Tender Results of London Borough Of Redbridge

Tender Results of London Borough Of Redbridge

London Borough Of Redbridge Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
ARMI DPS-Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the provision of Adaptations, Repair, Maintenance and Improvement (ARMI) for Contracting Authorities and grant applicants.
Contract Date1 Aug 2023
Contract AmountGBP 48.4 K (USD 59 K)

London Borough Of Redbridge Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Pension Fund Investment Advisory Contract-Pension Fund Investment Advisory Contract
Contract Date1 Jul 2023
Contract AmountGBP 95 K (USD 115.7 K)

London Borough Of Redbridge Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORT SERVICE FOR ASIAN WOMEN AND WIDER COMMUNITY IN THE LONDON BOROUGH OF REDBRIDGE-A support service for Asian women and the wider community for mental health.
Contract Date1 Jun 2023
Contract AmountGBP 34.3 K (USD 41.8 K)

London Borough Of Redbridge Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
Construction of the development at Loxford Lane site, Ilford-Competitive procedure with Negotiation (CPN) was used to procure the works. A single stage Design & Build using the Find a Tender Service under the CPN was the recommended route as this provided a much wider market coverage The procedure offered flexibility and the option to negotiate with bidders. Early market engagement with contractors was carried out to sound the market on this procedure during the procurement strategy stage.
Contract Date19 May 2023
Contract AmountNA 

London Borough Of Redbridge Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
Construction of the development at Loxford Lane site, Ilford-The development consists of 159 homes, spread over 4 buildings with flats and 17 individual terraced homes. The contractor will be building the full scheme including site infrastructure works and landscaping. The form of contract is a JCT (2016) Design & Build with LBR amendments. The contract will be managed by the Councils consultants within the appointed professional multi-disciplinary team for this scheme and they will also provide the clerk of works function.
Contract Date18 May 2023
Contract AmountNA 

London Borough Of Redbridge Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
LBR Mobile requirement 2023-Supply of BAU mobile phones including cases, screen protectors and Knox licenses.
Contract Date28 Apr 2023
Contract AmountGBP 53.5 K (USD 64.8 K)

London Borough Of Redbridge Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
IG Third Party Risk software-Contract for support for our IG system.
Contract Date26 Apr 2023
Contract AmountGBP 40 K (USD 48.5 K)

London Borough Of Redbridge Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
London Borough of Redbridge -- Little Gearies New Build-Design and construction of 103 residential units consisting of 24No. 1 bedroom, 42No. 2 bedroom and 17No. 3 bedroom flats, 6No. 4 bedroom maisonettes and 14No. 4 bedroom dwelling houses with associated landscaping, waste/refuse services, cycle and car parking
Contract Date25 Apr 2023
Contract AmountGBP 34.6 Million (USD 42.2 Million)

London Borough Of Redbridge Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
LBR VMware licenses support renewal-3 year contract awarded
Contract Date24 Apr 2023
Contract AmountGBP 88 K (USD 106.7 K)

London Borough Of Redbridge Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
London Borough of Redbridge -- Little Gearies New Build-Design and construction of 103 residential units consisting of 24No. 1 bedroom, 42No. 2 bedroom and 17No. 3 bedroom flats, 6No. 4 bedroom maisonettes and 14No. 4 bedroom dwelling houses with associated landscaping, waste/refuse services, cycle and car parking
Contract Date24 Apr 2023
Contract AmountGBP 34.6 Million (USD 42.2 Million)
11-20 of 147 active Tender Results