Tender Results of Direccion General De Carreteras
Tender Results of Direccion General De Carreteras
Direccion General De Carreteras Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Compatibility of the connection of the South Access to the Airport with the railway planning and improvement of the connection of the branches 2 and 4 of the Guadalmar link. Province of Malaga.
Contract Date25 Jun 2013
Contract AmountEUR 5.5 Million (USD 5.9 Million)
Direccion General De Carreteras Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Complementary works: Hinca next to the Guadaira River, storm chamber of the link No. 2, drainage of the Tunnel of San Pedro, walls of escollera and complementary works. Conditioning of the A-7, p.k. 169.26 to 175.16. Travesía de San Pedro de Alcántara. Province of Malaga.
Contract Date22 Mar 2013
Contract AmountEUR 12.9 Million (USD 13.7 Million)
Direccion General De Carreteras Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Redacción de los proyectos de trazado y construcción: autovía Lugo-Santiago, A-54. Tramo: enlace de Palas de Rei-enlace Melide Sur. Provincia de Lugo. Coeficiente de mayoración de la puntuación económica: 1.
Contract Date19 Mar 2013
Contract AmountEUR 1.9 Million (USD 2 Million)
Direccion General De Carreteras Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Execution, conservation and exploitation of the Autovía de la Plata (A-66) between Benavente and Zamora. We brought: A-6 (Castrogonzalo)-Santovenia del Esla, Santovenia del Esla-Fontanillas de Castro, Fontanillas de Castro-Zamora. Province of Zamora.
Contract Date9 Mar 2013
Contract AmountEUR 1 Billion (USD 1.1 Billion)
Direccion General De Carreteras Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Contrato de servicios para la ejecución de diversas operaciones de conservación y explotación en las carreteras: Autovía del Noroeste A-6, pk. 360,750 al 407,300. Tramo: Folgoso de la Ribera-Villafranca del Bierzo. Carretera N-VI Madrid-La Coruña, pk. 360,000 al 370,000. Tramo: Torre del Bierzo-San Román de Bembibre y pk. 374,800 al 406,750. Tramo: Congosto-Villafranca del Bierzo. Carretera N-120 Logroño-Vigo, pk. 426,000 al 439,690. Tramo: Toral de los Vados-Cobas. Carretera N-536 León-Orense, pk. 0,000 al 32,200. Tramo: Intersección con N-VI-L.P. Orense. Provincia de León. Coeficiente de mayoración de la puntuación económica: 1,10.
Contract Date19 Dec 2012
Contract AmountEUR 8.6 Million (USD 9.2 Million)
Direccion General De Carreteras Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Drafting of design and construction projects: functional road safety improvements and V-31 motorway capacity, p.k. 2,500-12,500. Tram: Chair-Valencia. Province of Valencia. Coefficient of higher economic score: 1.
Contract Date18 Dec 2012
Contract AmountEUR 1.4 Million (USD 1.5 Million)
Direccion General De Carreteras Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Contract of services for the implementation of various conservation and exploitation operations in the N-110 pk. 262.6 to 352.0 and N-502 pk. 6.2 to 85.3. Province of Avila.
Contract Date18 Dec 2012
Contract AmountEUR 6.3 Million (USD 6.7 Million)
451-460 of 548 active Tender Results