Water Resources Department Tender
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₹ 10,000Tender Fee
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Renovation Of Botaldang Drain Under Binjharpur Block Of Jajpur District In Brahmani Baitarani Doab No Xiv Under D.i.p.
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2021_CEDC_74697_1Bid Award Id
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DDJPR-02/2021-22Tender Authority
Water Resources Department ViewPurchaser Address
GEM & Bid Advisory Services
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Excavation in any approved type soil in approved borrow area by mechanical means loading into and transportation vehicle by mechanical means and unloading soil with all leads, lifts and delifts on properly prepared and scientifically approved surface to the designed section. Clean from weeds and roots including spreading and leveling the earth in 22.5 cm layers as per the approved profile of canal/approach road to line and grade breaking clods to max. 5 to 7 cm including cost, royalty, conveyance, of earth hire and running charges of transport vehicles, maintenance of haul road etc. complete as per specification and direction of the Engineer in charge. ( Measurement to be taken on finished compacted section of the fill basing on initial and final levels). (Borrow area is to be arranged by the Agency at his cost and responsibility).
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Providing & laying cement concrete M-20 grade in approved surface using 20mm. down graded crusher broken hard granite well Graded Stone aggregates free from weathered skin surface and any other deleterious materials, using sharp sand of approved grading & quality confirming to the specifications, using water of approved quality & using cement as per approved specification with all leads, lifts, delifts & transportation by mechanical/manual means with all cost, carriage, royalties & taxes of all other materials including dewatering by suitable means with all cost, mixing the concrete mix ingredients in all mechanical mixer, vibration of concrete by mechanical means, supplying T&P, watering, curing for specified days by suitable means including cost & carriage of water, mobilization & demobilization of men & machineries etc. including quality control testing charges as per approved drawing & specification including Cess & direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
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Straightening, cutting ,bending, binding and tying the grills for MS reinforcement bars in position, the reinforcement steel bars grade Fe-500 of different diameters conforming to I.S. 1786 reinforcement of all diameters at all heights including cost of rod, binding wire 18 to 20 gauge with cost, conveyance, taxes of all materials including chairs, dowel, benches, lapping & welding wherever necessary with all lifts, delifts including quality control testing charges including Cess etc. complete as per the specification & direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
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Providing rigid and smooth centring, shuttreing for Cement Concrete or RCC work including false work & dismantling therafter casting for all heights in all types of structures including pier, abutment, trough slab, road slab etc. complete using steel shutters or plywood shutters efficiently propped and braced using required number of pylons for vertical support, scaffolding, gangway etc. complete and applying the finish for surfaces prominently exposed to public view or flow areas subjected to high velocity as per IS 457 and dismantling after allowing required support time and stacking the same for reuse including greasing, oiling etc. including cost, carriage, royalty and taxes of all materials, labour and T&P and supervision charges complete as per approved design and direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.( Foundation & Plinth)
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Providing & laying cement concrete M-15 grade in approved surface using 20mm. down graded crusher broken hard granite well Graded Stone aggregates free from weathered skin surface and any other deleterious materials, using sharp sand of approved grading & quality confirming to the specifications, using water of approved quality & using cement as per approved specification with all leads, lifts, delifts & transportation by mechanical/manual means with all cost, carriage, royalties & taxes of all other materials including dewatering by suitable means with all cost, mixing the concrete mix ingredients in all mechanical mixer, vibration of concrete by mechanical means, supplying T&P, watering, curing for specified days by suitable means including cost & carriage of water, mobilization & demobilization of men & machineries etc. including quality control testing charges as per approved drawing & specification including Cess & direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
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Filling foundation and plinth with Sand in layers not exceeding 23 cm. thick including spreading, watering and ramming with full compaction etc. complete in all leads, lifts & de-lifts with cost of all materials, Royalty, Labour Cess , T & P, labour charges, de-watering etc. complete as per the direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
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Filling foundation and plinth with excavated materials in layers not exceeding 22.50 cm. thick watering and ramming with full compaction etc. complete in all leads, lifts & de-lifts with cost of all materials, labour cess, T & P, labour charges, etc complete as per the direction of the Engineer-in-charge.
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Providing weep holes in Brick Masonry/ plain/ Reinforced concrete abutment, wing walls/ return walls with 100mm. Dia AC pipe extending through the full width of the structure with slope of 1V:20H towards drawing force, complete as per drawing and technical specification.
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Collecting, supplying and stacking good quality of moorum and sand (70:30) propertion at work site and admixing the same properly conveying from stacks and spreading the same on the approach road, diversion in uniform thickness watering and compacting with H.R.R including cost of materials, labour T & P, coveyance, royalty and all other taxes etc. complete as per direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
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Providing & laying cement concrete M-15 grade in approved surface using 40mm. down graded crusher broken hard granite well Graded Stone aggregates free from weathered skin surface and any other deleterious materials, using sharp sand of approved grading & quality confirming to the specifications, using water of approved quality & using cement as per approved specification with all leads, lifts, delifts & transportation by mechanical/manual means with all cost, carriage, royalties & taxes of all other materials including dewatering by suitable means with all cost, mixing the concrete mix ingredients in all mechanical mixer, vibration of concrete by mechanical means, supplying T&P, watering, curing for specified days by suitable means including cost & carriage of water, mobilization & demobilization of men & machineries etc. including quality control testing charges as per approved drawing & specification including Cess & direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
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Random rubble stone masonry with sand grouted in foundation using hard broken granite stone of approved quality from approved quarry and of 30cm and above size on all direction including cost. Conveyance, royalty, all taxes, Labour cess and any other material, labour and tools and plants etc. required for the work, dewatering whenever necessary complete in all respect with all leads, lifts and de-lifts as per specification and direction of the Engineer-in-charge.
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Providing & laying reinforced cement concrete M-25 grade in approved surface using 20mm & down graded hard granite well graded crusher broken stone aggregates free from weathered skins surface and any other deleterious materials, using sharp sand of approved grading & quality confirming to the specifications, using water of approved quality & using cement as per approved specification with all leads & delifts & transportation by mechanical / manual means including cost, carriage, royalties, Labour cess & taxes of all materials using weigh-batcher, mixing the ingredients in a mechanical mixer, vibration of concrete by mechanical means supplying T & P, watering, curing for specified days by suitable means including cost & carriage of water, mobilisation & demobilisation of men & machineries etc. including quality control testing charges as per approved drawing & specification & direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
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Providing form works with F-1 finish in Cement Concrete or RCC work for upstream faces of dam,spillway,glacis of barrages, unexposed surfaces of foundation,block joints etc. with including false work & dismantling thereafter casting for all heights in all types of structures including pier, abutment, trough slab, road slab etc. complete using steel shutters or plywood shutters efficiently propped and braced using required number of pylons for vertical support, scaffolding, gangway etc. complete and applying the finish for surfaces prominently exposed to public view or flow areas subjected to high velocity as per IS 457 and dismantling after allowing required support time and stacking the same for reuse including greasing, oiling etc. including cost, carriage, royalty and taxes of all materials, labour and T&P and supervision charges complete( excluding G.S.T.) as per approved design and direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
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