification, including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling with approved material.Ref. to Technical specification 304, including all leads and lifts.




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Providing and placing plain cement concrete in culvert with grade M15 with crushed stone aggregate of 20 mm nominal size,minimum cement content 220 kg/cum, max free water cement ratio 0.60, including production from concrete batching plant, vibrating, compacting including formwork, cost of all materials, labour, hire charges of machinery, transportation,loading &unloading, stacking charges, curing, dewatering including pumping etc. complete including all leads & lifts and as per drawings, technical specifications as per MoRT&H Specification 1500,1700, 2100 (5th Revision)and the direction of Engineer-In-Charge. for levelling course in Foundation




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Providing and placing plain cement concrete in culvert with grade M35 with crushed stone aggregate of 20 mm nominal size,minimum cement content 400 kg/cum, including production from concrete batching plant, vibrating, compacting including formwork, cost of all materials, labour, hire charges of machinery, transportation,loading &unloading, stacking charges, curing, dewatering including pumping etc. complete including all leads & lifts and as per drawings, technical specifications and as per MoRT&H Specification 1500,1700, 2100 (5th Revision) the direction of Engineer-In-Charge for Foundation




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Providing HYSD bars ( Fe-500 from Primary Producers like TATA, SAIL, VSP, Jindal as approved by Ministry of Steel) ) of different diameters, wrought and put up bars of all diameters including cost and conveyance of steel to site and all labour charges for fabrication of reinforcement including cutting, bending, binding rods, tying grills, placing them in position etc., complete including cost and conveyance of binding wire and all handling charges and operational charges etc., and including over lapping welding if required etc., complete for all R.C.C items for finished item of work as per standard drawings, as per the directions of the Engineer-in-Charge and as per MoRT&H specification 1600 &2200 (5th revision) and as per I.S.1786 of 1985 for foundation




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Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M 35 Grade Concrete using 20mm and 10mm size HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) including cost, (excluding seigniorage) and conveyance of all materials to site and all labour charges ,centering, machine mixing, laying in position, Compacting , Vibrating and curing including all other incidental excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges and all other operational charges of T&P required etc., complete as per MoRT&H Specification 1500,1700, 2100 (5th Revision) for Substructue




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Providing HYSD bars ( Fe-500 from Primary Producers like TATA, SAIL, VSP, Jindal as approved by Ministry of Steel) ) of different diameters, wrought and put up bars of all diameters including cost and conveyance of steel to site and all labour charges for fabrication of reinforcement including cutting, bending, binding rods, tying grills, placing them in position etc., complete including cost and conveyance of binding wire and all handling charges and operational charges etc., and including over lapping welding if required etc., complete for all R.C.C items for finished item of work as per standard drawings, as per the directions of the Engineer-in-Charge and as per MoRT&H specification 1600 &2200 (5th revision) and as per I.S.1786 of 1985 for Sub structure




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Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M 35 grade using 20mm & 10mm HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) including cost, (excluding seigniorage) conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges, centering, machine mixing, laying, vibrating, curing etc., including other incidental hire and operational charges of all T&P etc., complete as per approved drawings and as directed during execution but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item as per MoRT&H specification 1500,1600,1700 & 2300 (5th revision ) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge for Deck slab




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Providing HYSD bars ( Fe-500 from Primary Producers like TATA, SAIL, VSP, Jindal as approved by Ministry of Steel) ) of different diameters, wrought and put up bars of all diameters including cost and conveyance of steel to site and all labour charges for fabrication of reinforcement including cutting, bending, binding rods, tying grills, placing them in position etc., complete including cost and conveyance of binding wire and all handling charges and operational charges etc., and including over lapping welding if required etc., complete for all R.C.C items for finished item of work as per standard drawings, as per the directions of the Engineer-in-Charge and as per MoRT&H specification 1600 &2200 (5th revision) and as per I.S.1786 of 1985 for Super Strutcture




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Supplying, providing, fabricating, assembling and erecting Mild steel rolled section/built up sections/ tubular section/base plate Type-I of Grade E350 (Fe 490) confirming to IS : 2062 using chain pulley blocks dereck pole arrangements and cranes etc., including welding rods, power charges, conveyance charges etc. including painting using two coats of Poly Urethane paint over one coat of Epoxy primer with all leads and lifts complete as per drawings and specification of IRC 24, IRC SP 104, section 1900.




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Providing and placing plain cement concrete in culvert with grade M15 with crushed stone aggregate of 20 mm nominal size,minimum cement content 220 kg/cum, max free water cement ratio 0.60, including production from concrete batching plant, vibrating, compacting including formwork, cost of all materials, labour, hire charges of machinery, transportation,loading &unloading, stacking charges, curing, dewatering including pumping etc. complete including all leads & lifts and as per drawings, technical specifications as per MoRT&H Specification 2700 (5th Revision)and the direction of Engineer-In-Charge. for Levelling course below Approach slab




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Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M 30 Grade Concrete using 20mm and 10mm size HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) including cost, (excluding seigniorage) and conveyance of all materials to site and all labour charges ,centering, machine mixing, laying in position, Compacting , Vibrating and curing including all other incidental excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges and all other operational charges of T&P required etc., complete as per MoRT&H Specification 1500,1600,1700 & 2704 (5th Revision) for Approach Slab




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Providing and laying Cement concrete wearing coat M-30 grade including reinforcement complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications as per morth 5th revision & as directed by Engineer-In-Charge




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Providing & fixing Drainage Spouts with 100 mm dia. G.I. pipe as per MORT&H standard drawing no SD/103, Technical specifications and as directed by Engineer-In-Charge.




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Providing Reinforced cement concrete crash barrier at the edges of the road, approaches to bridge structures and medians, constructed with M40 grade concrete with minimum cement content 360 kg/cum with free water cement ratio 0.40,Thermo mechanically treated (TMT) HYSD reinforcement conforming to IRC:21 and dowel bars 25 mm dia, 450 mm long at expansion joints filled with pre-moulded asphalt filler board, keyed to the structure on which it is built and installed as per design given in the enclosure to MOST circular No. RW/NH - 33022/1/94-DO III dated 24 June 1994 as per dimensions in the approved drawing and at locations directed by the Engineer, all as specified as per morth 5th revision & as directed by Engineer-In-Charge




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Supplying, fitting and fixing in position true to line and level POT-PTFE bearing consisting of a metal piston supported by a disc or unreinforced elastomer confined within a metal cylinder, sealing rings, dust seals, PTFE surface sliding against stainless steel mating surface, complete assembly to be of cast steel/fabricated structural steel, metal and elastomer elements to be as per IRC: 83 part-I & II respectively and other parts conforming to BS: 5400, section 9.1 & 9.2 and clause 2006 of MoRTH Specifications complete as per drawing and approved Technical Specifications.




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Providing and laying of a strip seal expansion joint catering to maximum horizontal movement upto 70 mm, complete as per approved drawings and standard specifications to be installed by the manufacturer/supplier or their authorised representative ensuring compliance to the manufacturer's instructions for installation.




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Painting one coat of water based primer and two coats after filling the surface with synthetic enamel paint in all shades on new plastered concrete surfaces (Total 3 Coats)as per morth 5th revision & as directed by Engineer-In-Charge




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Painting on Steel Surfaces (Providing and applying two coats of ready mix paint of approved brand on steel surface after through cleaning of surface to give an even shade)etc complete and as per the directions of Engineer-In-Charge.




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Providing and fixing of retro- reflectorised cautionary, mandatory and informatory sign as per IRC :67-and vide clause 801 made of Type XI micro prismatic grade sheeting , 4.0 mm thick supported on a fixed over aluminium composite materials sheeting fixed on a back support frame of ISA 25mmx25mmx3mm and in turn fixed to a 88NB MS pipes firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundation with M15 grade cement concrete 450 mm x 450 mm x 600 mm, 600 mm below ground level as per approved drawing,Ref. to Technical specification 801. All nuts, bolts shall be conforming to IS-1367 and shall be welded properly to the frames/posts. MS pipes should conform to IS 1239. All posts shall be painted with one coat of primer paint and two coats of synthetic enamel paints.




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60 cm equilateral triangle




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60 cm circular




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60 cm x 60 cm rectangular




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Supplying of hot applied thermoplastic road marking compound, 2.5mm thick including reflectorising glass beads @ 250gms with Reflectorising Glass Beads on Bituminous Surface at 250 gms per sqm area, thickness of 2.5mm is exclusive of surface applied glass bead as per MORTH Section 803.4 and IRC: 35-2015, the material should satisfy the requirements as per MORTH specifications 803.4 and must comply with the following: a) White index for the product should be in the range of 60-70 when measured against standard reference. The applied panel 7/8 number must be submitted for checking up the white index in the department lab. In case the department approves the white index of any vendor, the department engineer may carryout random checking of the applied products at site against the approved panel. In case of any major deviation, beyond acceptance limit, department reserve the right to cancel or reject the total supplied consignment of the said material and will compell the vendor has to replace the full consignment by the desired material as per approved panel at his own cost and additional demurrages may be claimed due to loss of man days (as per the rules of the department). b) Luminance factor of the material should be in the range of 80-85% at 45 degree centigrade as per AASTHOM 249. c) Crack resistance: The applied panel cured for 7 days under ambient condition and then should be tested as per BS3262, Part-1, 1989 and should pass at the range of '0' degree centigrade to '-10' degree centigrade D) Adhesion : Strong E) Softening point: 102 degree centigrade F) Dried film finish : Smooth and uniform G) Night Vision: High as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and confirming to IS: 164-1961 (1st revision reaffirmed in 1986) and clause conforming to IRC 35-2015 and MORTH Section 803.4




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Construction of Reinforced soil wall including submission & approval of design and drawings, supply of 20 no of panel moulds, all fixtures and accessories, supply of material (geostrips, geotextile), supply of required quantity of M35 grade concrete (0.2 cum/sqm) and steel along with binding wire as per approved BBS by the consultants (7 kg/cum) for panel casting, supervision at the site during casting & erection and labour for casting, panel shifting and erection including hydra and incidental works complete as per Drawings, Technical Specifications and as directed by the Engineer




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Providing and placing plain cement concrete below RE wall with grade M15 with crushed stone aggregate of 20 mm nominal size,minimum cement content 220 kg/cum, max free water cement ratio 0.60, including production from concrete batching plant, vibrating, compacting including formwork, cost of all materials, labour, hire charges of machinery, transportation,loading &unloading, stacking charges, curing, dewatering including pumping etc. complete including all leads & lifts and as per drawings, technical specifications and the direction of Engineer-In-Charge Below RE Wall




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Filling, grading, watering and compaction with selected material meeting approved design parameters in layers in reinforced zone (i.e. width covering the Geo Grids) etc. complete as per drawing and specifications as per clause no-3104 of Technical specifications. The soil in between the reinforced zones shall be as per clasuse 305 of Morth (5th revision) and shall be paid under BoQ Item no. 3




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Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M 30 Grade Concrete using 20mm and 10mm size HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) including cost, (excluding seigniorage) and conveyance of all materials to site and all labour charges ,centering, machine mixing, laying in position, Compacting , Vibrating and curing including all other incidental excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges and all other operational charges of T&P required etc., complete as per MoRT&H Specification 1500,1600,1700 & 2704 (5th Revision) for friction slab crash barrier.




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Providing HYSD bars ( Fe-500 from Primary Producers like TATA, SAIL, VSP, Jindal as approved by Ministry of Steel) ) of different diameters, wrought and put up bars of all diameters including cost and conveyance of steel to site and all labour charges for fabrication of reinforcement including cutting, bending, binding rods, tying grills, placing them in position etc., complete including cost and conveyance of binding wire and all handling charges and operational charges etc., and including over lapping welding if required etc., complete for all R.C.C items for finished item of work as per standard drawings, as per the directions of the Engineer-in-Charge and as per MoRT&H specification 1600 &2200 (5th revision) and as per I.S.1786 of 1985 for Sub structure




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Providing and laying of filter media using 50% of 150 mm IRC soling stone and 50 % of 40 mm HBG metal satisfying the requirements laid down in clause 2504.2.2 of MoRT&H specifications to a thickness of not less than 600mm with smaller size towards the soil and bigger size towards the wall and provided over the entire surface behind the abutment, wing wall and return wall to the full height compacted to a firm condition including cost and conveyance of all metal (excluding seigniorage) charges ,and all labour charges as directed by the departmental officers as per drawing and Technical specifications as per clause 710.1.1 of IRC:78 and Clause 2200 of MoRT&H (5th Revision) for finished item of work.




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