Tenders of Zootechnical Institute State Research Institute 31 047 Krakow, Sarego 2 Experiential Factory Pawlowice

Tenders of Zootechnical Institute State Research Institute 31 047 Krakow, Sarego 2 Experiential Factory Pawlowice

Zootechnical Institute State Research Institute 31 047 Krakow, Sarego 2 Experiential Factory Pawlowice Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 
Aminokwas L-treonininau Postępowanie Dostawy 111/2022 Aminokwas L-treonininininina

Zootechnical Institute State Research Institute 31 047 Krakow, Sarego 2 Experiential Factory Pawlowice Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 
The reporting of the Dostawa 79/2022 The Environment Protection of the Roślin Goltix Titan 565sc Lub Elow

Zootechnical Institute State Research Institute 31 047 Krakow, Sarego 2 Experiential Factory Pawlowice Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 
53/2022 Wruta Sojowa Poekstrakcyjny Hi-pro Owartość Białka Minimum 46% 6%

Zootechnical Institute State Research Institute 31 047 Krakow, Sarego 2 Experiential Factory Pawlowice Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 
"Operation of the Dostawa 81/2022 Environment Protection of the Roślin Venzar 500sc Lubin Equal Equal Protection Act"

Zootechnical Institute State Research Institute 31 047 Krakow, Sarego 2 Experiential Factory Pawlowice Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 
"Operation of Dostawa 55/2022 Fosforan One-only Paszowy"

Zootechnical Institute State Research Institute 31 047 Krakow, Sarego 2 Experiential Factory Pawlowice Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 
"Operation of Dostawa 86/2022 Environmental Protection of Roślin Nikosar 6 Od Lub Equal Equal Equalification 6"

Zootechnical Institute State Research Institute 31 047 Krakow, Sarego 2 Experiential Factory Pawlowice Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 
"Operation of the Dostawa 82/2022 Environmental Protection Protection of Roślin Safari 50vg Lubinjuny"

Zootechnical Institute State Research Institute 31 047 Krakow, Sarego 2 Experiential Factory Pawlowice Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 
"Operation of Dostawa 78/2022 The Environment Protection of the Roślin Powertwin 400sc Lubin Equal Office of the Protection of the Roślin Powertwin 400sc Lubin Powertwin 400sc Lub Equal Equalification"
21-30 of 33 active Tenders