Tenders of Uttar Pradesh Skill Development Mission
Tenders of Uttar Pradesh Skill Development Mission
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Tenders of Uttar Pradesh Skill Development Mission
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Tenders of Uttar Pradesh Skill Development Mission
Uttar Pradesh Skill Development Mission - UPSDM Tender
CATEGORY: Measuring Steel Tape , Combination Plier Insulated ,
Screwdriver Insulated , Electrician screwdriver thin stem
insulated handle , Heavy Duty Screwdriver insulated ,
Electrician Screwdriver thin stem insulated handle , Punch
Centre , Knife Double Bladed Electrician , Neon Tester ,
Steel Rule Graduated both in Metric and English Unit ,
Hammer, cross peen with handle , Hammer, ball peen With
handle , Spanner Adjustable drop forged, SS , Allen Key
alloy steel , Bradawl , Bearing Puller inside and outside ,
Scissors blade, SS , Crimping tool 1.5sq m to 16sqmm ,
Wire Cutter and Stripper , Mallet hard wood , Hammer
Extractor type , Pliers long nose insulated , Pliers flat nose
insulated , Pliers round nose insulated , Tweezers , D.E.
metric Spanner Double Ended , Gauge, wire imperial
stainlees steel marked in SWG and mm , File flat , File half
round , File flat rough , File flat bastard , File flat smooth ,
File Rasp, half round , Copper bit soldering iron. , De
soldering Gun , Hand Vice , Oil Can , Contactor and auxiliary
contacts , Contactor and auxiliary contacts. , Limit Switch ,
Rotary Switch , Hydrometer , Portable Electric Drill Machine
, Load Bank Lamp or heater Type , Thermometer Digital ,
knife switch dpdt fitted with fuse terminals , fnife switch
TPDT fitted with fuse terminals , Miniature Breaker ,
Electrician Helmet , Safety Belt , Ohm Meter Series Type
and Shunt Type, portable box type , A.C. Voltmeter M.I.
analog, portable box type housed in Bakelite case , AC
Ammeter MI, analog, portable box type housed in Bakelite
case , Kilo Wattmeter Analog , Digital Wattmeter , Power
Factor Meter Digital , Magnetic Flux Meter , Lux meter ,
Tachometer , Tong Tester or Clamp Meter , 3- point D.C.
Starter , 4- point D.C. Starter , Wheat Stone Bridge with
galvanometer and battery , Single phase variable auto
transfarmer , Phase Sequence Indicator , Resistance type
starter , Soldering Iron , tempereture controlled soldering
iron , Electric Induction plate , Electric Kettle , Electric Iron ,
Immersion Heater , A.C. Ceiling Fan and AC Table Fan ,
Motor Pump set , A.C. Series type Motor , Stepper Motor
with Digital Controller , white board 4x6 fit , fire bucket
standard size , dual desk , steel almirah
Closing Date13 Mar 2023
Tender AmountINR 1.5 Million (USD 17.9 K)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Uttar Pradesh Skill Development Mission - UPSDM Tender
Machinery and Tools
CATEGORY: Connecting screw driver , Neon tester , Screw driver set ,
Insulated combination Pliers , Insulated side Pliers , Long
Nose Pliers , Soldering Iron , Electrician Knife , Tweezers ,
Soldering Iron changeable bits , De-soldering pump ,
Crimping tools pliers , Magneto spanner set , Screw driver ,
Steel Rule , Scriber straight , Soldering iron , Allen key set ,
Magnifying lenses , Continuity tester , Scissors , Handsaw ,
DESKTOP COMPUTER , Tablet , Printer Laser jet , LAN Card,
Wi-Fi card , DLP PROJECTOR WITH SCREEN , Power Meter ,
Computer tools kits , Computer Spares , Motherboards
different make , Processors Different make , Hand disk
Different type , Optical Drives , LED moniter , Digital multi
meter , Compurt table , Computer chair , Printer table ,
Router , Managed Layer 3 ethernet switch , Switch with POE
ports , POE Adapters , Network camera
Closing Date11 Mar 2023
Tender AmountINR 799.8 K (USD 9.5 K)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Uttar Pradesh Skill Development Mission - UPSDM Tender
Electronics Equipment...+1Electrical and Electronics
multi meter , Screwdriver set , Mini Dongle for bluetooth
devices Connection , Head phone And Mic set , Sound
system , External Hard disk , Chair and table for the
instructor , Computer Table , Operators chair , Steel almira ,
Soldering Iron , De soldering pump Electrical heated, Manual
operator , Tweezers , Steel Measuring tape , Tools maker
vice , Round Nose Pliers , Tubular box spanner , Bench Vice
125mm , Bench Vice 100mm , Bench Vice 50 mm ,
Autotransformer , DOL starter , AC Motor Trainer Kit 1-4 HP
moter single Phase Contactors Relays MCB DOL Starter ,
PAM, PPM, PWM Trainer kit , Microcontroller kits 8051 anolg
with programming software , Various anlog and digital Ics
useful for doing project works mentioned in the digital and
anlog IC applications modules , Seven Segment DPM trainer
, SMPS of Different make , UPS trainer , Vacuum Cleaner ,
Microwave Oven , Mixer cum grinder , Electric rice cooker ,
Induction cooktop , Centre conductor clener , Home theatre
Closing Date13 Mar 2023
Tender AmountINR 1.6 Million (USD 19.1 K)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Uttar Pradesh Skill Development Mission - UPSDM Tender
Electrical and Electronics
CATEGORY: All Pin , Antivirius , Ball Pen , Bambo Broom , Bathing Soap ,
Big Bowl , Black Head Remover , Blank CD , Blank PCB ,
Bleach Creame , Bread Board , Button Holder , Capacitor 2.5
Mfd , Capacitor 3.15 Mfd , Carboon Paper , Cassing Capping
20mm , Cat 6 LAN Cable , Ceiling Fan 1200mm , Cello Tape
1 inch , Chart Paper A3 Size , Cluttcher Small, Mediume,
Large , CMOS Battery , CO2 Hose Pipe , Coconut Broom ,
Coconut Oil , Colin , Correction Fluid Pen , CPU Fan , CPVC
Ball Valve , CPVC Pipe 20mm , CPVC Pipe Heavy Duty 38mm
, CPVC Plain Coupling 38mm , CPVC Plain Elbow 38mm ,
CPVC Plain FTA 38mm , CPVC Plain FTA Reducer 38mm ,
CPVC Plain MTA 38mm , CPVC Plain Socket 38mm , CPVC
Plain Tee 38mm , CPVC Solvent 50 ml , Detergent Powder ,
Detergent Soap , Diode IN 4007 , Drawing Sheet 56x71
inchs , Drinking Glass Set of 6 pcs , Duplicate Book , Dustbin
Small , Duster Cloth 18x18 inch , Electrical wiring
connection for desktop installation , Emery Paper 80 No ,
Envelope A3 Size , Envelope Medium Size , Envelope Small
Size , Eraser , Evelvope A-4 Size , Eye Liner Lakme ,
Eyebrow Thread , Face Powder , Face Scrub , Facial Cotton
Ball , Facial Kit , Fevi-Stick , File Cover Hard , Flexible
Copper Wire 14-76 , Four Fold File , Fuse Kit Kat 15 Amp ,
Gang Box Modular 6 Model , Glue 700ml , Gulab Jal 200ml ,
Hair Colour , Hair Conditioners , Hair Shampoo , Hand Wash
200 ml , Harpic Blue , Harpic Red , HDMI Cable 1.5 Mtr ,
Heater Connector , Heater Plate 158 mm , Highligter pen ,
Himalaya Face Wash , Indicator , Kaveri Mehndi Cone ,
Keyboard Logitech Mk200 , LED Red,Green,Blue , LED Bulb
18 Watt , LED Bulb 9Watt , LED Tube Light , Lipstick Diif,
Colours , Make-Up Kit , Markin Cloth , Mini Wireless Wifi
Adapter , Mouse Dell Wired , MS Electrode 3.15mm , MS
Electrode 4mm , MS Flat 100x10mm , MS Flat 50x10mm ,
Multistand Copper Wire 1 mm , Multistand Copper Wire 1.5
mm , Multistand Copper Wire 2.5 mm , Multistand Copper
Wire 4mm , Nail Cutter , Nail File , Nail Remover Lakme , Oil
Poster Colour 12color per box , Old Dhoti , Paint Brown
,Orange,Navy Blue,Black,White , Paint Brush 0 to 12mm Set
, Paint Brush 100mm , Paint Brush 50mm , Painting Roller
Cotton Cloth Type , Paper Punch Double Hole , Paper Punch
Single Hole , Paper Tape 1 inch , Paper Tape 2 inch , Paper
Weight , Pen Drive 32 GB , Pencil 10pcs per box , Pencil Cell
, Pendrive 64 GB , Permanent Marker , Phenyl 5ltr pack ,
Photocopy Paper A4 Paper , Pilot Pen Black,Red,Blue ,
Plastic Jug , Plastic Scale 300mm , Plug Top 6 amp 3 pin ,
Ponds Cold Creame , Ponds Powder 200 Ml , Power Cord
Cable , Printer Toner 88A , Progress Card Technical , PTMT
Bib Cock 3-4 , PVC Tape , Ram 4 GB DDR3 , Ressistors
Different Type , RJ-45 Connector , Room Freshener Spray ,
Rubber Band 250 Grm , S E Wire 36 SWG , Sand paper 100
nos , Sand Paper 150 no Size Waterproof Type , Sharpener ,
Socket 6 Amp , Socket Modular 16 Amp , Soft Broom ,
Solder Flux , Solder Wire , Stamp Pad Small Size , Stapler
Big Size , Stapler Pin 10 No , Stapler pin 24-6 , Stapler Small
10no , Switch 6 Amp , Switch Modular 16 Amp , Teflon Tape
, Towel Big Size , Towel Hand , Transformer 12-0-12 ,
Transformer 6-0-6v , Transformer 9-0-9V , Transistors NPN
BC 546,BC 142, BC 556, BC639 , Varnish , VGA Cable 1.5
Mtr , Wall Mounting Stand for Projector , Wax Strip , White
Board Duster , White Board Marker Red,Blue,Black,Green ,
White Board Marker ink Red, Blue,Black,Green
Closing Date5 Dec 2023
Tender AmountINR 1.3 Million (USD 16.4 K)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.