Tender Results of Gesti N Y Planeamiento Territorial Y Medioambiental, S A

Tender Results of Gesti N Y Planeamiento Territorial Y Medioambiental, S A


Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date23 Dec 2021
Contract AmountEUR 6.4 K (USD 6.8 K)
El objeto del procedimiento es la contratación del “Suministro en ocho lotes de materiales para la ejecución de la obra de Apertura de Pista Agrícola Camino Batán Arriba, T.M. de San Cristóbal de La Laguna”.

Gesti n Y Planeamiento Territorial Y Medioambiental, S A Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date31 Mar 2020
Contract AmountEUR 198.1 K (USD 210.8 K)
Contract in two batches of the technological update of the GIS tool for infrastructure and equipment management (Vente 2.0)

Gesti n Y Planeamiento Territorial Y Medioambiental, S A Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date27 Mar 2020
Contract AmountEUR 520 K (USD 553.4 K)
Provision of fuels for vehicles and machinery for Territorial and Environmental Management and Planning, S. A. through electronic credit cards

Gesti n Y Planeamiento Territorial Y Medioambiental, S A Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Contract Date6 Dec 2019
Contract AmountNA 
Provision of fuels for vehicles and machinery for Territorial and Environmental Management and Planning, S.A., through electronic credit cards

Gesti n Y Planeamiento Territorial Y Medioambiental, S A Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Contract Date13 Sep 2019
Contract AmountNA 
Recruitment in 5 batches of the supply of vehicles on a purchase basis to renew the fleet of the public company Territorial and Environmental Management and Planning, S.A. (Gesplan)

Gesti n Y Planeamiento Territorial Y Medioambiental, S A Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date29 Aug 2019
Contract AmountEUR 10.6 K (USD 11.3 K)
Recruitment in 6 batches of the supply of materials for the realization of work in the framework of the project of modernization and improvement of the southeast area of the island of La Palma

Gesti n Y Planeamiento Territorial Y Medioambiental, S A Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date21 Jun 2019
Contract AmountEUR 3.4 Million (USD 3.7 Million)
Recruitment in 2 batches of the supply of vehicles without driver for use of Gesplan, for monthly periods and according to the works to execute, with monthly charges

Gesti n Y Planeamiento Territorial Y Medioambiental, S A Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date23 Jun 2018
Contract AmountEUR 157 K (USD 167.1 K)
"Contration in 9 batches of ""Supplies of materials necessary for the executions of works of closure, sealing and restoration of illegal landfills with procedure of re-establishment incoated or solved by the Canarian agency of protection of the natural environment in the year 2017-2018, co-financed by the operating program FEDER Canarias 2014-2020 at 85 %"""

Gesti n Y Planeamiento Territorial Y Medioambiental, S A Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date10 Mar 2018
Contract AmountEUR 36.7 K (USD 39.1 K)
Supply of materials necessary for the realization with means of the work of closure, sealing and restoration of the high loin (T.M. de Fuencaliente) island of the palm. Co-financed with FEDER funds by 85%.

Gesti n Y Planeamiento Territorial Y Medioambiental, S A Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date6 Feb 2018
Contract AmountEUR 7.8 K (USD 8.3 K)
Supply of machinery and materials necessary for the execution with means of the work "class and restoration of the landfill of the Faro de Orchilla, La Dehesa, T.M. de Frontera (El Hierro). co-financed with Feder funds by 85%.
21-30 of 34 active Tender Results