Tender Results of European Commission, Directorate General For Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship And Smes Grow , Grow H 1 Construction
Tender Results of European Commission, Directorate General For Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship And Smes Grow , Grow H 1 Construction
European Commission, Directorate General For Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship And SMEs GROW , GROW H 1 Construction Tender Result
Contract Date25 Sep 2023
Contract AmountEUR 240.2 K (USD 253.2 K)
Study on the technical, administrative and financial feasibility of different options to create an EU-wide system to report on construction products (covered by the Construction Products Regulation).
European Commission, Directorate General For Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship And SMEs GROW , GROW H 1 Construction Tender Result
Contract Date9 Feb 2023
Contract AmountEUR 1 Million (USD 1 Million)
The subject of the present call for tenders is to provide technical assistance for the implementation of Construction Products Regulation (CPR) – Regulation (EU) No 305/2011. It comprises several support services including providing technical assistance for progressing standardisation requests and supporting work for compiling the technical input required for delegated acts.
European Commission, Directorate General For Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship And SMEs GROW , GROW H 1 Construction Tender Result
Contract Date21 Dec 2022
Contract AmountEUR 243.3 K (USD 256.4 K)
The objective of this study is to support the Commission in collecting data and information on construction and demolition waste. This data shall be sufficiently robust and relevant to be able to serve as a basis to develop future end-of-waste criteria. Using the data collected, the study will also analyse any beneficial and adverse impacts associated with secondary materials deriving from the construction and demolition waste streams studied, and propose a ranked list of recommended waste streams for future development of EU-wide end-of-waste criteria.
European Commission, Directorate General For Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship And SMEs GROW , GROW H 1 Construction Tender Result
Contract Date28 May 2021
Contract AmountEUR 713.5 K (USD 752 K)
The subject of the present call for tenders is to provide the necessary technical secretariat support for the High Level Construction Forum (hereafter called the ‘Forum’). The Forum was originally set to ensure the governance of the construction 2020 strategy and the dialogue with Member States and stakeholders. Within the context of the recently adopted communication on ‘A Renovation Wave for Europe’, the setting of the Forum will need to adapt in order to interact with a number of stakeholders’ platforms described in Renovation Wave and a future initiative on a sustainable built environment.