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E/5826/22/94/2024-25, Dt : 06-02-2025.Tender Authority
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Repairs to Compound wall and other miscellaneous work to open Gym;SUPPLY, Delivery and Installation of Double Cross Walker/ Arm Strengthener with Carrying Capacity of 2 Persons of overall sizes 1100 x 915 x 1430 mm made of Hot Dipped Galvanized Pipes Confirming to IS 1239(Part-1) with GI thickness 60 micron Materials and Heavy Duty (C Class) series of pipes only.Equipment should be made up of 100 NB Main Post pipe with Supporting Structure 80mm NB & 60 X 40 mm Rectangular Tube fixed with Deep Grooveé Self Aligning Ball Bearings and Handle bars madeup of High Quality Grip Rubber using hard ware of Grade 4.60 Galvanized.The Painting to the Equipment should be Powder Coated ( 80-100 microns thickness.All open end pipes should be covered with SS/LLDPE caps & the equipment is grouted with M18 Foundation Bolts with Concrete Strength of M25 for Safety and Stability and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.( The Total Unit Cost is = Rs. 71393.00 ( Item Price)+ Rs. 1457.00 for inland Transportation, Insurance and other Services required to Convey the Goods to the Final Destination but Excluding GST for complete item of work
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Repairs to Compound wall and other miscellaneous work to open Gym;SUPPLY, Delivery and lnstallation of 3-Person Waist Trainer( Standing Twister) w h Carryrng Capacity of 3 Persons of overall sizes 1450 x 1450 x 1350 mm with standing base of 300 mm dia made of Hot Dipped Galvanized Pipes Contirming to lS '1239(Part-1) with Gl thickness 60 micron Materials and Heavy Duty (C Class)series of pipes onty.Equipment should be made up of 100 NB Main Post pipe with Supporting Structure 25NB & 40MM NB. Fixed wheel of 550 mm dia having standing positions equally spaced at 120 degrees each fixed with Deep roovee Self Aligning Ball Beanngs & thrust bearings using hard ware ol Grade 4.60 Galvanized The Painting to tre Equipment should be Powder Coated ( 80-100 microns thickness.All open end pipes should be covered with SS/LLDPE caps & the equipment is grouted with M18 Foundation Bolts with Concrete Strength of M25 for Sarety and Stability and as dtrected by the Englneer-rnlcharge.( The Total unit Cost ts = Rs lssots.oo I llem Pric?)+ Rs. 1135.00 for rnland lTransportation. lnsurance and other Services lrequrred to Convey the Goods to lhe Fina lDestination but Excluding GST for complete item of work
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Repairs to Compound wall and other miscellaneous work to open Gym;SUPPLY, Delivery and Installation of Elliptical Machine with Carrying Capacity of 1 Person of overall sizes 1050 x 650 x 1400 mm made of Hot Dipped Galvanized Pipes Confirming to IS 1239(Part-1) with GI thickness 60 micron Materials and Heavy Duty (C Class) series of pipes only.Equipment should be made up of 100 NB Main Post pipe with Supporting Structure 40MM NB, 60 X 40 mm.Handle Bars madeup of High Quality Grip Rubber fixed with Deep Grooveé Self Aligning Ball Bearings & thrust bearings using hard ware of Grade 4.60 Galvanized.The Painting to the Equipment should be Powder Coated ( 80-100 microns thickness.All open end pipes should be covered with SS/LLDPE caps & the equipment is grouted with M18 Foundation Bolts with Concrete Strength of M25 for Safety and Stability and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.( The Total Unit Cost is = Rs. 46697.00 ( Item Price)+ Rs. 953.00 for inland Transportation, Insurance and other Services required to Convey the Goods to the Final Destination but Excluding GST for complete item of work.
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Repairs to Compound wall and other miscellaneous work to open Gym;SUPPLY, Delivery and lnstallation of Air Walker/Sky Walker with Carrying Capacity of 1 Personof overall sizes '1100 x 550 mmmadeof Hot Dipped Galvanized Pipes Confirming to lS 1239(Part-1) with Gl thrckness 50 micron l\4aterials and Heavy Duty (C Class) series of pipes only.Equipment should be made up of '100 NB irain Post pipe with upporting Struclure 25mmNB& 40MM NB, 50mm NB and 60 X 40 mm Rectangular Tube with Standing BASE SIZE OF 320 x 135 MM fixed with Deep Grocve? Self Alqnrng Ball Bearings & thrust bearings using hard ware of Grade 4.60 Galvanized.The Painting to the Equipment should be Powder Coated (80-'100 microns thickness.All open end pipes should be covered with SS/LLDPE caps & the equipment is grouled with M18 Foundation Bolts with Concrele Strength of M25 for Safety and Slability and as directed by the Engineer-inCharge.(The Total UnitCostis = Rs.45227.00 ( ltem Price)+ Rs. 923.00 for inland Transportation, lnsurance and other Servic?s required to Convey the Goods to the Final Destination but Excluding GST for complete item of work.
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Repairs to Compound wall and other miscellaneous work to open Gym;SUPPLY, Delivery and lnstallation ol Chest Press wilh Carrying Capacity of 2 Persons of overall sizes1800 x 700 x'1900 mm with Seat Size of 300 x 300 mm dia made ol Hot Dipped Galvanized Pipes Conflrming to lS'1239(Parl-1)with Gl thickness 60 micron Materials and Heavy Duty (C Class) series of pipes only.Equipment should be made up of '100 NB Main Post pipe with Supporting Structure 25NB&32 mm N8,60 X 40MN4 NB Rectangular Tube fixed with Deep Groove6 Self Aligning Eall Bearings and using hard ware of Grade 4.60 Galvanized.The Painting to the Equipment should be Powder Coated ( 80-100 microns thickness.All open end pipes should be covered with SS/LLDPE caps & the equipment is grouted with M18 Foundation Bolts with Concrete Skength of lr25 for Safety and Stabrlity and as directed by the Engineer-inCharge.( The Tolal Unit Cost is = Rs. 68257.00 ( ltem Price)+ Rs. 1393.00 for inland Transportation, lnsurance and other Services required to Convey the Goods to the Final Deslination but Excluding GST for complete item ofwork.
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Repairs to Compound wall and other miscellaneous work to open Gym;SUPPLY, Delivery and lnstallation of Air Swing with Carrying Capacity of 2 Persons of overall sizes 1000 x 890 x 1300 mm made of Hot Dipped Galvanized Pipes Confirming to lS 1239(Part-1) with Gl thrckness 60 micron l\,laterials and Heavy Duty (C Class) series of pipes only.Equipment should be made up of 100NB Main Post pipe with Supporting Skucture 2smmNB & 40[ilM NB, 50mm NB and 80 X 40mm Rectangular Tube with Standing BASE SIZEOF 250MM Round size flxed with Deep Groovee Self Alignrng Ball Bearrngs using hard ware of Grade 4.60 Galvanized.The Painting' to the Equipment should be Powder Coated ( 80-100 microns thick.ress.All open end pipes should be covered with SS/LLDPE caps & the equipment is grouted with lVIl8 Foundation Bolts with Concrete Strength of l\r25 for Safety and Stability and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.( The Total Unit Cost is = Rs. 44443.00 ( ltem Price)+ Rs. 907.00 for inland Transportation, lnsurance and other Services required to Convey the Goods to the Final Destination but Excluding GST for complete item of work
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