Ministry Of Road Transport And Highways Tender
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₹ 18,65,000Document Cost
₹ 18,000Tender Fee
₹ 18,000
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2020_MoRTH_551893_1Bid Award Id
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2019_MoRTH_490294_2Tender Authority
Ministry Of Road Transport And Highways ViewPurchaser Address
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BOQ Items
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Providing and laying 30mm thick compacted bitumen concrete (B.C.) with B.T. stone aggregates as per MORT & H gradation and specification & bitumen Grade VG-30 for mixing at the rate 55.00 Kg/M.T. by weight of total mix i.e. (5.50% of total weight of mix) using saline modified bitumen at the rate of 0.1% Wt. by weight of asphalt binder, including heating the asphalt batch mix plant and spreading the same by paver finisher including rolling & consolidation with vibratory roller & flushing sand/stone dust @ 0.30Cum/100Sqm including providing all materials equipments tools & plants fire wood, oil kerosene, labour charges etc. complete using contractor's own machinery batch mix plant & paver finisher etc. complete.
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Supplying and stacking Natural GSB Material on road site with an all lead spreading the same on road side berms including filling insectisides to require camber and gradation rolling and watering of same in side berms in layer with power roller including filling in depression which occur during the process etc. complete.
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Providing and fixing Hectometer as per I.R.C. type design including painting, lettering etc. complete. Fixing in C.C 1:5:10
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Providing and fixing Indicator stone of approved stone as per I.R.C. type design including white washing etc. complete Fixing in earth
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Providing and fixing Guard stone as per I.R.C. type design including white washing etc. complete Fixing in Earth
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Providing and fixing ordinary Kilometer stone of precast C.C. 1:2:4 including necessary reinforcement as per I.R.C. type design in C.C. 1:4:8 including letter and paints etc. complete (For N.H. S.H. and M.D.R.)
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Providing and fixing 5th Kilometer stone of precast C.C. 1:2:4 including necessary reinforcement as per I.R.C. type design in C.C. 1:4:8 including painting lettering etc. complete.
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Cautionary Warning Sign :-Providing and fixing sing boards made out of 2mm aluminium sheet; size 90 x 90 x 90 cms. equilateral triangle as per design of IRC-67-1977. Pre treated with phospheting process & acid etching; coated with one coat of epoxy primer and two coats of best quality epoxy paint ;reflectorised with retro refiectivesheeting as per latest M.O.S.T.Specifications; 3.1m long stand postand frame fabricated from suitable sizeiron angle of 35 x 35 x 3mm, 75 x 75 x 6mm as required; painted with bestquality epoxy coatings in black andwhite bends. The details of symbol foreach board shall be as per theinstruction of engineer in charge. The fixing at site shall be in 1:2:4 CC blockof size 45 x 45 x 60 Cms. for each leg.including excavation, curing etc.complete under the supervision of engineer in charge.(B) High Intensity Grade.
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Village name/ Bump Ahed sign :-Providing and fixing sing boards made out of 2mm aluminium sheet; size 90 x 60cms. rectangle as as per the design of IRC-67-1977 pre treated with phospheting process & acid etching; coated with one coat of epoxy primer and two coats of best quality epoxy paint; reflectorised with retro refiective sheeting as per latest M.O.S.T. Specifications; Letters and numerals should be as per IRC-30-1968, 3.1m long (2 nos) stand post and frame fabricated from suitable size iron angle of 50 x 50 x 5mm painted with best quality epoxy coatings in black and white bends. the details of symbol or inscription / numerals for each board shall be as per the instruction of engineer in charge. The fixing at site shall be in 1:2:4 CC block of size 45 x 45 x 60cms. for each leg. including excavation curing etc. complete under the supervision of engineer in charge.(B)High Intensity Grade
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Regulatory/Mandatory signs :Providing and fixing sing boards made out of 2mm aluminium sheet; size 60cms. diameter circle as per the design of IRC-67-1977 pre treated with phospheting process & acid eteching; coated with one coat of epoxy primer and two coats of best quality epoxy paint; reflectorised with retro refiective sheeting as per latest M.O.S.T. Specifications; 3.1m long stand post and frame fabricated from suitable size iron angle of 35 x 35 x 3mm 75x75x6mm as required; painted with best quality epoxy coatings in black and white bends. the details of symbol for each board shall be as per the instruction of engineer in charge. The fixing at site shall be in 1:2:4 CC block of size 45 x 45 x 60cms. for each leg. including excavation curing etc. complete under the supervision of engineer in charge.(B)High Intensity Grade
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Providing and laying of Hot applied Thermoplastic compound 2.5 mm thick including Reflectorising Glass Beads @ 250 gms per sqm area, thickness of 2.5 mm is exclusive of surface applied glass beads as per IRC : 35 & finished surface to be level, uniform and free from streaks and holes.
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Supplying and fixing cat eye (Stimsonite) made out from Acrilo beautile sterine injuction high compressed molding with reflector made of MMC (prismatic type of size 12cm x 6cm x 2.5cm) provided with bituminous adhesive 100g. with each unit for fixing. (High Intensity grade)
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Direction sign (Junction board):-Providing and fixing sing boards made out of 2mm aluminium sheet; size 244 x 122cms. rectangle as as per the design of IRC-67-1977 pre treated with phospheting process & acid etching; coated with one coat of epoxy primer and two coats of best quality epoxy paint; reflectorised with retro refiective sheeting as per latest M.O.S.T. Specifications; Letters and numerals should be as per IRC-30-1968, 3.1m long (2 nos) stand post and frame fabricated from suitable size iron angle of 50 x 50 x 5mm 75x75x6mm as required; painted with best quality epoxy coatings in black and white bends. the details of symbol or inscription / numerals for each board shall be as per the instruction of engineer in charge. The fixing at site shall be in 1:2:4 CC block of size 45 x 45 x 60cms. for each leg. including excavation curing etc. complete under the supervision of engineer in charge.(B)High Intensity Grade
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Type - A, "W" : Metal Beam Crash Barrier (Providing and erecting a "W" metal beam crash barrier comprising of 3 mm thick corrugated sheet metal beam rail, 70 cm above road/ground level, fixed on ISMC series channel vertical post, 150 x 75 x 5 mm spaced 2 m centre to centre, 1.8 m high, 1.1 m below ground/road level, all steel parts and fitments to be galvanised by hot dip process, all fittings to conform to IS:1367 and IS:1364, metal beam rail to be fixed on the vertical post with a spacer of channel section 150 x 75 x 5 mm, 330 mm long complete as per clause 810)
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Retro Reflectorised Traffic Signs (Providing and fixing of retro reflectorised cautionary, mandatory and informatory sign as per IRC-67 made of Encapsulated lens type reflective sheeting vide clause 801.3 fixed over aluminium sheeting, 1.5mm thick supported on a mild steel angle iron post 75 x 75 x 6m,m firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundation with M-15 grade cement concrete 45cm x 45cm x 60cm , 60cm elow ground level as per approved drawing ) Hi-Intensity Grade (V) 60cms x 45cm rectangular.
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Gantry board : Providing & fixing overhead high intensity grade retro refletive informatory/ Destination Boards 6(six) Nos. made out of 2mmaluminum sheet, size 180x120cms rectagle as per the design of IRC-67-2012. Pre-treated with phospheting process and acid-etching coated with one coat of epoxy primer and two coats of best quality epoxy paint, reflectorised with retro refletive sheeting as per latest MOST specification. Letters and numerals should be as per IRC-30-1968. The detsils of symbol of inscription/ Numerals for each board shall be as per the instruction of engineer in charge. The board shall be mounted on high level over head type portal frame (Gantry) made out of M.S. section of suitable side as per detailed drawing / design including cost of erection and painting.
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Kerb guard sign board (small) :- Providing & Fixing sign boards made out of 2mm aluminium sheet, size 240x30 cms in U spape; as per the attached drawing pretreated with phospheting process & acidetching. coated with one coat of epoxy priemr and two coats of best quality epoxy paint reflectorised with retro sheeting as per latest M.O.S.T. Specifications; stand post and frame fabricated from iron angle of 50x50x5mm, 10mm as required, painted with best quality epoxy coating the fixing at site shall be in 1:2:4 CC block of size 45x45x60 cms for eachleg, including excavation curing etc. complete under the supervision of engineer in charge.(B) High Intensity Grade .
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Tree guard sign :- Providing & fixing sign board made out of 2mm aluminium sheet, size 30 cms diameter circle, pretreated with phospheting process and acid etching, painted with one coat of epoxy primer and two coats of best quality epoxy paint reflectorised with retro reflective sheeting as per latest M.O.S.T. specifications (As per attached drawing)(B)High Intensity Grade .
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Scarifying gravelled macadam or bitumen macadam surface 6c m to10cm.depth including stacking useful materials on road side and disposing off remaining stuff.
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Box cutting the road surface to proper slope and camber for making a base for road work including removing the excavated stuff and depositing on the road side slope as directed upto all lead.
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Dry Lean Cement concrete Sub Base M-10 (Construction of Dry lean cement concrete Sub base over a prepared sub grade with coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS-383 the size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25mm aggregate cement ratio not to exceed 15:1, aggregate gradation after blending to be as per Table 600-1 cement content not to be less than 150 Kg/Cum optimum moisture content to be determined during trial length construction concrete strength not to be less than 10 MPA at 7 days, mixed in a batching plant, transported to site, laid with a paver with electronic sensor, compacting with 8-10 tonnes vibratory roller, finishing and curing
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Cement concrete Pavement M-300 (Construction of un-reinforced, dowel jointed plain cement concrete pavement over a prepared sub base with 43 grade cement @ 400 Kg per cum coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS 383, maximum size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25mm, mixed in a batching and mixing plant as per approved mix design, transported to site, laid with a fixed from or slip from paver, spread, compacted and finished in a continuous operation including provision of contraction, expansion construction and longitudinal joints, joint filler, separation membrance, sealant primer joint, seaalant debonding strip, dowel bar, tie rod admixtures as approved curing compound finishing tolines and grades as per drawing
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Gunitting the existing masonry / RCC Structure of bridge by providing & fixing 50mm x 50mm, 3mm thick GI weld mesh fixing with 6mm and 40mm thick cement mortar 1:3 (1-Cement:3-sand) the wall finish including scraping out old plaster/RCC drilling to hole to masonry/RCC upto 200 to 250mm deep providing in grouting 6mm thick bar with shrink grouting etc. complete for all height.
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Providing and fixing pre-cast concrete kerb stone of gray cement based concrete block 30 cm length, 30 cm height and 15 cm thick of M250 grade concrete as per approved design and including excavation for fixing in proper line and level, filling the joint with C:M1:3 (1cement:3fine sand) etc complete.
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Providing and fixing pre-cast Rubber Dye interlocking concrete block 60mm thick with grade of concrete M250 pnumatic compressed by mechanically pressed and as per approved design including 75mm Sand layer for levelling and filling the joint with sand in proper line and level etc complete.
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