Tender Results of Administrador De Infraestructuras Ferroviarias Spainish Railway Infrastructure Administrator Adif

Tender Results of Administrador De Infraestructuras Ferroviarias Spainish Railway Infrastructure Administrator Adif

Administrador De Infraestructuras Ferroviarias Spainish Railway Infrastructure Administrator ADIF Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents 
Lot 3: public address and dynamic information service from Tarragona station

Administrador De Infraestructuras Ferroviarias Spainish Railway Infrastructure Administrator ADIF Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents 
Lot 2: Execution works of the projects for the installation of impact attenuation devices in stopping limit areas on priority roads 1. Levante Lot

Administrador De Infraestructuras Ferroviarias Spainish Railway Infrastructure Administrator ADIF Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents 
Lot 2: Preventive and corrective maintenance service for the elevators of the stations of the East Stations Subdirectorate within the area of the Alicante station headquarters

Administrador De Infraestructuras Ferroviarias Spainish Railway Infrastructure Administrator ADIF Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents 
Lot 3: Antequera Base (Antequera-Granada)

Administrador De Infraestructuras Ferroviarias Spainish Railway Infrastructure Administrator ADIF Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents 
Lot 2: Northeast and Central RC Operations Subdirectorates.

Administrador De Infraestructuras Ferroviarias Spainish Railway Infrastructure Administrator ADIF Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents 
Lot 1: RC Northwest Operations Subdirectorate.

Administrador De Infraestructuras Ferroviarias Spainish Railway Infrastructure Administrator ADIF Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents 
Supply of specific mixed or metric gauge track devices for the general interest railway network. 2 lots. Lot 1: mixed width

Administrador De Infraestructuras Ferroviarias Spainish Railway Infrastructure Administrator ADIF Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents 
Lot 4: Comprehensive provision of the fuel supply service, diesel B, at the A Coruña facilities; Monforte de Lemos; ourense; Salamanca; Vigo Guixar

Administrador De Infraestructuras Ferroviarias Spainish Railway Infrastructure Administrator ADIF Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents 
Acquisition of eight lots of machinery and tools for training, material recovery and machining activities carried out at the ADIF Track Technology Center. Lot 6 – materials recovery – ultrasounds

Administrador De Infraestructuras Ferroviarias Spainish Railway Infrastructure Administrator ADIF Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents 
Lot 2: Supply of two hundred and fifteen headphones (180 wired + 35 wireless)
1941-1950 of 1988 active Tender Results