Tender Results of Rural Drinking Water And Sanitation Department
Tender Results of Rural Drinking Water And Sanitation Department
Rural Drinking Water And Sanitation Department - RWSSD Tender Result
Contract Date26 Sep 2017
Contract AmountINR 5.8 Million (USD 70.6 K)
Laying of pipe line, Construction of 40000 ltrs capacity of ESR with GI Work, , stand post,Pump house,Compound Wall around Pump House and Dug Well for Rural Piped Water Supply Scheme to Rasikola of Bissam Cuttack Block in Rayagada District
Rural Drinking Water And Sanitation Department - RWSSD Tender Result
Contract Date23 Sep 2017
Contract AmountINR 1.5 Million (USD 19 K)
Laying of rising main and distribution system pipe line of UPVC/DI/GI, construction of Pump house, Compound wall RCC ESR/UGR,SV/NRV Chamber, Air Valve Pillar stand post etc for PWS scheme to village Titimeri of Gunupur Block (Balance portion)
Rural Drinking Water And Sanitation Department - RWSSD Tender Result
Contract Date11 Aug 2017
Contract AmountINR 2.3 Million (USD 28.6 K)
Laying of rising main and distribution system pipe line of UPVC/DI/GI,construction of Pump house,Compound wall RCC ESR/UGR,SV/NRV Chamber,Air Valve Pillar stand post etc fordifferent PWS Schemes of Rayagada District
7241-7250 of 7359 active Tender Results