Military Engineer Services Tender

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Military Engineer Services - MES Tender

Civil And Construction
Civil Works Others
Building Construction
Opening Date2 Sep 2024
Closing Date7 Oct 2024
Tender Amount₹ 25,00,000 



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Plain cement concrete (1:4:8), type D-2, using 40 mm graded mechanically crushed stone aggregates and finished the surface rough to provide adequate bond for the topping as in sub base ,foundations, filling and mass concrete in and including demolition of unreinforced cement concrete in ground floors and paving n.exc 15cm thickness (below or above ground level) and removal of rubbish outside MoD land , complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.




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Plain cement concrete 75 mm thick, (1:3:6), type C-2, using 40 mm graded mechanically crushed stone aggregates as in sub base ,foundations, filling and mass concrete in and including demolition of unreinforced cement concrete in ground floors and paving n.exc 15cm thickness (below or above ground level) and removal of rubbish outside MoD land , complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.




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Brick work with sub-class `B' bricks Fly ash bricks (bricks shall be burnt clay fly ash building bricks as per IS- 13757), straight or curved on plan exceeding 6 M mean radius built in cement sand mortar 1:4 complete in and including demolition of brickwork or stone boulder masonary built in cement mortar including all quoins, arches, pillars etc for the area where unservicable bricks retrived and removal of rubbish outside MoD land , complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.




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Use & waste of form work to side and soffits of lintels, counter slabs, shelves & chajjas, etc, rough finished flat surfaces, complete all as specified and directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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Mild steel TMT bars 10 mm dia and over as in reinforcement cut to length , bent to shape required, including cranking, bending spirally for hooping ends for columns, hooking ends and binding with and including mild steel wire annealed not less than 0.90 mm dia, complete all as specified and directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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Reinforced Cement concrete (1:1.5:3) type B-1 using 20mm graded crusehd stone aggregate as in beams, chajjas, shelves, cantilevers, bressurnmers, lintels over 1.5m clear span in and including demolition of cement concrete (reinforced) of any description and in any position and removal of debris outside MoD land & stacking of scrap iron, for credit complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. Note: Steel reinforcement shall be measured and paid for separetely.




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First quality glazed designer pattern ceramic coloured tiles of size 450x350x7mm or 450x300x7mm, thick fixed in pattern to wall ( combination of dark and light colour with boarder) laid on vertical surfaces such as skirting, dados and risers to steps etc laid over and including 10mm thick cement plaster in CM (1:3) set and jointed in neat cement paste of honey like consistancy and pointed in white or coloured cement to match the shade of tiles in and including dismantling floor, hearth or wall tiling including cement mortar bedding (but not backing) and removing rubbish off the premises, complete all as specified and directed by the Engineer in Charge. Notes :- (i) Design, pattern and colour of tiles will be as approved by GE. (ii) Tile work to be executed in any position or in any patches or as per site requirement.




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First quality, Non skid ceramic coloured tiles, 7 to 8 mm thick (square/ rectangular) area of each tile exceeding 0.11 Sq.m but not exceeding 0.18 Sq.m, laid in floors with neat cement slurry @ 3.00 kg/Square Metre over and including 15 mm thick screed bed of cement mortar (1:6) including pointing in white or coloured cement to match the shade of tiles in and including dismantling floor, hearth or wall tiling including cement mortar bedding (but not backing) and removal of rubbish outside MoD land ,complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer -in-Charge. Notes :- (i) Design, pattern and colour of tiles will be as approved by GE. (ii) Tile work to be executed in any position or in any patches or as per site requirement.




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Vitrified ceramic tiles (light Shade) 9 to 10 mm thick (square/ractangular) coloured polished tiles, area of each tile eeding 0.36 sqm not exceeding 0.42 sqm in floors etc. laid in floors with neat cement slurry @ 3.00 kg/Square Metre over and including 15 mm thick screed bed of cement mortar (1:6) including pointing in white or coloured cement to match the shade of tiles in and including dismantling floor, hearth or wall tiling including cement mortar bedding (but not backing) and removal of rubbish outside MoD land ,complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer -in-Charge.




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Vitrified ceramic tiles (light Shade) 9 to 10mm thick (square/ractangular) coloured polished tiles, area of each tile exceeding 0.36 sqm not exceeding 0.42 sqm as in skirting, dados and risers to steps etc laid over and including 10mm thick cement plaster in CM (1:4) set and jointed in neat cement paste of honey like consistancy and pointed in white or coloured cement to match the shade of tiles in and including dismantling floor, hearth or wall tiling including cement mortar bedding (but not backing) and removing rubbish off the premises, complete all as specified and directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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Granite (of any type ) 20 mm thick, (table rubbed and polished) in steps, window-cills, cooking platforms, counter-slabs and like, set in neat cement slurry @ 3Kg/Sqm, laid over and including 15mm thick bedding layer/backing coat in cement mortar(1:4), pointing in white cement (1:2) using marble dust with admixture of pigment to match with shade of granite, cutting for Counter WHB,moulding the corners/edges and making holes for cooking gas pipe etc in and including demolition of stone slab and tiles of any description or thickness in floors, aprons etc, laid bedded and pointed in white cement with pigment and removal of rubbish outside MoD land ,complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer -in-Charge.




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Providing and laying 80mm thick factory made machine pressed interlocking paver block of M-40 grade of any shape and size confirming to IS 15658-2006 with grey cement and pigment (In top layer) laid over and including 25 mm thick compacted bed of fine sand, compacting and proper embedding/ laying of inter locking paver blocks into the sand bedding layer filling the joints with sand and cutting of paver blocks as per required size and pattern, finishing and sweeping extra in and including demolition of stone slab and tiles of any description or thickness in floors, aprons etc, laid bedded and pointed in white cement with pigment and removal of rubbish outside MoD land ,complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer -in-Charge. Note : Quoted rates are inclusive of fine sand and nothing extra shall be admissible on this account.




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Rendering 15 mm thick on brick work or concrete surfaces in cement mortar 1:4 finished the surfaces even and smooth without using extra cement and mixing with water proofing compound as per manufacturers instruction @3% of cement weight in and including taking down cement plaster on brick walls & concrete surfaces & the like including raking out joints, hacking for key, scrubbing down with water etc., any description, and removing of rubbish outside MoD land , complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. Note: Quoted Rate of above item is inclusive the cost of WPC and nothing extra shall be admissible on this account.




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Rendering 15 mm thick on brick work or concrete surfaces in cement mortar 1:4 finished the surfaces even and smooth without using extra cement and mixing with water proofing compound as per manufacturers instruction @3% of cement weight , complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. Note: Quoted Rate of above item is inclusive the cost of WPC and nothing extra shall be admissible on this account.




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Rendering 15 mm thick on brick work or concrete surfaces in cement mortar 1:6 finished even and smooth without using extra cement in and including taking down cement plaster on brick walls & concrete surfaces & the like including raking out joints, hacking for key, scrubbing down with water etc., any description, and removal of rubbish outside MoD land , complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.




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Rendering 15 mm thick on brick work or concrete surfaces in cement mortar 1:6 finished even and smooth without using extra cement , complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.




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Rendering 10 mm thick in cement mortar (1:3), as on concrete surfaces (such as top & bottom of chajjas, beams, balcony ceiling ,roof slab ceiling ,facia, facade etc.) finished the surfcae even and smooth without using extra cement in and including taking down cement plaster on brick walls & concrete surfaces & the like including raking out joints, hacking for key, scrubbing down with water etc., any description, and removing of rubbish outside MoD land , complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.




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Preparation of new plastered or unplastered surfaces of walls and applying two coats of oil bound distemper including chalk whitening preparatory to distempering , complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.




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Preparation of old plastered or unplastered surfaces of walls including brooming down or steel wire brushing, scraping down smoke soot, moulds, mooss and efflorescent salts and trading oil and greasy spots etc and washing, rubbing down and stopping of surfaces using sand paper and applying one coat of white wash, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.




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Preparation of old plastered or unplastered surfaces of ceiling including brooming down or steel wire brushing, scraping down smoke soot, moulds, mooss and efflorescent salts and trading oil and greasy spots and washing, rubbing down and stopping of surfaces using sand paper and applying one coat of white wash, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.




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Preperation of old plastered or unplastered surfaces of walls including brooming down or steel wire brushing scrapping down smoke soot, moulds, moss and efflorescent salts and trading oil and greasy spots etc; etc washing, rubbing down and stopping of surfaces using sand paper and applying two coat of oil bound distemper including 1mm thick Walll care putty and smoothing the surface, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.




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Preparation of old plastered or unplastered surfaces of ceiling including brooming down or steel wire brushing, scraping down smoke soot, moulds, mooss and efflorescent salts and trading oil and greasy spots etc and applying one coat of oil bound distemper, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.




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Preparation of old painted wooden surfaces over 10cm width or grith not otherwise described and applying one coat synthetic enamel paint, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge




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Preparation of old painted steel or Iron surfaces over 10cm width or grith not otherwise described and applying one coat synthetic enamel paint, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.




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Taking down Chowkhats with shutters without taking of shutter from the frame of any description not exceeding 1.50 Sq. m each, and making good the disturbed surface in CM 1:4 & finished with similar specification as exists, complete all as specified and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.




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Taking down Chowkhats with shutters without taking of shutter from the frame of any description exceeding 1.50 Sq. m but not exceeding 4.00 Sq. m each, and making good the disturbed surface in CM 1:4 & finished with similar specification as exists, complete all as specified and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.




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Taking down shutters of any description not exceeding 1.00 Sqm each, complete all as specified and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.




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Taking down shutters of any description exceeding 1.00 Sq. m but not exceeding 2.00 Sqm each, complete all as specified and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.




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Cutting holes in brick walls exc half brick but n exc full brick in cement mortar for inserting holdfasts and making good dismantled portion in cement mortar 1:3 or cement concrete 1:2:4 Type B-1 as required to match existing and removal of rubbish outside MoD land , complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. Note: Depth of embedded portion of hold fasts or lugs measured from the face of the jamb into the wall




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Pressed steel frames of size 125 x 60 mm, made out of 1.25mm thick sheet for doors with one or more rebates including necessary fixing lugs, hinges (mild steel butt hinges medium weight, cold rolled, 100 mm, ISI marked), lock strike plate, etc., with and including back filling PCC (1:3:6), type C-0,complete all as specified and directed by the Engineer in Charge. Note :Cost of filling hollow of frame with plain cement concrete shall be included in the quoted rate and nothing extra shall be admissible on this account .




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Factory made solid PVC door frame of size 50mmx47mm made out of 5mm plain colour PVC sheet reinforced with MS square tube, supplied and fitted as per specification & drawing and as per manufacturer's instructions and shown on drawing in section 8 on Page 178 of SSR Pt-II ,complete all as specified and directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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Factory made solid PVC moulded door shutter 28 to 30mm thick (stiles), with 2, 4, or 6 raised panel design with 2mm thick moulded prelam PVC sheet on the front face and 2mm prelam PVC sheet on back face all as per specification and drawings shown in section 8 on Page 179 of SSR part -II ,complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in- Charge.




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Factory made box type steel window with pintle hinges and two nos 150mm mild steel tower bolts to each shutter, steel handle and with glazing bars dovetailed or welded and with one shop coat of zinc chromate primer , complete all as specified and shown on Drawing No CEAF/STD-184-2012 Sheets 1/3 & 3/3 and as directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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Factory made made box type steel window with pintle hinges and two Nos 150mm mild steel tower bolts to each shutter, steel handle and without glazing bars, including flat iron 12 x 3 mm for securing wire mesh, dovetailed or welded and with one shop coat of zinc chromate primer complete , complete all as specified and shown on Drawing No CEAF/STD-185-2012 Sheets 1/2 & 2/2 and as directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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35 mm thick factory made Flush shutters ,solid core construction with particle board core and plywood face panels commercial type on both sides, duly provided with 6mm thick Teakwood leeping on edges alround, fitted to chowkats, , complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in- Charge.




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Butt hinges 100 mm size ,extruded aluminium alloy with galvanised mild steel hinge pin, anodised and fixed type C-21 ISI marked ,complete all as specified and directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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Barrel tower bolts aluminum anodizes of extruded section and fixed of 150 mm long size (length of bolt) ISI marked, fixed to wooden or PVC doors complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge




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Barrel tower bolts aluminum anodizes of extruded section and fixed of 200 mm long size (length of bolt) ISI marked fixed to wooden or PVC doors,complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in- Charge.




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Handles of size 125 mm ,extruded aluminium alloy , fabricated type anodized ISI marked ,complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in- Charge.




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Handles of size 150 mm ,extruded aluminium alloy , fabricated type anodized ISI marked ,complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in- Charge.




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Aluminum alloy, anodized, sliding door bolt with hasp staple (bolt type) and fixing clips of sheet, cast or extruded sections and fixing bolts and sliding bolts of extruded sections or cast aluminum alloy and fixed length of bolt 300mm, bolts not less than 12mm dia with and including a minimum of 6 bolts not,four on bolt plate and two on staple plate complete (ISI marked) , complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.




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Aluminum alloy, anodized, sliding door bolt with hasp staple (bolt type) and fixing clips of sheet, cast or extruded sections and fixing bolts and sliding bolts of extruded sections or cast aluminum alloy and fixed length of bolt 300 mm, bolts not less than 12mm dia with and including a minimum of 6 bolts not,four on bolt plate and two on staple plate complete (ISI marked ), complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge




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Plain fillets square, rectangular or triangular in section, 2nd class hardwood of sectional area exc 6 & n exc 13 sqcm, clean sawn, wrought finished secured with screws in and including dismantling of old plain fillets ,complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in- Charge.




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Prelaminated particle board 18 mm /19 mm thick ,interior grade, prelaminated both sides with decorative choice lamination for wooden and fixed with screws to timber frame as in cupboards, shutters, shelves, pelmet etc. including fixing 18 mm wide 6 mm thick beading of Ist class HW (Teak) all around in and including dismantling of old board ,complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in- Charge.




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Continuous (Piano) hinges, width of flaps (when open) 30mm, stainless steel bright finish or electro galvanised, ISI Marked fixed as in repair ,complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in- Charge.




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Continuous (Piano) hinges, width of flaps (when open) 30mm, stainless steel bright finish or electro galvanised, ISI Marked ,complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in- Charge.




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Hasp & staple of 100mm size , safety type aluminium anodized with mild steel hinge pin including bolt to hinge plate and fixed with screws fixed as in repair ,complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in- Charge.




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Hasp & staple of 100mm size , safety type aluminium anodized with mild steel hinge pin including bolt to hinge plate and fixed with screws ,complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in- Charge.




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Magnetic catcher with Ball catches with 8mm dia steel ball, and brass body and striking plate including letting in and fixed suitable for kitchen cabinate/cupboard,complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in- Charge.




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Cup board knob 40mm dia, fixed with nut, washers / screws etc., of brass polished, bright finished,complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in- Charge.




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Cup board knob 40mm dia, fixed with nut, washers / screws etc., of brass polished, bright finished and fixed as in repair ,complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in- Charge.




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300mm long ordinary rat tail rod pattern MS door springs including roller and roller plate with steel screws or with welding as require3d at site and fixed as in repairs, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.




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Plaster of paris of 50mm thick (POP) cornices to junction of wall and ceiling, including preparation of surfaces to receive cornices and finishing the disturbed surfaces to match with similar specification as exists, design and pattern of cornices, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.




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Sheet glass 4 mm thick, ordinary quality and glazing with oil putty or wooden bead in squares not exceeding 0.5 Sq. m in each pane ,complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in- Charge.




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Figured glass 4 mm thick, pin headed tyoe and glazing with oil putty or wooden bead in squares not exceeding 0.5 Sq. m in each pane ,complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in- Charge.




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Sheet glass 4 mm thick, ordinary quality and glazing with oil putty or wooden bead in squares not exceeding 0.5 Sq. m in each pane in and including Hacking out old broken glass panes of any thickness, size ,quality or description from wooden frames , glazed with putty or fixed with beads ,complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in- Charge.




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Figured glass 4 mm thick, pin headed tyoe and glazing with oil putty or wooden bead in squares not exceeding 0.5 Sq. m in each pane in and including Hacking out old broken glass panes of any thickness, size ,quality or description from wooden frames , glazed with putty or fixed with beads ,complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in- Charge.




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Stainless, steel wire cloth, 0.36mm nominal dia of wire and average width of aperture 1.40mm and fixed with tinned tacks, or galvanised wire staples or fixed to wooden frame with first class hard wood bead , complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.




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Stainless, steel wire cloth, 0.36mm nominal dia of wire and average width of aperture 1.40mm and fixed with tinned tacks, or galvanised wire staples or fixed to wooden frame with first class hard wood bead fixed as in repairs, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.




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Framed work as in doors/Chowkhats or gates of angle or other section with gusset plates, rails, braces, etc., complete, drilled for fixing of steel sheeting or other covering. Doors, etc. to be prepared for hanging or sliding with and including either hooks and hinges or steel hanging door fittings (exclusive of steel sheeting or other covering, running rails and guides) and hanging; also fastening and fixing complete ( Fe-290,Gde-E-165)in and including dismantling of structural steel work including doors, gates but excluding framed truss etc., complete all as specified and directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.




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M S work as Framed works such as grills, gratings etc with ends of bars shouldered and/or riveted, or forged into spikes,framed guard bars barred iron doors ladders, framed balusters walk ways railing, framed work of water tanks, framed and hung as gates including pintle hinges, stops, hand made sliding sliding bolts etc ,drilling bolting or reveting etc and similar work conforming Fe-290 Gde E-165 in and including dismantlingexisting grill ,complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in- Charge.




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Preparation of new or previously untreated wooden surfaces of any description , not otherwise described over 10 cm width or girth and applying two coats of synthetic enamells paint over one coat of red pink primer,complete all as specified and directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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Preparation of new or previously untreated steel surfaces of any description , not otherwise described over 10 cm width or girth and applying two coats of synthetic enamells paint over one coat of red oxide primer,complete all as specified and directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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Preparation of new or previously primed steel surfaces of any description , not otherwise described over 10 cm width or girth and applying two coats of synthetic enamells paint over primer,complete all as specified and directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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Cutting chases, pinning in making good to facings where required and pointing in cement mortar (1:3) to ends or edges of landings, steps, cills, sunshades, shelves, lintels, etc.; and cutting chases for concealed water tubing and making good, cutting not exceeding 10cm girth, and removal of rubbbish outside MOD land,,complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in- Charge.




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Steel water tubing, 15 mm bore medium grade ISI Marked, galvanized with all fittings and fixed complete to walls, ceiling or laid in floors in and including taking up or down existing unservicable tubing and connections, cleaning for re fixing or removal to store, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. Note: Fittings & specials as required shall be provided by the contractor. Contractor's rate shall be deemed to include the cost of fittings provided.




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Steel water tubing, 20 mm bore medium grade ISI Marked , galvanized with all fittings and fixed complete to walls, ceiling or laid in floors in and including taking up or down existing unservicable tubing and connections, cleaning for re fixing or removal to store, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. Note: Fittings & specials as required shall be provided by the contractor. Contractor's rate shall be deemed to include the cost of fittings provided.




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Steel water tubing, 25 mm bore medium grade ISI Marked , galvanized with all fittings and fixed complete to walls, ceiling or laid in floors in and including taking up or down existing unservicable tubing and connections, cleaning for re fixing or removal to store, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. Note: Fittings & specials as required shall be provided by the contractor. Contractor's rate shall be deemed to include the cost of fittings provided.




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Rotational moulded PVC, tripple layered, water storage tanks of capacity 500 litre (cylindrical vertical with closed top), ISI Marked, hoisted and fixed in position, with & including all fittings such as GI tank nipple etc. ball valve high pressure of PTMT with epoxy coated aluminium door and high density plastic ball screwed for 15mm dia iron pipe and fixed (minimum wieght 15mm-142 gms in and including dismantling PVC water tanks exc 251 ltr but n. exc 500 ltr capacity by disconnecting existing water connection and removal from site ,complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in- Charge.




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Rotational moulded PVC, tripple layered, water storage tanks of capacity 1000 litre (cylindrical vertical with closed top), ISI Marked, hoisted and fixed in position, with & including all fittings such as GI tank nipple etc. including ball valve high pressure of PTMT with epoxy coated aluminium door and high density plastic ball screwed for 20mm dia iron pipe and fixed (minimum wieght 20mm-210 gms in and including dismantling PVC water tanks exc 501 ltr but n. exc 1000 ltr capacity by disconnecting existing water connection and removal from site ,complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in- Charge.




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Ball valve high pressure of PTMT with epoxy coated aluminium door and highdensity plastic ball screwed for 15mm dia iron pipe and fixed (minimum wieght 15mm-145 gms and fixed as in repair, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.




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Ball valve high pressure of PTMT with epoxy coated aluminium door and highdensity plastic ball screwed for 20mm dia iron pipe and fixed (minimum wieght 20mm-210 gms and fixed as in repair, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.




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Stop vlave , 15 mm bore fancy type with long shank and cup (concealed type) cast copper alloy, screwed down,high pressure,with crutch or butterfly handle, screwed both ends for iron pipe or for unions and fixed as in repair including cutting to wall tiles or brick work and making good the disturbed portion in cement mortar 1:3 ,complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.




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Stop angle valve, 15 mm bore chromium plated cast copper alloy, screwed down,high pressure,with crutch or butterfly handle, screwed both ends for iron pipe or for unions and fixed as in repair, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.




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Bib taps ,15 mm bore cast copper alloy Chromium plated with crutch or butterfly handle, screwed down, screwed for iron pipe or for brass ferrule and fixed as in repair, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.




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Bib taps long body ,15 mm bore fancy type cast copper alloy Chromium plated , with capstan heads, screwed down, screwed for iron pipe or for brass ferrule and fixed as in repair, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.




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Pillar tap ,15 mm bore pipe, fancy type cast copper alloy , with capstan heads, chromium plated , screwed down high pressure , with or without l'ettered ' 'HOT' or 'COLD' with long screwed shanks and fly-nuts , screwed for iron pipe and fixed with WHB as in repair , complete all as specified and directed by the Engineer in -Charge.




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Brass CP wall mixer with telephone shower arrangement 15mm bore for mixing hot or cold water screwed down for iron pipe for wall, including connections to shower and making good the disturbed surfacesand fixed as in repair, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.




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Brass CP mixer for mixing hot or cold water of 15 mm bore screwed down for iron pipe for WHB, including connections to WHB and making good the disturbed surfaces and fixed as in repair, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.




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Shower roses of 125 mm size ,15 mm bore , chromium plated brass ,with or without swivel joints, any size, including fixing to steel pipe or GI/Kitec fiitingPillar taps, fixed as in repair , complete all as specified and directed by the Engineer in -Charge. Note for Srl Item No 73 to 82 :-The quoted rates against these items shall deemed to be included for replacement of damaged GI/Kitec fitting such as socket, elbow,nipple and tee of required size ,fitted/connected and making good any leakage. Nothing extra shall be admissible on this account.




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Gun-metal, globe or gate valves, with iron wheel head, screwed both end for iron pipe and fixed for 20 mm bore dia fixed as in repair , complete all as specified and directed by the Engineer in -Charge.




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Vitreous china counter top (self rimming) wash hand basin, white in colour of size 630mmx500mm including circular cuting and tucked in granite slab including 15mmdia cast copper alloy chromium plated fancy type single lever basin mixer, 32mm dia brass CP waste fitting and connections to waste pipe and water pipe fixed as in repair , complete all as specified and directed by the Engineer in -Charge. Make: Hindware, Model: RHAPSODY, Cat No :10045 or equivalent in Cera or any other make specified in Appendix of makes.




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Wash basins ,vitreous china, white,flat back type of size 550x400mm including brackets and cutting for and pinning in ends of brackets or erecting stand including waste pipe, Waste coupling of PTMT (half or full threaded) 32mm dia inluding new brackets fixed as in repair , complete all as specified and directed by the Engineer in -Charge.




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Vitreous China squating pan, 'Orissa' pattern, size 580x440mm white, with integral foot rests, including 100mm cast iron 'P' or 'S' trap and 100mm cast iron sanitary connection socket to fit WC outlet including connection to trap, to flushing pipe, anti-syphonage pipe etc. complete including making good to floor fixed as in repair , complete all as specified and directed by the Engineer in -Charge. Note :- Qty and Rates are inclusive of for both P type and S type Traps as on actual required basis on ground




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Vitreous China wash down water closet pan (pedestal pattern), white (excluding fixing bolts, flushing cistern and flush pipe) including connection to trap,and to flushing pipe, anti-syphonage pipe,etc including 100mm cast iron 'P' or 'S' trap complete including making good to floor fixed as in repair , complete all as specified and directed by the Engineer in -Charge. Note :- Qty and Rates are inclusive of for both P type and S type Traps as on actual required basis on ground




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Vitreous china urinal, half stall type, flat back, white, complete including providing and fixing plugs, bedding urinal against wall in cement mortar [1:2], securing urinal to plugs with and including 60mm long brass screws, pointing around urinal back in cement, including waste coupling PTMT half or full threaded suitable for urinals fixed as in repair , complete all as specified and directed by the Engineer in -Charge.




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PVC valveless , syphonic action type flushing cisterns 10 ltrs capacity , low level , white, with inlet ball valves , float and handle including brackets and PVC flush pipe 32 mm dia with bend and a pair of mild steel angle iron brackets of suitable size including making necessary connection to water supply pipe line and WC fixed as in repair , complete all as specified and directed by the Engineer in -Charge.




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PVC connections 15mm size with PTMT nuts of length 450 mm fixed as in repair , complete all as specified and directed by the Engineer in -Charge.




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PVC connections 15mm size with PTMT nuts of length 600 mm fixed as in repair , complete all as specified and directed by the Engineer in -Charge.




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Plastic water closet seat cover good quality in white colour with flat bottom and cover and mild steel chromium plated or aluminium hinging devices, connected to drains outlet, fixed as in repair , complete all as specified and directed by the Engineer in -Charge.




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PVC waste pipe flexible of 32mm size for Sink/ WHB /Urinal fixed as in repair , complete all as specified and directed by the Engineer in -Charge.




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Looking mirror of size 600 mm x 450 mm, beveled edge mirror 5 mm thick of selected quality, glass mounted 6 mm thick commercial plywood with decorative type wooden frame and fixed to wooden plugs with steel screws to wall fixed as in repair , complete all as specified and directed by the Engineer in -Charge.




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Gratings doom of PTMT 110 mm dia with or without waste hole fixed on floor /nahani traps with cement mortar (Minimum weight 40 gms) fixed as in repair , complete all as specified and directed by the Engineer in -Charge.




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Waste coupling of PTMT suitable for 32mm dia bore discharge pipe & flexible pipe suitable for WHB/Urinal fixed as in repair , complete all as specified and directed by the Engineer in -Charge.




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Stainless steel chromium plated jet including PVC pipe of suitable length for European/ pedestal type WC including all accessories fixed as in repair , complete all as specified and directed by the Engineer in -Charge.




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Soap dish brass, chromium plated fixed to plugs with chromium plated brass screws. fixed as in repair,complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in- Charge.




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Towel rail 600 mm long (between flanges) , 20 mm dia, ‘D’ type, brass chromium plated, fixed to walls with screws and plastic cleats fixed as in repair,complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in- Charge.




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Kitchen sinks with drainage board made of stainless steel sheet of 1 mm thick with plugs washers and waste pipe including beeding in cement mortar on to dwarf wall or including fixing cast iron cantilever brackets and connecting union to pipe upto 0.50 sqm each overall size 915mm x 460 mm bowl size 410 mm x 330 mm x 160mm with and including PVC waste pipe and CP waste coupling 32 mm dia and making good to disturbed surfacesfixed as in repair,complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in- Charge.




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Drapery rod of stainless steel 25mm dia, ribbed/fancy type, any shade, including set of fixing brackets, fixed to wall with PVC finols/finnels, connected accessaries, rubber packing, required screws and PVC rawal plugs as required fixed as in repair ,complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in- Charge.




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Drapery rod of Mild steel ( PVC coating ) 25mm dia, ribbed/fancy type, any shade, including set of fixing brackets, fixed to wall with PVC finols/finnels, connected accessaries, rubber packing, required screws and PVC rawal plugs as required fixed as in repair ,complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in- Charge.




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Shelf of PTMT fixed with and including Chromium plated brass screws and wooden/plastic cleats (Minimum weight 300gms), fixed as in repair , complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.




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12mm thick both side printed solid PVC plastic ply sheet and 5mm thick printed heat moulded 'C channel as in shelves, partition, and cup board shuter etc. Incliding taking down old one , fixed as in repair,complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in- Charge.




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Disconnecting existing tanks of capacity exceeding 250ltrs but n. exceeding 500ltrs, draining out of water, setting a side( or lowering if required) for repair/cleaning and removing accumulated sluge/dirt scales from tank bottom, side and from mouths of circulating pipes of service tanks located on roof of building and disinfecting the tank using bleaching powder to make the tank bacteria free, writing by stencil date of cleaning of tank with white synthetic enemel paint on black ground "Cleaned on (date)" height of words100mm, and hoisting if required, refixing and reconnecting in position after cleaning ,complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in- Charge.




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Disconnecting existing tanks of capacity exceeding 501ltrs but n. exceeding 1000ltrs, draining out of water, setting a side( or lowering if required) for repair/cleaning and removing accumulated sluge/dirt scales from tank bottom, side and from mouths of circulating pipes of service tanks located on roof of building and disinfecting the tank using bleaching powder to make the tank bacteria free, writing by stencil date of cleaning of tank with white synthetic enemel paint on black ground "Cleaned on (date)" height of words100mm, and hoisting if required, refixing and reconnecting in position after cleaning and removal of rubbbish outside MOD land,complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in- Charge.




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Mild steel work as in bands, straps, supports/ stays and clamps for rain water pipes and similar small articles conforming to Fe-290 Gde-E-165, ,complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in- Charge.




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PVC (SWR) pipes 110 mm bore double socketed in any length with ruber rings joints fixed to walls with suitable size of mild steel clamp and screw, including making good mouth of rain water pipe in cement mortar 1:3 or PCC 1:2:4 in and including taking down old pipes ,complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in- Charge.




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PVC (SWR) bends any radius 110mm bore fixed with solvent cement in any position as per site requirement fixed as in repair , complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.




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Cast iron soil, waste and vent pipe ,75 mm bore of sand cast pipe in any length with or without ears, with cement joints fixed to walls in and including dismantling of cast iron work of any description,complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in- Charge.




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Cast iron soil, waste and vent pipe ,100 mm bore of sand cast pipes in any length with or without ears, with cement joints fixed to walls in and including dismantling of cast iron work of any description,complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in- Charge.




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Cast iron bends 75mm dia bore, diminishing pieces or tapers ISI marked fixed as in repairs,complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in- Charge.




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Cast iron bends 100mm dia bore, diminishing pieces or tapers ISI marked fixed as in repairs,complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in- Charge.




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Cast iron branch pieces 75mm dia bore, single (equal or unequal), ordinary or inverted (spigot or socket type) or with parallel branches with oval acess door fixed as in repairs,complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in- Charge.




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Cast iron branch pieces 100mm dia bore, single (equal or unequal), ordinary or inverted (spigot or socket type) or with parallel branches with oval acess door fixed as in repairs,complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in- Charge.




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Cast iron floor trap, 75mm dia of out let, ISI marked, with Mild Steel Cromium Plated grating, excluding jointing to waste pipe in Plain cement concrete (1:2:4) type B-1 fixed as in repairs,complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in- Charge.




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Cast iron floor trap, 100mm dia of out let, ISI marked, with Mild Steel Cromium Plated grating, excluding jointing to waste pipe in Plain cement concrete (1:2:4) type B-1 fixed as in repairs,complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in- Charge.




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Welding in repair exc 2.5 cm but n exc 5.00 cm in length thickness of metal to be welded n.exc 6mm, including cleaning, preparing the surfaces and holding the member in true position for maintenance of steel items such as gates, grills, doors window etc. ,complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in- Charge.




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Plain cement concrete (1:2:4) type B-0 using 12.5 mm graded mechanically crushed stone aggregates using integral water proofing compound @3% by weight of cement as in padding concrete to sunken floor, Coving /gola to junction of the floor and virtical walls including chamfering on edges, necessary form work in and including demolition of (un-reinforced) cement concrete of any description or as roof padding and coveringg concrete in any position not otherwise specifically provided for and remove all the debris out of MoD land , complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. Note: Quoted Rate of above item is inclusive the cost of WPC and nothing extra shall be admissible on this account.




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Lime concrete moratar 1:2 with 40mm graded brick aggregate to floor in and including demolition of lime concrete/lean concrete/brick bats from sunken portion exc. 15cm thickness (above ground level) in and including removing of debris away from site to a designated point fixed by local administration out side of MOD land , complete all as specified and directed by the Engineer in Charge .




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Water proofing treatment to sunken portion of WCs, bath room etc. By applying cement slurry mixed with Acrylic based polymer modified cementious composite compound coating of make as approved by GE:- (a) Roughening of surfaces of old concrete floor/slab by wire brushing, sweeping, cleaning and washing down to remove all loose dust etc, and brushing neat cement slurry @ 3.00 kg/Sqm on floor/roof surface (b) 15mm thick screed plaster on RCC slab in cement mortar 1:4 in and including using water proofing compound @ 3% by weight of cement and finishing the surface even and smooth without using extra cement . (c) First layer of slurry of cement @ 0.488Kg/Sq.m. This followed layer will be allowed to air curing for 4 hrs. (d) Second layer of slurry of cement @0.242 Kg/Sq.m mixed with Acrylic based polymer modified cementious composite compound @ 0.126kg/sq.m. this layer will be allowed to air cure for 4 hrs followed with water curing 48 hrs. Note: Quoted Rate of above item is inclusive the cost of WPC and nothing extra shall be admissible on this account.




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Plain cement concrete (1:2:4) type B-0 using 12.5 mm graded mechanically crushed stone aggregates using integral water proofing compound @3% by weight of cement as in roof kerb, benching, padding and like etc including chamfering on edges, necessary form work in and including demolition of (un-reinforced) cement concrete of any description or as roof padding and coveringg concrete in any position not other wise specifically provided for and remove all the debris out of MoD land , complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. Note: Quoted Rate of above item is inclusive the cost of WPC and nothing extra shall be admissible on this account.




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Roof trusses (framed), trussed, purlins, crane gantries, rails and fastenings and heavy bracket framing (Beam, tee, angle, channel or flat sections) including distance pieces, cleats etc ( Fe-290,Gde-E-165) in and including dismantling of framed trusse, complete all as specified and directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.




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Pre-colour coated high tensile strength galvalume sheet roofing with yield strength (550 NPA) prepainted with aluminium (55%) and zinc (45%) alloy coating applied through continous hot dip process having tatal coated thickness (TCT) of 0.50mm with minimum coating mass on both sides @ 150gms/sqm in length and width as per site condition fixed with complete acessories as per manufacturer's instructions through specialist agency and as per profile and shade as approved by GE in and including dismantling plain or corrugated steel /fibre sheeting, any gauge, thickness, including Nainital or similar pattern roof coverings ,complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.




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Note :Schedule of credit to be deducted on acceptances of bid.Details of Schedule of credit is given in tender documentse.




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