Amaravati Development Corporation Limited Tender

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Amaravati Development Corporation Limited - ADCL Tender

Bridge Construction
Civil And Construction
Road Construction
Electrical Goods and Equipments
Drainage Work
Electrical and Electronics
Water Storage And Supply
Furnitures and Fixtures
Opening Date15 Feb 2025
Closing Soon3 Mar 2025
Tender Amount₹ 2,83,64,50,002 



Construction Of Balance Smart Trunk Infrastructure With Roads, Storm Water Drains, Water Supply Network,


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Forming Subgrade with borrowed useful earth from outside road boundary by mechanical means with all leads and lifts including pre-watering of soil at borrow area, removal of top soil, excavation of soils at borrowed area, conveyance of soil, depositing the soil on the embankment, spreading soil, breaking clods, sectioning, grading and consolidation with 8 to 10 Tonnes Vibratory Road Roller @ OMC to meet requirement of table 300-1 & 300-2 of MoRT&H, including all hire and operational charges of T&P , etc., complete for finished item of work as per MoRT&H specification 305 (5th Revision) , satisfying the Free Swell Index value less than 50%, soaked CBR value not less than 8% and other reqirements from clause 305 (5th Revision) and as directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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Filling of Median / Island with excavated material deposited at site from roadway cutting and excavation for drain and foundation of other structures, spread, graded and compacted with Plate compactor as per drawing, Technical Specifications Clause 408 (5th Revision) with all leads and lifts complete for finished item of work and as directed by the Engineer in Charge




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Filling of Median / Island with approved material obtained from selected borrow source as per drawing, Technical Specifications Clause 408 (5th Revision) with selected borrowed useful earth from outside road boundary by mechanical means up to SDR with all leads and lifts including pre-watering of soil at borrow area, removal of top soil, excavation of soils at borrowed area, conveyance of soil, depositing the soil on the embankment, spreading soil, breaking clods, sectioning and compacting to meet requirements including all hire and operational charges of T&P, etc, complete for finished item of work and as directed by the Engineer in Charge




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Loosening and Recompaction of Existing Ground up to a level of 500mm supporting Emabankment / Subgrade to the required compaction to meet the requirements of Table 300-2 of MoRTH, including all hire and operational charges of T&P etc., complete for finished item of work as per MoRT&H specification 305 (5th Revision) , and as directed by the Engineer in Charge .




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Construction of Granular sub-base by providing HBG material confirming to Grading - VI of MoRT&H Table 400-1 including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site and spreading in uniform layers with motor grader or by approved means, on prepared surface mixing by mix in place method with Rotavator / approved means at OMC and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density etc., complete for finished item of work as per MoRT&H Specification 401 (5th revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.




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Providing, Laying, Spreading and compacting graded HBG crushed stone aggregate to Wet Mix macadem specification including cost of all materials and including premixing the material with water at OMC in Mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed material by tipper to site, laying in uniform layers with paver in base courses on well prepared surface and compacting with Vibratory roller to acheive the desired density etc., as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and as per MoRT&H specification 406 (5th revision) for finished item of work.




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Providing and applying prime coat with bitumen emulsion (SS-1) on prepared surface of granular Base including clearing of road surface and spraying primer at the rate of 0.85 kg/sqm using mechanical means for finished item of work as per MoRT&H Specification 502 (5th Revision).




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Providing and applying tack coat with bitumen Emulsion (RS-1) (Bulk) using Emulsion pressure distributor at the rate of 2.5 kg to 3.0 kg / 10 sqm over granular surface treated with primer cleaned with mechanical broom for finished item of work as per MoRT&H Specification 503 (5th revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.




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Providing and applying tack coat with bitumen Emulsion (RS-1) (Bulk) using Emulsion pressure distributor at the rate of 2.0 to 3.0 kg /10 sqm over bituminous surface cleaned with mechanical broom for finished item of work as per MoRT&H Specification 503 (5th revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.




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Providing and laying of Dense Graded Bituminous Macadam with 100-120 TPH Batch type HMP Producing an average output of 75 tonne per hour using crushed aggregates of Grading - II as per table 500-10 of MoRT&H Specification 505 (5th revision) premixed with bitumen binder VG 40 grade @ 4.50% of weight of total mixture, transported to site, laid over a previously prepared surface with Hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor to the required grade, level and alignment and rolled with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers as per Clauses 501.6 and 501.7 to achieve the desired compaction for finished item of work as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge including hire and operational charges all T&P and all other contingent charges necessary including cost of of all materials etc., complete as per MoRT&H specification No. 505 (5th revision)




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Providing Bituminous Concrete with 100-120 TPH Batch type hot mix plant producing an average output of 75 tonne per hour using HBG crushed aggregates of Grading-I as per table 500-17 of specification 507 of MoRT&H (5th Revision), premixed with bitumen binder VG-40 Grade @ 5.2 % of mix and filler, transporting the hot mix to work site, laying with Hydroststic paver finisher with sensor to the required grade, level and alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction as per MoRT&H Specification 507 (5th Revision) complete for finished item of work in all respects as directed by Engineer-in-Charge




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Providing, laying and rolling of close-graded premix surfacing material of 20 mm thickness composed of 11.2 mm to 0.09 mm Type-A aggregates using VG-30 grade bitumen @ 22 kg/10 sqm and colour pigment to the required line, grade and level to serve as wearing course on a previously prepared base, including mixing in a suitable plant, laying and rolling with a Smooth wheeled roller 8-10 tonne capacity, and finishing to required level and grade as per MoRT&H Specification 508 (5th Revision) complete for finished item of work in all respects as directed by Engineer-in-Charge




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Providing and constructing filter media behind bridge abutments, wing walls, retaining walls and return walls complete as per Drawings and Technical Specifications Clause 305 and 2504 (5th Revision).-For Bridges




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Providing and constructing Back Fill behind bridge abutments, wing walls, retaining walls and return walls with selected granular material of approved quality complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications Clause 304 and 305 (5th Revision).-For Bridges




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Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M 35 grade using 20mm & 10mm HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges, centering, machine mixing, laying, vibrating, curing etc., including other incidental hire and operational charges of all T&P etc., complete as per approved drawings and as directed during execution but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item as per MoRT&H specification 1500,1600,1700 & 2200 (5th revision ) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge for Substructure.minimum quantity of 422 kg cement to be used per cum of concrete.-For Bridges




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Providing & Constructing Cast in situ Post Tensioned Concrete "Box" girders using M40 grade using 20mm & 10mm HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) including cost, conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges, centering, machine mixing, laying, vibrating, curing etc., including other incidental hire and operational charges of all T&P etc., complete as per approved drawings and as directed during execution but excluding cost of steel & HT Strands and its fabrication & prestressing charges for finished item as per MoRT&H specification 1500,1600,1700,1800 & 2300 (5th revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge for Super structure as per drawing and technical specifications. Minimum quantity of 430 kg cement to be used per cum of concrete.-For Bridges




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Vibrated cement concrete M 15 Grade Concrete under approach slabs using 40mm , 20mm and 10mm size HBG/HBT crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and all labour charges for machine mixing, laying in position, Compacting , Vibrating and curing including all other incidental and all other operational charges of T&P required etc., complete as per MoRT&H Specification 1700, 2100 ,2700 (5th Revision) for leveling course.minimum quantity of 275 kg cement to be used per cum of concrete.-For Bridges




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Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M 30 grade for Approach slab using 20mm & 10mm HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges, centering, machine mixing, laying, vibrating, curing etc., including all other incidental and operational charges of all T&P etc., complete for finished item of work as per Approved drawing including cost of steel and its fabrication charges as per MoRT&H specification 1500, 1600,1700, & 2704 (5th Revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. Minimum quantity of 407 kg cement to be used per cum of concrete.-For Bridges




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Providing and laying (65mm thick) wearing course comprising of 40mm asphalt concrete over 25 mm thick mastic asphalt including cost of prime coat, prepared by using mastic cooker and laid to required level and slope after cleaning the surface, all complete as per Drawings, Technical Specifications clause 507, 516 & sub clause 2702 (5th Revision) and as directed by the Engineer in Charge-For Bridges




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Construction of Ornamental Railing complete as per approved drawings and as per MORTH Section 2200 & clause 2703 (5th Revision).-For Bridges




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Provision of Reinforced cement concrete crash barrier at the edges of the road, approaches to bridge structures and medians, constructed with M-40 grade concrete with HYSD bars of Fe-500 D grade reinforcement conforming to IRC:21 and dowel bars 25 mm dia, 450 mm long at expansion joints filled with pre-moulded asphalt filler board, keyed to the structure on which it is built and installed as per design given in the enclosure to MORTH circular No. RW/NH - 33022/1/94-DO III dated 24 June 1994 as per dimensions in the approved drawing and at locations directed by the Engineer, all as specified as per MORTH Section 800, 2200 & clause 2703 (5th Revision).minimum quantity of 430 kg cement to be used per cum of concrete.-For Bridges




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Providing and fixing Stripseal expansion joints complete as per Drawings, Technical Specifications Section 2600 (5th Revision) and as directed by the Engineer in Charge-For Bridges




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Providing and fixing galvanized Drainage Spouts along with drain pipes complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications clause 2705 MORTH (5th Revision). -For Bridges




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Providing and fixing bearings complete as per Drawings, Technical Specifications Section 2000 (5th Revision) and as directed by the Engineer in Charge-Tar Paper Bearings-For Bridges




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Providing and fixing bearings complete as per Drawings, Technical Specifications Section 2000 (5th Revision) and as directed by the Engineer in Charge-Spherical Bearings(250 Ton's)-For Bridges




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Providing, cutting, bending and fixing in position of HYSD bars of Fe-500 D grade reinforcement in reinforced concrete structures to required sizes and shapes, placing in position with cover blocks of approved materials and size and tying and lap-splicing with binding wire of 18 SWG, forming grills including cost and conveyance of steel bars, including all wastages such as overlaps, couplings, chairs, spacer bars complete as per drawing, Technical Specifications Section 1600 (5th Revision) including cost, conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges and as directed by the Engineer in Charge- bridge Sub structure.-For Bridges




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Providing, cutting, bending and fixing in position of HYSD bars of Fe-500 D grade reinforcement in reinforced concrete structures to required sizes and shapes, placing in position with cover blocks of approved materials and size and tying and lap-splicing with binding wire of 18 SWG, forming grills including cost and conveyance of steel bars, including all wastages such as overlaps, couplings, chairs, spacer bars complete as per drawing, Technical Specifications Section 1600 (5th Revision) including cost, conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges and as directed by the Engineer in Charge- bridge Super structure.-For Bridges




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High tensile steel wires/strands including all accessories for stressing, stressing operations and grouting all complete as per drawings, Technical Specifications Clause 1800 (5th Revision) and as directed by the Engineer in Charge-For Bridges




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Providing and painting with Synthetic enamel paints of approved quality on bridges with Bridge No. and Span arrangements as per IRC-7,1971 complete as per drawing, Technical Specifications Section and as directed by the Engineer in Charge.-For Bridges




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Providing and Applying ordinary paints of approved quality on surface of parapets as per Drawings, Technical specification clause 803 (5th Revision) and as directed by the Engineer in Charge.-For Bridges




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Providing and painting of flood gauge on sub-structure to full height and 500 mm width as per the drawings, Technical specification clause 803 (5th Revision) and as directed by the Engineer in Charge.-For Bridges




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Providing, laying and fixing of HDPE pipe of 160mm dia complete as per Drawing, Technical Specifications and as directed by the Engineer in Charge.-For Bridges




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Providing and constructing inlet chambers of 0.6mx0.6mx0.6m dimensions with RCC M25 grade of concrete for Raft and walls and M15 grade of concrete for Levelling Course, with galvanised gratings and PVC/HDPE pipe 150mm dia as per drawing and Technical Specifications Section 1500, 1600 & 1700 (5th Revision) and as directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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Construction of Median chutes of clear size 0.25m width x 0.275m depth with 100mm Raft & walls as per fig 4.32 of IRC SP 42-2014 and Technical Specifications Section 1500, 1700 & 2100 (5th Revision) and as directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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Providing and Laying Plain Cement Concrete M 20 kerb with top and bottom width 115 and 165mm respectively, 390mm high over WMM kerb stone laid with kerb laying machine as per drawing including cost, conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges etc complete as per Technical Specifications Clauses 409 and Section 1700 (5th Revision) and as directed by the Engineer in Charge.minimum quantity of 344 kg cement to be used per cum of concrete. -Grade M 20 for Kerb "A" Type Section over WMM




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Providing and Laying Plain Cement Concrete M 20 kerb with top and bottom width 115 and 465mm respectively, 365mm over WMM kerb stone laid with kerb laying machine as per drawing including cost, conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges etc complete as per Technical Specifications Clauses 409 and Section 1700 (5th Revision) and as directed by the Engineer in Charge.minimum quantity of 344 kg cement to be used per cum of concrete. -Grade M 20 for Kerb "L" Type Section over WMM




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Providing and Laying kerb painting with with two coats on the surface with synthetic enamel paint grade-I (IS:164) in all shades on new plastered concrete surfaces after back filling including cost, conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges etc complete as per drawing, Technical Specifications Clause 803 (5th Revision) and as directed by the Engineer in Charge




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Construction of footpath/separator by providing 60mm paver blocks-M35 grade, 30mm sand fill below it including cost, conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges etc complete as per the technical specification of MoRTH& APDSS as per drawings and as directed by the Engineer -in- Charge




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Supplying of hot applied thermoplastic road marking compound, 2.50mm thick including reflectorising glass beads @ 250gms with Reflectorising Glass beads on Bituminous surface at 250gms per Sqm area, thickness of 2.50mm is exclusive of surface applied glass bead as per MoRTH section 803.40 & IRC 35 -2015 , the material should be satisfy MoRTH specifications 803.40 and must comply with the following a) White index for the product should be in the range of 60-70 when measured against standard reference. The applied panel 7/8 number must be submitted for checking up the white index in the department lab .In case the department approves the white index box of any vendor, the department engineer may carryout random checking of the appplied products at site against the approved panel. In case of any major deviation, beyond acceptance limit, department reserve the right to cancel or reject the total supplied consignment of the said material and will compell the vendor has to replace the full consignment by the desired material as per approved panel at his own cost and additional demurrages may be claimed due to loss of man days (as per the rules of the department), b)The Luminance factor of the material should be in the range of 80-85% at 45 degrees centigrade as per AASTHOM 249. c) Crack resistance: The applied panel cured for 7 days under ambient condition and then should be tested as per BS3262 part-1, 1989 and should pass at the range of 0 degree centigrade to '-10 ' degree centigrade. D) Adhesion : Strong E) Softening point 102 degree centigrade F) Dried film finish : Smooth and uniform G) Night Vision: High as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and confirming to IS 164-1961 (1st revision reaffirmed in 1986) and clause conforming to IRC 35-2015 & MoRTH section 803.4-Lane / Center line / Edge marking / Transverse marking and any other marking




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Supplying of hot applied thermoplastic road marking compound, 2.50mm thick including reflectorising glass beads @ 250gms with Reflectorising Glass beads on Bituminous surface at 250gms per Sqm area, thickness of 2.50mm is exclusive of surface applied glass bead as per MoRTH section 803.40 & IRC 35 -2015 , the material should be satisfy MoRTH specifications 803.40 and must comply with the following a) White index for the product should be in the range of 60-70 when measured against standard reference. The applied panel 7/8 number must be submitted for checking up the white index in the department lab .In case the department approves the white index box of any vendor, the department engineer may carryout random checking of the appplied products at site against the approved panel. In case of any major deviation, beyond acceptance limit, department reserve the right to cancel or reject the total supplied consignment of the said material and will compell the vendor has to replace the full consignment by the desired material as per approved panel at his own cost and additional demurrages may be claimed due to loss of man days (as per the rules of the department), b)The Luminance factor of the material should be in the range of 80-85% at 45 degrees centigrade as per AASTHOM 249. c) Crack resistance: The applied panel cured for 7 days under ambient condition and then should be tested as per BS3262 part-1, 1989 and should pass at the range of 0 degree centigrade to '-10 ' degree centigrade. D) Adhesion : Strong E) Softening point 102 degree centigrade F) Dried film finish : Smooth and uniform G) Night Vision: High as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and confirming to IS 164-1961 (1st revision reaffirmed in 1986) and clause conforming to IRC 35-2015 & MoRTH section 803.4-Directional Arrows, Lettering etc. as per drawing No.61 of MORTH Type Designs for Intersections




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Supplying of hot applied thermoplastic road marking compound, 2.50mm thick including reflectorising glass beads @ 250gms with Reflectorising Glass beads on Bituminous surface at 250gms per Sqm area, thickness of 2.50mm is exclusive of surface applied glass bead as per MoRTH section 803.40 & IRC 35 -2015 , the material should be satisfy MoRTH specifications 803.40 and must comply with the following a) White index for the product should be in the range of 60-70 when measured against standard reference. The applied panel 7/8 number must be submitted for checking up the white index in the department lab .In case the department approves the white index box of any vendor, the department engineer may carryout random checking of the appplied products at site against the approved panel. In case of any major deviation, beyond acceptance limit, department reserve the right to cancel or reject the total supplied consignment of the said material and will compell the vendor has to replace the full consignment by the desired material as per approved panel at his own cost and additional demurrages may be claimed due to loss of man days (as per the rules of the department), b)The Luminance factor of the material should be in the range of 80-85% at 45 degrees centigrade as per AASTHOM 249. c) Crack resistance: The applied panel cured for 7 days under ambient condition and then should be tested as per BS3262 part-1, 1989 and should pass at the range of 0 degree centigrade to '-10 ' degree centigrade. D) Adhesion : Strong E) Softening point 102 degree centigrade F) Dried film finish : Smooth and uniform G) Night Vision: High as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and confirming to IS 164-1961 (1st revision reaffirmed in 1986) and clause conforming to IRC 35-2015 & MoRTH section 803.4-Pedestrian Crossing at junctions and median openings




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Providing and fixing Village name board size 600x800 mm made out of Type – XI of ASTMD 4956-09 wide angle cube cornered micro Prismatic Retro reflective sheeting and confirming to IRC 67:2012 for full background of Green Colour & White Letters and fixed over 3MM Alluminium Composite Material sheet having minimum 0.30mm thick Aluminium skin on both sides with back side painted grey colour and fixed over back support frame of M.S angle 25x25x3mm all round and fixing with 35x35x4mm and mounted on a MS angle post of size 75x75x6mm with clear height of not less than 2.1 m from the ground level to the bottom of the board. The signpost should be painted with one coat of red oxide paint and 2 coats of synthetic enamel paint Black and White colour with bands of 30cm of height. The signpost shall be firmly fixed with MS base angle 35x35x4 mm in to the ground by M-15 Concrete foundation of size 450x450x600mm including cost and conveyance of all materials ,equipment, machinery and labour with all leads and lift, loading charges necessary for satisfactory completion of the work as directed by Engineer –in-Charge.




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Providing & fixing junction boards of size 1500 x 1200 mm made out of Type – XI of ASTMD 4956-09 wide angle cube cornered micro Prismatic Retro reflective sheeting and confirming to IRC 67:2012 for full background of Green Colour & White Letters and fixed over 4MM Alluminium Composite Material sheet having minimum 0.5 mm thick Aluminium skin on both sides with back side painted grey colour and fixed over back support frame of M.S angle 25x25x3mm all round and fixing with 35x35x4mm and mounted on a MS angle post of size 75x75x6mm with clear height of not less than 2.1 m from the ground level to the bottom of the board. The signpost should be painted with one coat of red oxide paint and 2 coats of synthetic enamel paint Black and White colour with bands of 30cm of height. The signpost shall be firmly fixed with MS base angle 35x35x4 mm in to the ground by M-15 Concrete foundation of size 450x450x600mm including cost and conveyance of all materials ,equipment, machinery and labour with all leads and lift, loading charges necessary for satisfactory completion of the work as directed by Engineer -in-Charge.




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Providing and fixing of Route marker signs (450mm x 600mm) as per IRC :67 made of high intensity grade sheeting vide clause 801.3, fixed over aluminium sheeting, 1.5 mm thick supported on a mild steel angle iron post 75 mm x 75 mm x 6 mm firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundation with M15 grade cement concrete 45 cm x 45 cm x 60 cm, 60 cm below ground level as per approved drawing




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Providing and fixing Cautionary / Warning sign boards size 900 mm equilateral triangle made out of Type – XI of ASTMD 4956-09 wide angle cube cornered micro Prismatic Retro reflective sheeting and confirming to IRC 67:2012 for full background of White colour and letters/logos done by screen printing in Black colour, boarders by screen printing in Red colour and fixed over 4MM Aluminium Composite Material sheet having minimum 0.5 mm thick Aluminium skin on both sides with back side painted grey colour and fixed over back support frame of M.S angle 25x25x3mm all round and fixing with 35x35x4mm and mounted on a MS angle post of size 75x75x6mm with clear height of not less than 2.1 m from the ground level to the bottom of the board. The signpost should be painted with one coat of red oxide paint and 2 coats of synthetic enamel paint Black and White colour with bands of 30cm of height. The signpost shall be firmly fixed with MS base angle 35x35x4 mm in to the ground by M-15 Concrete foundation of size 450x450x600mm including cost and conveyance of all materials ,equipment, machinery and labour with all leads and lift, loading chages necessary for satisfactory completion of the work as directed by Engineer -in-Charge.




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Providing and fixing Mandatory / Regulatory sign boards size 900 mm circle made out of Type – XI of ASTMD 4956-09 wide angle cube cornered micro Prismatic Retro reflective sheeting and confirming to IRC 67:2012 for full background of White colour and letters/logos done by screen printing in Black colour, boarders by screen printing in Red colour and fixed over 4MM Aluminium Composite Material sheet having minimum 0.5 mm thick Aluminium skin on both sides with back side painted grey colour and fixed over back support frame of M.S angle 25x25x3mm all roundand fixing with 35x35x4mm and mounted on a MS angle post of size 75x75x6mm with clear height of not less than 2.1 m from the ground levelto the bottom of the board. The signpost should be painted with one coat of red oxide paint and 2 coats of synthetic enamel paint Black and White colour with bands of 30cm of height. The Signpost shall be firmly fixed with MS base angle 35x35x4 mm in to the ground by M-15 Concrete foundation of size 450x450x600mm including cost and conveyance of all materials ,equipment, machinery and labour with all leads and lift, loading charges necessary for satisfactory completion of the work as directed by Engineer -in-Charge.




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Stop sign - Octagon of size 1200 mm complete including cost and conveyance of all materials ,equipment, machinery and labour with all leads and lift, loading chages necessary for satisfactory completion of the work as per drawings, Technical Specifications Clause No. 801 (5th Revision) and as directed by the Engineer in Charge




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Providing and fixing Mandatory (Give way sign) sign boards size 900 mm equilateral triangle made out of Type – XI of ASTMD 4956-09 wide angle cube cornered micro Prismatic Retro reflective sheeting and confirming to IRC 67:2012 for full background of White colour and letters/logos done by screen printing in Black colour, boarders by screen printing in Red colour and fixed over 4MM Aluminium Composite Material sheet having minimum 0.5 mm thick Aluminium skin on both sides with back side painted grey colour and fixed over back support frame of M.S angle 25x25x3mm all round and fixing with 35x35x4mm and mounted on a MS angle post of size 75x75x6mm with clear height of not less than 2.1 m from the ground level to the bottom of the board. The signpost should be painted with one coat of red oxide paint and 2 coats of synthetic enamel paint Black and White colour with bands of 30cm of height. The signpost shall be firmly fixed with MS base angle 35x35x4 mm in to the ground by M-15 Concrete foundation of size 450x450x600mm including cost and conveyance of all materials ,equipment, machinery and labour with all leads and lift, loading chages necessary for satisfactory completion of the work as directed by Engineer -in-Charge.




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Supplying and installation of delineators (Roadway indicators) not less than 800mm high above ground level. The delineator shall have a core and shell construction which shall be made of tough, high impact resistant, injection-molded, thermoplastic outer body. The inner core shall consist of powder coated or painted Mild steel of minimum thickness 1.0mm. The delineator should have top retro-reflective unit consisting of white color micro prismatic non metallic retro-reflective sheeting of minimum exposed area of 125 cm2 and bottom retro-reflective unit consisting of red color micro prismatic non metallic retro-reflective sheeting of minimum exposed area of 35 cm2 confirming to ASTM D4956 type XI standards and as per IRC -79. The delineators shall be fixed to the ground by inserting the root of the delineator up to the marked portion and by firm concrete filling as per the instructions by engineer in-charge.




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Supply and installation of Hazard Markers/Delenators using M.S angle of size 55x55x6 mm and 120 cm high above ground level painted with two coats of black & white strips of 15cm wide with first quality synthetic enamel paint over one coat of appropriate primer of approved brand, colour, with 30cm x 90cm Type- XI of ASTMD 4956-09 wide angle cube concerned micro prismatic Retro Reflective sheeting of Yellow yellow colour and confirming to IRC 67:2012 fixed over 3mm aluminum composite material having minimum 0.30mm thick Aluminium skin on both sides with standard supports consisting of alternately black and yellow strips, in screen printing slopoing downward at an angle of 45 degrees towards the side of the obstruction on which the traffic is to pass and buried into the ground in a trench of size 30cm x 30cm and 50cm depth filled with CC M-20 including cost and conveyhance of all materials, equipment,machinery and labour with all leads and lifts, loading and unloading charges necessaryu for successful completion of the work on any road in division as directed by the Engineer-in-charge and conforming to IRC 67-2012 & MoRT&H specification No 805 and approved drawings etc., complete for finished item of work.




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Providing and fixing Object markers 48.3mmdia. MS pipe ,keep at 50cm above ground level with 3MM Alluminium Composite Material sheet having minimum 0.30 mm thick Aluminium skin fully covered with type XI of wide angle cube cornered micro Prismatic Retro reflective sheeting and confirming to IRC 67:2012 reflective sheeting fixed in to trench of 30x30x30cm filled with CC M20 conforming to IRC-67:2012 & MORTH&H specification no 805 and approved drawing etc.,




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Providing and fixing of Moulded Shanks Raised Pavement Markers made of Polycarbonate and ABS moulded body and reflective panels with micro prismatic lens capable of providing total internal reflection of the light entering the lense face and shall support a load of 16000 kg tested in accordance to ASTM D 4280 TypeH and complying to specifications of Category A of MORTH circular No.RW/NH-33023/10/97 - DO III dt. 11-o6-1997. The height, width and length shall not exceed 50mm, 100mm and with minimum reflecting area of 13 sqcm on each side and the slope to the base shall be 35 +/- 5 degrees The strength of detachment of the integrated cylindrical shanks (of diameter not less than 19 +/- 2mm and height not less than 30 +/- 2mm) from the body is to be a minimum values of 700kgs. Fixing will be by drilling holes on the road for the twin shanks to go inside without nails and using epoxy resign based adhesive as per manufacturers recommendation and complete as directed bythe Engineer.




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Clearing the light Jungle like Shrub, bushes, grass, wild vegetation and it including all operational, incidental, labour charges, required tools, overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of work




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Aliliment and fixing planting point with 0.45 mtr length sticks incl mateal cost, transport and overheads and contractor propit complte for finised work




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Earth work excavation for foundations Digging of pits for plant in ordinary soils 0.90x0.90x0.90 mtr. Tall Plants




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Filling with Red soil (Red soil in this context it is defirn:;g as sandy As per loamy garden soil congenial for plant growth which shall be of light textured, crystalline, porous and friable;·fertile, slightly acidic·:or neutral)in pits/trenches and including cost and conveyance of red s /1' to work site and it including all operational, incidental ,labour charges, required tools, overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of work.




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Cost and Conveyance of Farm Yard Manure or dry cow dung powder including loading, unloading, internal transport and application. of the FYM into the pits/trenches and it including all operational, incidental,labour charges, required tools, overheads & contractors propit complete for finished item of work. (0.028 cum mtr farm yard Manure for each. pit'.) Rs.1761 for cubic mtr. Tall Plants.




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Conveyance charges for internal transprot upto 100 mt with head load and application of the red soil and FYM into the pit and it including all operational, incidental ,labour charges, required tools, overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of work. (0.37 cubic per pit and Rs. 50.02 per pit)




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Transport of 21''x21'' size bag plants from Nursery to Plantation site including loading and unloading 10 km lead




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Internal transportation of larger bag size 21''x21'' for 100 no. of plants




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Planting of bag plants 21''x21'' size @ 5145.61/100 no.




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Hedge / shrub planting: Digging the trench of size 0.3 mtrs. depth, refilling with red garden soil including cost of red garden soil and farmyard manure at 4:1 ratio, internal transportation of plants, planting etc., including the application of fertilizers and pesticides etc., (@ 20 gms/pit/sqmt) and it including all operational, incidental, labour charges, required tools, overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of work, but excluding the cost of the fertilizers (@ 20 gms/pit/sqmt) and plant material etc., - unit 1 Sqmt of work. (* 10 No./Sqm of plants & bag size shall be arrived based on the spacing 0.3 c/c as per the design.) (Red garden soil in this context it is defined as sandy loamy garden soil congenial for plant growth which shall be of light textured, crystalline, porous and friable, fertile, slightly acidic or neutral)




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Provision for Transportation of 21" x 21" bag size (30 kg/bag) 1650 Nos




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Provision for Transportation of 7" x 8" bag size (2 kg/bag) 328020 Nos




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Cost of Cassia Javanica (21"x21") /Equivalent




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Cost of Ficus religiosa (21"x21") /Equivalent




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Cost of Tecomeria Capensis (7"x8") /Equivalent




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Maintenance of Palms/Tree planting: Trimming (once in month) and application of fertilizers, insecticides, Fungicides @ 20 gms/pit/sqmt) (once in quarterly) by manually excluding cost of fertilizers, it including all operational, incidental ,labour charges, for complete of work.




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Maintenance of hedge/shrub planting: Trimming of hedges/shrubs (once in 30 days) and application of fertilizers, insecticides, Fungicides (once in a month @ 20 gms/pit/sqmt) etc., by manually excluding cost of fertilizers it including all operational, incidental, labour charges, for complete of work.




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Hire charges of tractor mounted water tanker for filling sump by 5000 ltrscapacity tanker(150 waterings for oneyear ie. once in a three days @ 5litres per sqm/plant per each time) and it including all operational, incidental, labourcharges, required tools, overheads&contractors profit complete for finished item of work




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watch and ward 4 member per month for 12 months = 48 member




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Supply and delivery of 19:19:19 fertilizer 4 times each time 20 gms / Sqm (Once in 3 months i.e 4 times in a Year ( 1650 Nos x 4 x 20 gms)/1000/50 = 3 Bags & (Once in 3 months i.e 4 times in a Year ( 34364 Sqm x 4 x 20 gms)/1000/50 = 55 Bags




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Foundation and erection charges with special T&P, for 10Mtrs long Octagonal / Conical pole duly erecting on base plate duly providing 4 Nos foundation bolts with nuts with providing of 0.60Mtr x 0.60Mtrs x 1.40 Mtr size M20 cc work vibrated concreting mixing with necessary steel (15kgs) reinforcement and curing for 7 days as directed by the field engineers during execution including excavation of Earth/BT all labour charges and cost and conveyance of materials etc., complete.




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Foundation and erection charges with special T&P, for 4 Mtrs long pole duly erecting on base plate duly providing 4 Nos foundation bolts with nuts with providing of 0.45Mtr x 0.45Mtrs x1.20 Mtr size M20 cc work vibrated concreting mixing with necessary steel (10kgs) reinforcement and curing for 7 days as directed by the field engineers during execution including excavation of Earth/BT all labour charges and cost and conveyance of materials etc., complete.




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Erection charges for Octagonal pole upto 10 mtrs on bridge crashbarrier portion with 4 Nos, 8" Anchor bolts with chemical treatment with suitable "I" type bolts etc duly drilling holes to crash barrier and fixing of "L" type base plate of dimensions 300mmx300mmx12mm at top, side and as stiffner with 4 number of holes at top face and bottom face including bolts, nuts and washers and cost and conveyance of all material and all labour charges etc., complete as directed by the department officers.




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Fabrication, Transportation and supply of hot-dip galvanized Octagonal Pole with BSEN - 10025 grade S 355 JO steel plate for shaft, IS 2062 for base plate with hinged door opening arrangement, including the supply of suitable boards with bakelite sheet as per IS specification suitable to withstand the wind speed of 180 KMPH for 10 Mtrs height Pole having dimensions Bottom 175 mm,. Top 70mm with 3mm thick, base plate 275 x 275 x16mm and 4 Nos of M24 x 750 long 'J' bolts along with template including Fabrication, Transportation and supply of 1.5 Mtr length double arm suitable size decorative galvanized bracket with PU paint colour finish etc complete. (The design should be approved from field Engineers) for finished item of work as directed by Engineer in charge. Make for Pole :Bajaj /Valmont /Laasma/ Transrail/Utkarsh/Skipper/Consoul /Surya/Vakrangee/Lysaght Pole




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Supply, Transporation, installation, testing and commissioning of LED decorative post top of 45W with a system lumen output of 4950 lumens and a minimum system efficiancy of 110lm/W with street light optics. The luminaire shall have a rated system lifetime of 50,000 burning hours at L70. the luminaire should have a color temperature of 5700K and CRI70. The luminare shall meet IP66 with THD10% and PF0.9, IK08 protection. The luminaire shall hav eclosed diffused optics with polycarbonate diffuser board. the total power consumption should not exceed 45W (including driver) with glass reinforced polymer (GRP) composite type Conical pole of height 4 mtr including decorative base plate and internal junction box including labour charges etc., complete and as directed by the departmental authorities. Makes:Klite/Phillips/Reytek/lightman or equivalent. Design, model shall be as approved by the departmental authorities




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Supply, transportation and fixing of LED Street light Luminaire made of pressure diecast aluminum body with powder coated, having protective toughened glass/polycarbonate diffuser, supply input voltage 120 - 270V AC, P.F 0.90, high power LEDs having System Efficacy = 120 lumens/watt and junction temperature 70°C, with Ingress protection IP66, Luminaire performance complies to IS 10322 (Part 5/Sec-3), driver surge protection 4KV, in-house additional Surge protection 10 KV with optics distribution, THD10% at 110 Volts AC, driver efficiency 90%, CCT: 3000K - 5700K, minimum CRI70, etc., complete with earth connection and not less than two years warranty. a) Luminaire Make : Wipro(Skyline) / Philips (Greenline Extra) / GE- Venture / Crompton(Nexus / Hawk series) / Bajaj (Edge) / Halonix (Modular/ Lumos-Super) / Havells (Endura Series)/Greenlites(HI-Lux) /Capart(Premium)/Polycab/Keselec / HPL(City Vision)/Jaquar (Premium) /Eveready /Surya (Pollux) / Fortune Arrt (Leaf) / Rhino(GPSL06) b) LED MAKE :PHILIPS LUMILEDS / CREE / NICHIA / OSRAM / SAMSUNG / LG. - 210W LED Fixture




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Supply, transportation and fixing of LED Street light Luminaire made of pressure diecast aluminum body with powder coated, having protective toughened glass/polycarbonate diffuser, supply input voltage 120 - 270V AC, P.F 0.90, high power LEDs having System Efficacy = 120 lumens/watt and junction temperature 70°C, with Ingress protection IP66, Luminaire performance complies to IS 10322 (Part 5/Sec-3), driver surge protection 4KV, in-house additional Surge protection 10 KV with optics distribution, THD10% at 110 Volts AC, driver efficiency 90%, CCT: 3000K - 5700K, minimum CRI70, etc., complete with earth connection and not less than two years warranty. a) Luminaire Make : Wipro(Skyline) / Philips (Greenline Extra) / GE- Venture / Crompton(Nexus / Hawk series) / Bajaj (Edge) / Halonix (Modular/ Lumos-Super) / Havells (Endura Series)/Greenlites(HI-Lux) /Capart(Premium)/Polycab/Keselec / HPL(City Vision)/Jaquar (Premium) /Eveready /Surya (Pollux) / Fortune Arrt (Leaf) / Rhino(GPSL06) b) LED MAKE :PHILIPS LUMILEDS / CREE / NICHIA / OSRAM / SAMSUNG / LG. - 180W LED Fixture




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Supply, transportation and fixing of LED Street light Luminaire made of pressure diecast aluminum body with powder coated, having protective toughened glass/polycarbonate diffuser, supply input voltage 120 - 270V AC, P.F 0.90, high power LEDs having System Efficacy = 120 lumens/watt and junction temperature 70°C, with Ingress protection IP66, Luminaire performance complies to IS 10322 (Part 5/Sec-3), driver surge protection 4KV, in-house additional Surge protection 10 KV with optics distribution, THD10% at 110 Volts AC, driver efficiency 90%, CCT: 3000K - 5700K, minimum CRI70, etc., complete with earth connection and not less than two years warranty. a) Luminaire Make : Wipro(Skyline) / Philips (Greenline Extra) / GE- Venture / Crompton(Nexus / Hawk series) / Bajaj (Edge) / Halonix (Modular/ Lumos-Super) / Havells (Endura Series)/Greenlites(HI-Lux) /Capart(Premium)/Polycab/Keselec / HPL(City Vision)/Jaquar (Premium) /Eveready /Surya (Pollux) / Fortune Arrt (Leaf) / Rhino(GPSL06) b) LED MAKE :PHILIPS LUMILEDS / CREE / NICHIA / OSRAM / SAMSUNG / LG.- 72W LED Fixture




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Supply and fixing of 6-32A 10KA SP MCB, C/D Curve ISI in Octagonal pole with Din channel, with or without insulator terminal strip connector including cost & conveyance of all materials and labour charges etc., complete Makes: Legrand-DX3 / Schneider-A9/Hager-h3/ Siemens-5SX4/ Havells STADx /L&T-AU/Indo Asian-Opti pro/ HPL (Techno)/Anchor (Uno plus).




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Design, Fabrication, assembling, packaging, forwarding to site, installation, testing & commissioning of Outdor type panel with stand enclsoure consisting of 3Ph, , 415V, 50Hz, 3 nos of 200A fuse units, 9 no of 100A fuse units, RYB Indicators for incoming and outgoing phases Al. bus bar, floor mounting free standing totally enclosed compartmentalized front operational, vertical, dust and vermin proof, FRB Shrouding. LT panels fabricated with 2 mm thick for load bearing members, side sheet, removable top & bottom sheets, equipment mounting plate, front door & covers, partition and 3mm HRCA for undrilled gasket removable gland plate and base frame is ISMC -75.The panel shall be painted with texture finish electro static paint SIEMENS GREY RAL -7032 (powder coating).




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Supply installation, testing and commisision of 21Kva Three Phase Smart Streetlight CCMS Web Controller –Wireless Street light monitoring and controlling system with 63A MCB for incoming and 9 Nos of 20Amps SP MCB with 2 outputs with 1 no of buffer SP MCB of 3 Nos, includes inbuilt RF gateway. It uses GSM/GPRS/4G technology to receive commands and send data from and to the web software with 4G with 2G fall back, Micro HDMI port to be provided. MIPI CSI Camera port to be provided. Minimum of Two USB 3.0 ports to be provided. In-built GPS to be provided It should support GPS/GLONASS/BD, Switching Components, Automatic MCB Trip Rectification for nuisance MCB trips, Controller should have SPD of 20kV/10kA for the Panel. Metering: ISI Energy Meter with Class 1.0 accuracy and Complaint to IS:13779. Ability to communicate securely via cellular networks (GSM / GPRS /2G /3G /4G). Ability to send data regarding energy usage, ON/OFF status etc. from controller. Ability to remotely upgrade the CCMS device firmware from central server. Design Life should be More than 10 years. Inbuild Battery backed with RTC based timer for Bypass operation for up to 8 Hours. Enclosure: CRCA Metal Enclosure with IP65 and IK10 with size of 700x500x145mm CRCA 1.2 thickness with Single Door RAL 7035 Powder coating. Test report: Controller should be type- tested with NABL lab and the test report need to be submitted.Communication Charges per panel per annum included for the warranty period of 2 years,including CCMS Software charges, and Supply of Stand for 3 Phase panel, 6.2 feet height, MS powder coated with 5mm Thick and approved byengineer in charge




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Supply and laying of 3 core 2.5 Sqmm ISI marked, PVC insulated and sheathed FRLS/FRLS-H round copper cable for voltage up to 1100V as per IS 694/1990..Makes: Finolex / RR kabel / Havells/ Finecab /KEI/Polycab/ Gloster/ Goldmedal/GM// Fortune Arrt/Anchor /Million




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Supply transportation and laying of 16 Sqmm 4 core XLPE insulated, 1100V grade armoured aluminum cable as per specification confirming to IS:7098 (Part - I)./1554-I Makes: Torent / Universal / Unicab / Havells / Finecab / KEI / Gloster/ Polycab /RR Kabel/ Fortune Arrt




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Supply transportation and laying of 10 Sqmm 4 core XLPE insulated, 1100V grade armoured aluminum cable as per specification confirming to IS:7098 (Part - I)./1554-I Makes: Torent / Universal / Unicab / Havells / Finecab / KEI / Gloster/ Polycab /RR Kabel/ Fortune Arrt




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Supply transportation and laying of 35 Sqmm 3.5 core XLPE insulated, 1100V grade armoured aluminum cable as per specification confirming to IS:7098 (Part - I)./1554-I Makes: Torent / Universal / Unicab / Havells / Finecab / KEI / Gloster/ Polycab /RR Kabel/ Fortune Arrt




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Supply transportation and laying of 50 Sqmm 3.5 core XLPE insulated, 1100V grade armoured aluminum cable as per specification confirming to IS:7098 (Part - I)./1554-I Makes: Torent / Universal / Unicab / Havells / Finecab / KEI / Gloster/ Polycab /RR Kabel/ Fortune Arrt




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Supply and Transportation and laying of Outer dia 63 mm and Inner dia 51mm double walled corrugated HDPE duct made as per specification BSEN - 500 86/IS 14930 Part-II. Makes:DURA LINE (Dura Guard) or its equivalent make and as directed by the Engineer in Charge




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Earth work excavation of Trench of size in all types of soils for covering of UG cables/HDPE pipe and refilling of Trench.




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Providing independent earthing by excavating a trench to a depth of 2.1 M in all soils, as per size specified in the Data, using 40mm dia 'B' class GI pipe of 2.5 Mtrs length with necessary accessories with hume pipe ring duly providing staggered holes including filling with equal proportion of Salt and Charcoal in layers and all labour charges etc., complete for small quarters.




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Supply and making end termination with heavy Alluminium lugs (pin/ ring type) as per IS specification duly crimped with crimping tool, PVC tape etc of up to 16 sqmm.Makes:Dowels/Jainson/Comet.




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Supply and making end termination with heavy Alluminium lugs (pin/ ring type) as per IS specification duly crimped with crimping tool, PVC tape etc of 35 sqmmMakes:Dowels/Jainson/Comet




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Supply and making end termination with heavy Alluminium lugs (pin/ ring type) as per IS specification duly crimped with crimping tool, PVC tape etc of 50 sqmmMakes:Dowels/Jainson/Comet




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Supply and laying of 8 SWG GI wire(0.104Kgs/1Mtr) Earth wire/Strip in horizontal run in Ground including,revitting,soldering,saddles,making connection etc as required




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Supply and laying of 25mm x 6mm GI Flat (1.18Kgs/1Mtr) Earth Strip in horizontal run in Ground including, revitting,soldering,saddles,making connection etc as required




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Clearing and grubbing road land / pavement layers including uprooting wild vegetation, grass, bushes, shrubs, saplings and trees of girth upto 300 mm by mechanical means in areas of non thorny jungle(light jungle), removal of stumps of such trees cut earlier and disposal of unserviceable materials and stacking of serviceable material to be used or auctioned, upto a lead of 1000 m including removal and disposal of top organic soil not exceeding 150 mm in thickness as per Technical Specification Clause 201 of MORTH (5th Revision) including Contractors profit and Overhead charges for finished items of work and as directed by Engineers-in-charge




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Dismantling Granular Layers of Flexible Pavement by Mechanical means and disposal of dismantled material upto a lead of 1000 metres, stacking serviceable and unserviceable materials separately complete as per Technical Specification Clause 201 of MORTH (5th Revision) including Contractors profit and Overhead charges for finished items of work and as directed by Engineers-in-charge




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Cleaning of reinforcement from rust from the reinforcement bars to give it as total rust free steel surface by using alkaline rust remover of approved make with paint brush and removing loose particles after 24 hours of its application with wire brush and thoroughly washing with water and allowing it to dry,all complete as per direction of Engineer in charge




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Specialised Injection Grouting with Cement and Free Flow Additives includes Drilling of holes with power drilling machine to the required depth [12mm to 14mm dia holes], Fixing of Rubber Nozzles with cement and quick setting, Rapid hardening compound putty - Rapidstrong qs or equivalent.Grouting of holes with 140 PSI Grout pump with cement slurry mixing with Specialized Free flow, Non-shrink Grout additive - 250 Grams per bag of 50 Kgs Cement add required water to make slurry form.After completion of grouting, Remove the Rubber nozzles e]. Later sealing of the hole with polymer cement putty .




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Providing, cutting, bending and fixing in position of HYSD bars of Fe-500 D grade reinforcement for repair works in reinforced concrete structures complete as per drawing, Technical Specifications Section 1600 (5th Revision) and as directed by the Engineer in Charge




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Dismantling of RCC / PSC structures by Mechanical means, including T&P and scaffolding wherever necessary, sorting the dismantled materail, disposal of unserviceble materail and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts and lead of 1000 meters complete as per MORTH Technical Specifications 202 (5th Revision) and as directed by the Engineer in Charge




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Supply and transportation of the Biaxial Geo-grid of specification 100kn/m including laying in position at site as per MORT&H 5th Revision




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Supply and transportation of the Biaxial Geo-textile of specification 300 GSM including laying in position at site as per MORT&H 5th Revision




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Earthwork in excavation for structures as per drawing and technical specifications Clause 305.1 including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious material and disposal upto a lead of 50 m, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling in trenches with excavated suitable material as per Technical Specification 305 MORD / 304 MORTH 0-3m




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Earthwork in excavation for structures as per drawing and technical specifications Clause 305.1 including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious material and disposal upto a lead of 50 m, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling in trenches with excavated suitable material as per Technical Specification 305 MORD / 304 MORTH 3-6m (Including Dewatering)




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Vibrated cement concrete M 15 Grade Concrete as levelling coarse using 40mm , 20mm and 10mm size HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) mechanically mixed and compacted by vibration including curing for 14 days including cost, and conveyance of all materials to site and all labour charges ,centering, machine mixing, laying in position, Compacting , Vibrating and curing including all other incidental and all other operational charges of T&P required etc., complete as per approved drawings and as directed during execution but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item as per technical specifications clause 802,803 ,1202 & 1203 MORD and 1500 , 1700 & 2100 MoRTH .Minimum quantity of 275 kg cement to be used per cum of concrete.




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Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M 30 grade using 20mm & 10mm HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) mechanically mixed , compacted by vibration including curing for 14 days including cost, conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges, laying, vibrating, curing etc., including other incidental hire and operational charges of all T&P etc., complete as per approved drawings and as directed during execution and excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item per technical specifications clause 802,803,804, 805,806,807, 1202 , 1203, 1204 , 1205.4 & 1205.5 MORD and 1500 , 1600 , 1700 & 2100 MORTH and as directed by the Engineer-in-Chargei) Drain Raft concrete M-30 grade including form work. Minimum quantity of 407 kg cement to be used per cum of concrete.




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Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M 30 grade using 20mm & 10mm HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) mechanically mixed , compacted by vibration including curing for 14 days including cost, conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges, laying, vibrating, curing etc., including other incidental hire and operational charges of all T&P etc., complete as per approved drawings and as directed during execution and excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item per technical specifications clause 802,803,804, 805,806,807, 1202 , 1203, 1204 , 1205.4 & 1205.5 MORD and 1500 , 1600 , 1700 & 2100 MORTH and as directed by the Engineer-in-Chargeii) Drain Side Walls concrete M-30 grade excluding formwork. Minimum quantity of 407 kg cement to be used per cum of concrete.




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Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M 30 grade using 20mm & 10mm HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) mechanically mixed , compacted by vibration including curing for 14 days including cost, conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges, laying, vibrating, curing etc., including other incidental hire and operational charges of all T&P etc., complete as per approved drawings and as directed during execution and excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item per technical specifications clause 802,803,804, 805,806,807, 1202 , 1203, 1204 , 1205.4 & 1205.5 MORD and 1500 , 1600 , 1700 & 2100 MORTH and as directed by the Engineer-in-Chargeiii) Drain Slab concrete M-30 grade including formwork. Minimum quantity of 407 kg cement to be used per cum of concrete.




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Form work for Drain side walls including cost & conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges, other incidental hire and operational charges of all T&P etc., complete as per approved drawings etc., complete and as directed by Engineer-in-charge




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Providing High Yield Strength Deformed (HYSD)/ Thermo Mechanically Treated (TMT) (Fe 500 grade as per IS 1786-1979) of different diameters for RCC works , including labour charges for straightening, cutting, bending to required sizes and shapes, placing in position with cover blocks of approved materials and size and tying and lap-splicing with binding wire of 18 SWG, forming grills for reinforcement work as per approved designs and drawings, including cost and conveyance of steel bars, including all wastages such as overlaps, couplings, chairs, spacer bars including cost and conveyance of binding wire, cover blocks and all incidental, operational, labour charges such as cutting, bending, placing in position, tying etc., complete and as directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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Providing weep holes in Brick masonry/Plain/ Reinforced concrete abutment, wing wall/ return wall with 100 mm dia PVC pipe, extending through the full width of the structure with slope of 1V :20H towards drawing face. Complete as per drawing and technical specification Clauses 614, 709, 1204.3.7 MORD / 2706 & 2200 MORTH.




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Supply and Laying of a geotextile 200 gsm between pitching and embankment slopes on which pitching is laid to prevent escape of the embankment material through the voids of the stone pitching/cement concrete blocks as well as to allow free movement of water without creating any uplift head on the pitching as per Tech Specifications in Section 700 & 2504 MORTH.




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Supply & Fixing of 20mm thick Compressible Fiber board joint filler in expansion joint complete as per drawing, Technical Specifications Section 2604 (5th Revision) and as directed by the Engineer in Charge




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Providing & laying Sand bedding in foundations & filling in trenches as per drawing including cost and conveyance of materials to site with all leads & lifts including watering, tamping, raming all other incidental and operational charges etc., complete as per technical specification Clause 305.3.9 MORD & 304 MORTH (5th Revision) and as per latest revisions and specifications and as directed by the Engineer - in - charge.




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Manufacture as per BIS:12592 (Part 1&2) Supply & Delivery of manhole covers and frames of H.D.-20 with 500mm dia. Clear opening with ISI marking anywhere in A.P., F.O.R. destination including, loading, unloading & stacking etc., as applicable.




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Carting away the surplus excavated materials i.e., earth from the site to a suitable distance of about 5 kms including loading, unloading, conveyance charges and dumping the carted materials at the contractors cost, labour charges, all leads and lifts, all other incidental and operational charges etc complete




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Manufacture as per company’s standard specification supply and delivery of encapsulated plastic steps for man holes anywhere in A.P. including cost of materials packing as per company’s standards, loading, transportation, unloading and stacking at site of work etc, complete




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Providing and laying boulder apron for bed protection with stone boulders of minimum size and weight as per Table 1300.1, no fragment weighing less than 25 / 40 kg laid dry complete as per drawing and technical specifications Clause 1301 MORD / 2503 MORTH




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Earthwork in excavation for structures as per drawing and technical specifications Clause 305.1 including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious material and disposal upto a lead of 50 m, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling in trenches with excavated suitable material as per Technical Specification 305 MORD / 304 MORTHa) 0.0 m To 3.0 m Depth




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Earthwork in excavation for structures as per drawing and technical specifications Clause 305.1 including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious material and disposal upto a lead of 50 m, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling in trenches with excavated suitable material as per Technical Specification 305 MORD / 304 MORTHb) 3.0 m To 6.0 m Depth (Including Dewatering)




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Providing & laying Sand bedding in foundations & filling in trenches as per drawing including cost and conveyance of materials to site with all leads & lifts including watering, tamping, raming all other incidental and operational charges etc., complete as per technical specification Clause 305.3.9 MORD & 304 MORTH (5th Revision) or as per latest revisions and specifications and as directed by the Engineer - in - charge.




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Carting away the surplus excavated materials i.e., earth from the site to a suitable distance of about 5 kms including loading, unloading, conveyance charges and dumping the carted materials at the contractors cost, labour charges, all leads and lifts, all other incidental and operational charges as directed by Engineer incharge.




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Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M 20 grade with batching plant using 20mm & 10mm HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) mechanically mixed and compacted by vibration including curing for 14 days including cost, conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges, centering, machine mixing, laying, vibrating, curing etc., including other incidental hire and operational charges of all T&P etc., complete as per approved drawings and as directed during execution but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item as per technical specifications clause 802,803 ,1202 & 1203 MORD and 1500 , 1700 & 2100 MoRTH (5th revision ) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge (with minimum cement quantity of 347 kgs)Note : The rate shall be adjusted as per the approved design mix by the competent authority For Pipe Encasement




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Providing High Yield Strength Deformed (HYSD)/ Thermo Mechanically Treated (TMT) /(Fe 500 grade as per IS 1786-1979) of different diameters for RCC works , including labour charges for straightening, cutting, bending to required sizes and shapes, placing in position with cover blocks of approved materials and size and tying and lap-splicing with binding wire of 18 SWG, forming grills for reinforcement work as per approved designs and drawings, including cost and conveyance of steel bars, including all wastages such as overlaps, couplings, chairs, spacer bars including cost and conveyance of binding wire, cover blocks and all incidental, operational, labour charges such as cutting, bending, placing in position, tying complete and as directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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Laying and Providing End caps for DI & MS crossing pipes using Socket Flanges and Blank Flange joints .Centrifugally cast (spun) Ductile Iron Fittings conforming to IS:9523/2000 having dimensions as per table. The rates mentioned are for fittings, zinc coated externally with inside mortar lining (with finishing as per class 13/IS 9523/2000) (ex-works) Excluding Transportation etc., complete and as directed by Engineer-in-chargeFor DI pipe crossings ( up to 500mm)




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Laying and Providing End caps for DI & MS crossing pipes using Socket Flanges and Blank Flange joints .Centrifugally cast (spun) Ductile Iron Fittings conforming to IS:9523/2000 having dimensions as per table. The rates mentioned are for fittings, zinc coated externally with inside mortar lining (with finishing as per class 13/IS 9523/2000) (ex-works) Excluding Transportation etc., complete and as directed by Engineer-in-chargeFor DI pipe crossings (above 500mm)




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Laying and Providing End caps for DI & MS crossing pipes using Socket Flanges and Blank Flange joints .Centrifugally cast (spun) Ductile Iron Fittings conforming to IS:9523/2000 having dimensions as per table. The rates mentioned are for fittings, zinc coated externally with inside mortar lining (with finishing as per class 13/IS 9523/2000) (ex-works) Excluding Transportation etc., complete and as directed by Engineer-in-chargeFor MS pipe crossings (above 500mm)




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Supply and delivery of Centrifugally Cast( Spun) Ductile Iron Pressure Pipes for Water, Gas and Sewerage with Socket Spigot Ends confirming to IS: 8329/2000 in Standard Working lengths of 4.0m,5.0m,5.50m & 6.0m for Push-On -Joint (Rubber Gasket D Jointing) with cement mortor lining inside the pipes with out side zinc coating, inclusive of Transportation .150mm Dia DI K7 Pipe




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Supply and delivery of Centrifugally Cast( Spun) Ductile Iron Pressure Pipes for Water, Gas and Sewerage with Socket Spigot Ends confirming to IS: 8329/2000 in Standard Working lengths of 4.0m,5.0m,5.50m & 6.0m for Push-On -Joint (Rubber Gasket D Jointing) with cement mortor lining inside the pipes with out side zinc coating, inclusive of Transportation .300mm Dia DI K7 Pipe




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Supply and delivery of Centrifugally Cast( Spun) Ductile Iron Pressure Pipes for Water, Gas and Sewerage with Socket Spigot Ends confirming to IS: 8329/2000 in Standard Working lengths of 4.0m,5.0m,5.50m & 6.0m for Push-On -Joint (Rubber Gasket D Jointing) with cement mortor lining inside the pipes with out side zinc coating, inclusive of Transportation .600mm Dia DI K9 Pipe




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Supply and delivery of Centrifugally Cast( Spun) Ductile Iron Pressure Pipes for Water, Gas and Sewerage with Socket Spigot Ends confirming to IS: 8329/2000 in Standard Working lengths of 4.0m,5.0m,5.50m & 6.0m for Push-On -Joint (Rubber Gasket D Jointing) with cement mortor lining inside the pipes with out side zinc coating, inclusive of Transportation .700mm Dia DI K9 Pipe




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Supply and delivery of Centrifugally Cast( Spun) Ductile Iron Pressure Pipes for Water, Gas and Sewerage with Socket Spigot Ends confirming to IS: 8329/2000 in Standard Working lengths of 4.0m,5.0m,5.50m & 6.0m for Push-On -Joint (Rubber Gasket D Jointing) with cement mortor lining inside the pipes with out side zinc coating, inclusive of Transportation .800mm Dia DI K9 Pipe




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Supply and delivery of Centrifugally Cast( Spun) Ductile Iron Pressure Pipes for Water, Gas and Sewerage with Socket Spigot Ends confirming to IS: 8329/2000 in Standard Working lengths of 4.0m,5.0m,5.50m & 6.0m for Push-On -Joint (Rubber Gasket D Jointing) with cement mortor lining inside the pipes with out side zinc coating, inclusive of Transportation .900mm Dia DI K9 Pipe




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Supply & Delivery of Centrifugal Cast (spun) Ductile Iron fittings conforming to IS: 9523/2000 having dimensions as per BIS, with zinc coating externally and inside mortar lining (with finishing as per clause 13/IS9523/2000) including lowering, transportation to site of work as directed by engineer incharge. Upto 500mm Dia




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Supply & Delivery of Centrifugal Cast (spun) Ductile Iron fittings conforming to IS: 9523/2000 having dimensions as per BIS, with zinc coating externally and inside mortar lining (with finishing as per clause 13/IS9523/2000) including lowering, transportation to site of work as directed by engineer incharge.Above 500mm Dia




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Lowering CI, DI pipes (all classes) and specials (fittings) with s/s ends carefully into trenches and laying them true to alignment and gradient including all sundries from source of supply (Ref to specifications. BIS No: 3114/1994)150mm Dia DI Pipes




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Lowering CI, DI pipes (all classes) and specials (fittings) with s/s ends carefully into trenches and laying them true to alignment and gradient including all sundries from source of supply (Ref to specifications. BIS No: 3114/1994)300mm Dia DI Pipes




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Lowering CI, DI pipes (all classes) and specials (fittings) with s/s ends carefully into trenches and laying them true to alignment and gradient including all sundries from source of supply (Ref to specifications. BIS No: 3114/1994)600mm Dia DI Pipes




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Lowering CI, DI pipes (all classes) and specials (fittings) with s/s ends carefully into trenches and laying them true to alignment and gradient including all sundries from source of supply (Ref to specifications. BIS No: 3114/1994)700mm Dia DI Pipes




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Lowering CI, DI pipes (all classes) and specials (fittings) with s/s ends carefully into trenches and laying them true to alignment and gradient including all sundries from source of supply (Ref to specifications. BIS No: 3114/1994)800mm Dia DI Pipes




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Lowering CI, DI pipes (all classes) and specials (fittings) with s/s ends carefully into trenches and laying them true to alignment and gradient including all sundries from source of supply (Ref to specifications. BIS No: 3114/1994)900mm Dia DI Pipes




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Jointing CI, DI pipes and fittings with rubber gasket (push-on-joints), excluding the cost of gasket but including all sundries, filling with water, with a water lead up to 500 meters and testing to required pressure etc complete. (Reference to specifications. BIS No.3114/1994/12288/1997.)150mm Dia DI Pipes




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Jointing CI, DI pipes and fittings with rubber gasket (push-on-joints), excluding the cost of gasket but including all sundries, filling with water, with a water lead up to 500 meters and testing to required pressure etc complete. (Reference to specifications. BIS No.3114/1994/12288/1997.)300mm Dia DI Pipes




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Jointing CI, DI pipes and fittings with rubber gasket (push-on-joints), excluding the cost of gasket but including all sundries, filling with water, with a water lead up to 500 meters and testing to required pressure etc complete. (Reference to specifications. BIS No.3114/1994/12288/1997.)600mm Dia DI Pipes




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Jointing CI, DI pipes and fittings with rubber gasket (push-on-joints), excluding the cost of gasket but including all sundries, filling with water, with a water lead up to 500 meters and testing to required pressure etc complete. (Reference to specifications. BIS No.3114/1994/12288/1997.)700mm Dia DI Pipes




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Jointing CI, DI pipes and fittings with rubber gasket (push-on-joints), excluding the cost of gasket but including all sundries, filling with water, with a water lead up to 500 meters and testing to required pressure etc complete. (Reference to specifications. BIS No.3114/1994/12288/1997.)800mm Dia DI Pipes




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Jointing CI, DI pipes and fittings with rubber gasket (push-on-joints), excluding the cost of gasket but including all sundries, filling with water, with a water lead up to 500 meters and testing to required pressure etc complete. (Reference to specifications. BIS No.3114/1994/12288/1997.)900mm Dia DI Pipes




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.150mm Dia Pipes




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.300mm Dia Pipes




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.600mm Dia Pipes




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.700mm Dia Pipes




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.800mm Dia Pipes




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.900mm Dia Pipes




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.i) 0º to 11.25º Bend700mm Dia Pipes




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.i) 0º to 11.25º Bend800mm Dia Pipes




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.i) 0º to 11.25º Bend900mm Dia Pipes




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.ii) 11.25º to 45º Bend150mm Dia Pipes




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.ii) 11.25º to 45º Bend300mm Dia Pipes




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.ii) 11.25º to 45º Bend700mm Dia Pipes




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.ii) 11.25º to 45º Bend800mm Dia Pipes




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.ii) 11.25º to 45º Bend900mm Dia Pipes




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.iii) 45º to 90º Bend150mm Dia Pipes




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.iii) 45º to 90º Bend600mm Dia Pipes




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.iii) 45º to 90º Bend700mm Dia Pipes




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.iii) 45º to 90º Bend800mm Dia Pipes




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.For Pipe Network800 X 800 X 600mm Dia Pipes




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.For Pipe Network900 X 900 X 600mm Dia Pipes




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.For Pipe Network900 X 900 X 900mm Dia Pipes




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.For Scour Valves800 X 800 X 400mm Dia Pipes




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.For Scour Valves900 X 900 X 400mm Dia Pipes




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.700 X 700 X 150mm Dia Pipes




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.700 X 700 X 300mm Dia Pipes




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.900 X 900 X 200mm Dia Pipes




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Manufacture, supply and delivery of M.S Spirally Welded Pipes conforming to IS: 3589/2001 including in lining with cement mortar (1:2) 15mm thick using 4 numbers of 6mm dia. M.S. Rings at each end of the pipe and out coating with cement mortar (1:3) 30mm thick by short crating or guniting duly providing wire mesh of size 50x50x3mm including cost of all materials, labor charges, transportation to anywhere in AP. For Crossings1900mm Dia, 14 mm Thick For Crossings




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Cost of Laying, Jointing, Hydrostatic Filed Test Pressure, Including Cost of Site Welding, Jointing Materials And Cost of Transportation of Water Including Emptying Pipe Line After Completion Of Field Testing1900mm dia MS Pipe




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Manufacture, supply and delivery of submerged Arc welded M.S Pipe having bevelled ends from plate or coil conforming to IS-3589 and/or IS-5504 with its latest revision / amendment with inside 406 micron thick food grade epoxy coating and outside 3LPE coating conforming to DIN 30670 for the specified thickness & inner diameter of pipe, external field joint coating with polyolefin backing and internal field joint coating with chemically cured 2 part epoxy based solvent free liquid coating material for Drinking Water NSF approved etc., complete with all taxes, insurance, freight charges, inspection charges, transportation, etc. complete including all labour, materials and ROU/ROW as per specification and to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge.1900mm Dia, 16 mm Thick




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Cost of Laying, Jointing, Hydrostatic Filed Test Pressure, Including Cost of Site Welding, Jointing Materials And Cost of Transportation of Water Including Emptying Pipe Line After Completion Of Field Testing1900mm dia MS Pipe




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Fabrication of Mild Steel bends as per IS: 7322 with three run arc welding using MS plate of required thickness as per specification drawings and as directed by deptl officers including inlining chemically cured 2 part epoxy based solvent free liquid coating material for Drinking Water NSF approved and outcoating with Polyolefin tape coating/heat shrink sleeves incl cost of M.S.Plates, welding rods and all other required materials, delivery of fabricated inlined and outcoated bends to site, and hoisting, carefully lowering into readymade trenches and laying true to alignment and gradient and perfect lining by jacking and jointing with three run arc welding and inlining and outcoating field welded joints as per the above specification including cost of all jointing materials, cost of necessary testing equipment, labour charges and factory and field hydraulic testing to the required pressure etc., complete , incl one coat of primer coat painting i) 0º to 30º Bend1900 X 1900mm Dia




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Fabrication of Mild Steel bends as per IS: 7322 with three run arc welding using MS plate of required thickness as per specification drawings and as directed by deptl officers including inlining chemically cured 2 part epoxy based solvent free liquid coating material for Drinking Water NSF approved and outcoating with Polyolefin tape coating/heat shrink sleeves incl cost of M.S.Plates, welding rods and all other required materials, delivery of fabricated inlined and outcoated bends to site, and hoisting, carefully lowering into readymade trenches and laying true to alignment and gradient and perfect lining by jacking and jointing with three run arc welding and inlining and outcoating field welded joints as per the above specification including cost of all jointing materials, cost of necessary testing equipment, labour charges and factory and field hydraulic testing to the required pressure etc., complete incl one coat of primer coat painting ii) 30º to 60º Bend1900 X 1900mm Dia




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Fabrication of Mild steel Tees using specified thickness for 2.0 m long main and 1.0 m long with 20 mm thick MS flange with three run arc welding as per specification drawings including chemically cured 2 part epoxy based solvent free liquid coating material for Drinking Water NSF approved and outcoating with Visco elastic (non-crystalline/crystalline as per ISO 21809-3-2016 type 13A-1 and 13B-1) including cost of M.S. plates, welding rods and all other required materials, fabrication charges and transportation to site and hoisting carefully lowering into readymade trenches or keeping in position on pedastals or supports and laying true to alingment and gradient and perfect lining by jacking and jointing with three run arc welding and providing inlining and outcoating field welded joints including cost of ur charges etc., complete for finished item of work, including factory field hydraulic testing to 24/16 Kg/Sqcm pressure respectively. incl one coat of primer coat painting For Pipe Network1900 x 1900 x 900mm Dia




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Supply and delivery of Centrifugally Cast( Spun) Ductile Iron Pressure Pipes for Water, Gas and Sewerage with flanged Ends confirming to IS: 8329/2000 in Standard Working lengths of 1.0m with cement mortor lining inside the pipes with out side zinc coating, inclusive of Transportation .200mm Dia DI K9 Pipes




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Supply and delivery of Centrifugally Cast( Spun) Ductile Iron Pressure Pipes for Water, Gas and Sewerage with flanged Ends confirming to IS: 8329/2000 in Standard Working lengths of 1.0m with cement mortor lining inside the pipes with out side zinc coating, inclusive of Transportation .400mm Dia DI K9 Pipes




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Supply and delivery of DI D/F Gate Valves (Soft Seated) PN-16 Resilient seated soft sealing gate valves with body bonnet of ductile cast iron of grade GGG40/ SG 400/12 or equivalent grade as per I.S.3896-part2-1985 and subsequent revisions, wedge fully rubber lined with EPDM food grade quality and seals of NBR and the valves should be of vaccum tight and 100% leak proof with face to face dimensions as per BS5163-89/IS14846-2000/DIN 3202 F 4. All the valves should be with Electrostatic powder coating both inside and outside pocket less body passage. Drilled as per IS:1538/ISO inclusive of transportation to work site, loading, unloading (reference to specifications BIS No.3114/1994) for finished item of work . 400mm Dia Scour Valve




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Lowering, keeping in position and fixing DI Gate valves excluding cost of bolts, nuts, rubber insertion, Butterfly valve and tail pieces .400mm Dia Scour Valve




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Jointing DI gate valves with flanged ends including cost of jointing materials such as bolts, rubber insertion, white lead including filling with water, with lead up to 500 meters and testing to required pressure complete. (Reference to specifications. BIS No.3114/1994.).400mm Dia Scour Valve




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Design, Supply, Erection and Commissioning of Air Management System having Efficient Air Release , Isolation Wafer Type Butterfly Valve, Tamperproof Enclosure System with Vandalized Alert and Burst Monitoring by pressure monitoring at Air Valve locations. The System will also capable of operating as flush valve in the event of requirement of drawing the water for fire incidents etc.200mm Dia Air Valve




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Supply delivery and laying of Smooth Wall 40mm outer dia and 33mm inner dia Permanently Lubricated HDPE Telecom Duct with Silicore inner layer and 4mm PP Rope in 500mts Coil format confirming to TEC GR.No.TEC/GR/TX/CDS-008-03, March-2011 with Amdt. No.1, dt:25/28.03.2013 etc., complete and as directed by Engineer-in-charge




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Supply delivery and laying of Accessories like 40mm Push Fit Couplers, 40mm End Plugs & 40mm Simple Plugs for Smooth Wall 40mm outer dia and 33mm inner dia Permanently Lubricated HDPE Telecom Duct etc., complete and as directed by Engineer-in-charge




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Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M 25 grade using 20mm & 10mm HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) mechanically mixed , compacted by vibration including curing for 14 days including cost, conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges, centering, machine mixing, laying, vibrating, curing etc., including other incidental hire and operational charges of all T&P etc., complete as per approved drawings and as directed during execution but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item as per technical specifications clause 802,803,804, 805,806,807, 1202 , 1203, 1204 , 1205.4 & 1205.5 MORD and 1500 , 1600 , 1700 & 2100 MORTH MoRT&H specification 1500, 1700, 2100, 2200 & 2300 (5th revision ) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge (with minimum cement quantity of 403 kgs)Note : The rate shall be adjusted as per the approved design mix by the competent authority For Valve Chambersa) Raft




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Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M 25 grade using 20mm & 10mm HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) mechanically mixed , compacted by vibration including curing for 14 days including cost, conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges, centering, machine mixing, laying, vibrating, curing etc., including other incidental hire and operational charges of all T&P etc., complete as per approved drawings and as directed during execution but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item as per technical specifications clause 802,803,804, 805,806,807, 1202 , 1203, 1204 , 1205.4 & 1205.5 MORD and 1500 , 1600 , 1700 & 2100 MORTH MoRT&H specification 1500, 1700, 2100, 2200 & 2300 (5th revision ) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge (with minimum cement quantity of 403 kgs)Note : The rate shall be adjusted as per the approved design mix by the competent authority For Valve Chambersb) Walls-150mm thick




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Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M 25 grade using 20mm & 10mm HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) mechanically mixed , compacted by vibration including curing for 14 days including cost, conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges, centering, machine mixing, laying, vibrating, curing etc., including other incidental hire and operational charges of all T&P etc., complete as per approved drawings and as directed during execution but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item as per technical specifications clause 802,803,804, 805,806,807, 1202 , 1203, 1204 , 1205.4 & 1205.5 MORD and 1500 , 1600 , 1700 & 2100 MORTH MoRT&H specification 1500, 1700, 2100, 2200 & 2300 (5th revision ) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge (with minimum cement quantity of 403 kgs)Note : The rate shall be adjusted as per the approved design mix by the competent authority For Valve Chambersc) Slab




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Manufacture as per BIS:12592 (Part 1&2) Supply & Delivery and Fixing of Heavy Duty manhole covers and frames - 24x24 HD 20 with ISI marking anywhere in A.P., F.O.R. destination including, loading, unloading & stacking at site etc., complete




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Plain Cement Concrete PCC M10 ( 1:3:6 ) using 40mm guage hard granite machine crushed metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, centering, machine mixing, lifts and delifts, leads, laying in position, compacting, curing, all labour charges, etc., complete for levelling course as directed by the departmental officers. for PCC Bedding of Pipe Encasing, Valve Chambers & Thrustblocks




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Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M 25 grade using 20mm & 10mm HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) mechanically mixed , compacted by vibration including curing for 14 days including cost, conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges, centering, machine mixing, laying, vibrating, curing etc., including other incidental hire and operational charges of all T&P etc., complete as per approved drawings and as directed during execution but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item as per technical specifications clause 802,803,804, 805,806,807, 1202 , 1203, 1204 , 1205.4 & 1205.5 MORD and 1500 , 1600 , 1700 & 2100 MORTH MoRT&H specification 1500, 1700, 2100, 2200 & 2300 (5th revision ) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge (with minimum cement quantity of 403 kgs)Note : The rate shall be adjusted as per the approved design mix by the competent authority For Thrustblocks




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Providing High Yield Strength Deformed (HYSD)/ Thermo Mechanically Treated (TMT) /(Fe 500 grade as per IS 1786-1979) of different diameters for RCC works , including labour charges for straightening, cutting, bending to required sizes and shapes, placing in position with cover blocks of approved materials and size and tying and lap-splicing with binding wire of 18 SWG, forming grills for reinforcement work as per approved designs and drawings, including cost and conveyance of steel bars, including all wastages such as overlaps, couplings, chairs, spacer bars including cost and conveyance of binding wire, cover blocks and all incidental, operational, labour charges such as cutting, bending, placing in position, tying complete and as directed by the Engineer in Charge. for Valve Chambers & Thrustblocks




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Providing, fitting and fixing of mild steel plate size (0.15x0.01) (1.24t/rm)and bar including cost of labour,material,fabrication,including one coat of primer etc complete as per drawing and technical specifications Clause 1208.2MORD / 1900 & 2703 MORTH.




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Manufacturing, Supply, Delivery of Double chambered restrained joint DI K9 Pipes confirming to IS 8329 (restrained joints are designed and tested as per ISO 10804) (to be used to for minimum required length as per design along with double chambered restrained DI fittings to avoid concrete thrust block at bends) including rubber gaskets confirming to IS 5382 -1985 /8329-2000 with latest amendments and locking bars & rubber spacers, conveying to work site, including loading and unloading at both destinations, excluding cost of specials150mm Dia




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Manufacturing, Supply, Delivery of Double chambered restrained joint DI K9 Pipes confirming to IS 8329 (restrained joints are designed and tested as per ISO 10804) (to be used to for minimum required length as per design along with double chambered restrained DI fittings to avoid concrete thrust block at bends) including rubber gaskets confirming to IS 5382 -1985 /8329-2000 with latest amendments and locking bars & rubber spacers, conveying to work site, including loading and unloading at both destinations, excluding cost of specials300mm Dia




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Manufacturing, Supply, Delivery of Double chambered restrained joint DI K9 Pipes confirming to IS 8329 (restrained joints are designed and tested as per ISO 10804) (to be used to for minimum required length as per design along with double chambered restrained DI fittings to avoid concrete thrust block at bends) including rubber gaskets confirming to IS 5382 -1985 /8329-2000 with latest amendments and locking bars & rubber spacers, conveying to work site, including loading and unloading at both destinations, excluding cost of specials600mm Dia




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Manufacturing, Supply, Delivery of Double chambered restrained joint DI K9 Pipes confirming to IS 8329 (restrained joints are designed and tested as per ISO 10804) (to be used to for minimum required length as per design along with double chambered restrained DI fittings to avoid concrete thrust block at bends) including rubber gaskets confirming to IS 5382 -1985 /8329-2000 with latest amendments and locking bars & rubber spacers, conveying to work site, including loading and unloading at both destinations, excluding cost of specials700mm Dia




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Manufacturing, Supply, Delivery of Double chambered restrained joint DI K9 Pipes confirming to IS 8329 (restrained joints are designed and tested as per ISO 10804) (to be used to for minimum required length as per design along with double chambered restrained DI fittings to avoid concrete thrust block at bends) including rubber gaskets confirming to IS 5382 -1985 /8329-2000 with latest amendments and locking bars & rubber spacers, conveying to work site, including loading and unloading at both destinations, excluding cost of specials800mm Dia




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Manufacturing, Supply, Delivery of Double chambered restrained joint DI K9 Pipes confirming to IS 8329 (restrained joints are designed and tested as per ISO 10804) (to be used to for minimum required length as per design along with double chambered restrained DI fittings to avoid concrete thrust block at bends) including rubber gaskets confirming to IS 5382 -1985 /8329-2000 with latest amendments and locking bars & rubber spacers, conveying to work site, including loading and unloading at both destinations, excluding cost of specials900mm Dia




... More
Lowering CI, DI pipes (all classes) and specials (fittings) with s/s ends carefully into trenches and laying them true to alignment and gradient including all sundries from source of supply (Ref to specifications. BIS No: 3114/1994) DI K9 150mm Dia




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Lowering CI, DI pipes (all classes) and specials (fittings) with s/s ends carefully into trenches and laying them true to alignment and gradient including all sundries from source of supply (Ref to specifications. BIS No: 3114/1994) DI K9 300mm Dia




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Lowering CI, DI pipes (all classes) and specials (fittings) with s/s ends carefully into trenches and laying them true to alignment and gradient including all sundries from source of supply (Ref to specifications. BIS No: 3114/1994) DI K9 600mm Dia




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Lowering CI, DI pipes (all classes) and specials (fittings) with s/s ends carefully into trenches and laying them true to alignment and gradient including all sundries from source of supply (Ref to specifications. BIS No: 3114/1994) DI K9 700mm Dia




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Lowering CI, DI pipes (all classes) and specials (fittings) with s/s ends carefully into trenches and laying them true to alignment and gradient including all sundries from source of supply (Ref to specifications. BIS No: 3114/1994) DI K9 800mm Dia




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Lowering CI, DI pipes (all classes) and specials (fittings) with s/s ends carefully into trenches and laying them true to alignment and gradient including all sundries from source of supply (Ref to specifications. BIS No: 3114/1994) DI K9 900mm Dia




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Jointing CI, DI pipes and fittings with rubber gasket (push-on-joints), excluding the cost of gasket but including all sundries, filling with water, with a water lead up to 500 meters and testing to required pressure etc complete. (Reference to specifications. BIS No.3114/1994/12288/1997.)150mm Dia




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Jointing CI, DI pipes and fittings with rubber gasket (push-on-joints), excluding the cost of gasket but including all sundries, filling with water, with a water lead up to 500 meters and testing to required pressure etc complete. (Reference to specifications. BIS No.3114/1994/12288/1997.)300mm Dia




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Jointing CI, DI pipes and fittings with rubber gasket (push-on-joints), excluding the cost of gasket but including all sundries, filling with water, with a water lead up to 500 meters and testing to required pressure etc complete. (Reference to specifications. BIS No.3114/1994/12288/1997.)600mm Dia




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Jointing CI, DI pipes and fittings with rubber gasket (push-on-joints), excluding the cost of gasket but including all sundries, filling with water, with a water lead up to 500 meters and testing to required pressure etc complete. (Reference to specifications. BIS No.3114/1994/12288/1997.)700mm Dia




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Jointing CI, DI pipes and fittings with rubber gasket (push-on-joints), excluding the cost of gasket but including all sundries, filling with water, with a water lead up to 500 meters and testing to required pressure etc complete. (Reference to specifications. BIS No.3114/1994/12288/1997.)800mm Dia




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Jointing CI, DI pipes and fittings with rubber gasket (push-on-joints), excluding the cost of gasket but including all sundries, filling with water, with a water lead up to 500 meters and testing to required pressure etc complete. (Reference to specifications. BIS No.3114/1994/12288/1997.)900mm Dia




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Manufacture, Supplying and fitting Ductile Iron Double Chambered Restrained Joint fittings confirming to IS 9523 : 2000 (restrained joints are designed and tested as per ISO 10804) of Class K-12 (Alternative and to avoid concrete thrust blocks along with minimum length of Restrained joint DI pipes at bends) including rubber gasket confirming to IS 5382 : 1985 and locking bars & rubber gaskets etc complete. Ductile Iron Double Chambered Restrained Joint Fittings upto 500mm dia




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Manufacture, Supplying and fitting Ductile Iron Double Chambered Restrained Joint fittings confirming to IS 9523 : 2000 (restrained joints are designed and tested as per ISO 10804) of Class K-12 (Alternative and to avoid concrete thrust blocks along with minimum length of Restrained joint DI pipes at bends) including rubber gasket confirming to IS 5382 : 1985 and locking bars & rubber gaskets etc complete. Ductile Iron Double Chambered Restrained Joint Fittings above 500mm dia




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Earthwork in excavation for structures as per drawing and technical specifications Clause 305.1 including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious material and disposal upto a lead of 50 m, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling in trenches with excavated suitable material as per Technical Specification 305 MORD / 304 MORTHa) 0.0 m To 3.0 m Depth




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Providing & laying Sand bedding in foundations & filling in trenches as per drawing including cost and conveyance of materials to site with all leads & lifts including watering, tamping, raming all other incidental and operational charges etc., complete as per technical specification Clause 305.3.9 MORD & 304 MORTH (5th Revision) or as per latest revisions and specifications and as directed by the Engineer - in - charge.




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Carting away the surplus excavated materials i.e., earth from the site to a suitable distance of about 5 kms including loading, unloading, conveyance charges and dumping the carted materials at the contractors cost, labour charges, all leads and lifts, all other incidental and operational charges as directed by Engineer incharge.




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Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M 20 grade with batching plant using 20mm & 10mm HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) mechanically mixed and compacted by vibration including curing for 14 days including cost, conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges, centering, machine mixing, laying, vibrating, curing etc., including other incidental hire and operational charges of all T&P etc., complete as per approved drawings and as directed during execution but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item as per technical specifications clause 802,803 ,1202 & 1203 MORD and 1500 , 1700 & 2100 MoRTH (5th revision ) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge (with minimum cement quantity of 347 kgs)Note : The rate shall be adjusted as per the approved design mix by the competent authority For Pipe Encasement




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Providing High Yield Strength Deformed (HYSD)/ Thermo Mechanically Treated (TMT) /(Fe 500 grade as per IS 1786-1979) of different diameters for RCC works , including labour charges for straightening, cutting, bending to required sizes and shapes, placing in position with cover blocks of approved materials and size and tying and lap-splicing with binding wire of 18 SWG, forming grills for reinforcement work as per approved designs and drawings, including cost and conveyance of steel bars, including all wastages such as overlaps, couplings, chairs, spacer bars including cost and conveyance of binding wire, cover blocks and all incidental, operational, labour charges such as cutting, bending, placing in position, tying complete and as directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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Supply and delivery of Centrifugally Cast( Spun) Ductile Iron Pressure Pipes for Water, Gas and Sewerage with Socket Spigot Ends confirming to IS: 8329/2000 in Standard Working lengths of 4.0m,5.0m,5.50m & 6.0m for Push-On -Joint (Rubber Gasket D Jointing) with cement mortor lining inside the pipes with out side zinc coating, inclusive of Transportation .100mm Dia DI K7 Pipes




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Supply and delivery of Centrifugally Cast( Spun) Ductile Iron Pressure Pipes for Water, Gas and Sewerage with Socket Spigot Ends confirming to IS: 8329/2000 in Standard Working lengths of 4.0m,5.0m,5.50m & 6.0m for Push-On -Joint (Rubber Gasket D Jointing) with cement mortor lining inside the pipes with out side zinc coating, inclusive of Transportation .150mm Dia DI K7 Pipes




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Supply and delivery of Centrifugally Cast( Spun) Ductile Iron Pressure Pipes for Water, Gas and Sewerage with Socket Spigot Ends confirming to IS: 8329/2000 in Standard Working lengths of 4.0m,5.0m,5.50m & 6.0m for Push-On -Joint (Rubber Gasket D Jointing) with cement mortor lining inside the pipes with out side zinc coating, inclusive of Transportation .200mm Dia DI K7 Pipes




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Supply and delivery of Centrifugally Cast( Spun) Ductile Iron Pressure Pipes for Water, Gas and Sewerage with Socket Spigot Ends confirming to IS: 8329/2000 in Standard Working lengths of 4.0m,5.0m,5.50m & 6.0m for Push-On -Joint (Rubber Gasket D Jointing) with cement mortor lining inside the pipes with out side zinc coating, inclusive of Transportation .250mm Dia DI K7 Pipes




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Supply and delivery of Centrifugally Cast( Spun) Ductile Iron Pressure Pipes for Water, Gas and Sewerage with Socket Spigot Ends confirming to IS: 8329/2000 in Standard Working lengths of 4.0m,5.0m,5.50m & 6.0m for Push-On -Joint (Rubber Gasket D Jointing) with cement mortor lining inside the pipes with out side zinc coating, inclusive of Transportation .300mm Dia DI K7 Pipes




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Supply & Delivery of Centrifugal Cast (spun) Ductile Iron fittings conforming to IS: 9523/2000 having dimensions as per BIS, with zinc coating externally and inside mortar lining (with finishing as per clause 13/IS9523/2000) including lowering, transportation to site of work as directed by engineer incharge.Upto 500mm Dia




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Lowering CI, DI pipes (all classes) and specials (fittings) with s/s ends carefully into trenches and laying them true to alignment and gradient including all sundries from source of supply (Ref to specifications. BIS No: 3114/1994)For Pipes100mm Dia




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Lowering CI, DI pipes (all classes) and specials (fittings) with s/s ends carefully into trenches and laying them true to alignment and gradient including all sundries from source of supply (Ref to specifications. BIS No: 3114/1994)150mm Dia




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Lowering CI, DI pipes (all classes) and specials (fittings) with s/s ends carefully into trenches and laying them true to alignment and gradient including all sundries from source of supply (Ref to specifications. BIS No: 3114/1994)For Pipes200mm Dia




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Lowering CI, DI pipes (all classes) and specials (fittings) with s/s ends carefully into trenches and laying them true to alignment and gradient including all sundries from source of supply (Ref to specifications. BIS No: 3114/1994)For Pipes250mm Dia




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Lowering CI, DI pipes (all classes) and specials (fittings) with s/s ends carefully into trenches and laying them true to alignment and gradient including all sundries from source of supply (Ref to specifications. BIS No: 3114/1994)For Pipes300mm Dia




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Jointing CI, DI pipes and fittings with rubber gasket (push-on-joints), excluding the cost of gasket but including all sundries, filling with water, with a water lead up to 500 meters and testing to required pressure etc complete. (Reference to specifications. BIS No.3114/1994/12288/1997.)For Pipe Network100mm Dia




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Jointing CI, DI pipes and fittings with rubber gasket (push-on-joints), excluding the cost of gasket but including all sundries, filling with water, with a water lead up to 500 meters and testing to required pressure etc complete. (Reference to specifications. BIS No.3114/1994/12288/1997.)For Pipe Network150mm Dia




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Jointing CI, DI pipes and fittings with rubber gasket (push-on-joints), excluding the cost of gasket but including all sundries, filling with water, with a water lead up to 500 meters and testing to required pressure etc complete. (Reference to specifications. BIS No.3114/1994/12288/1997.)For Pipe Network200mm Dia




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Jointing CI, DI pipes and fittings with rubber gasket (push-on-joints), excluding the cost of gasket but including all sundries, filling with water, with a water lead up to 500 meters and testing to required pressure etc complete. (Reference to specifications. BIS No.3114/1994/12288/1997.)For Pipe Network250mm Dia




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Jointing CI, DI pipes and fittings with rubber gasket (push-on-joints), excluding the cost of gasket but including all sundries, filling with water, with a water lead up to 500 meters and testing to required pressure etc complete. (Reference to specifications. BIS No.3114/1994/12288/1997.)For Pipe Network300mm Dia




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.For Pipe Network100mm Dia




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.For Pipe Network150mm Dia




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.For Pipe Network200mm Dia




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.For Pipe Network250mm Dia




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.For Pipe Network300mm Dia




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.i) 0º to 11.25º Bend100mm Dia




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.i) 0º to 11.25º Bend150mm Dia




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.i) 0º to 11.25º Bend200mm Dia




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.i) 0º to 11.25º Bend300mm Dia




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.ii) 11.25º to 45º Bend100mm Dia




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.ii) 11.25º to 45º Bend150mm Dia




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.ii) 11.25º to 45º Bend200mm Dia




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.ii) 11.25º to 45º Bend300mm Dia




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.iii) 45º to 90º Bend150mm Dia




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.iii) 45º to 90º Bend200mm Dia




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.iii) 45º to 90º Bend300mm Dia




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.For Pipe Network150 X 150 X 80mm Dia




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.For Pipe Network150 X 150 X 150mm Dia




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.For Reducers100 X 80mm Dia




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.For Reducers150 X 80mm Dia




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.For Reducers150 X 100mm Dia




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.For Reducers200 X 80mm Dia




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.For Reducers200 X 100mm Dia




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.For Reducers200 X 150mm Dia




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.For Reducers250 X 200mm Dia




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.For Reducers300 X 80mm Dia




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.For Reducers300 X 100mm Dia




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.For Reducers300 X 150mm Dia




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.For Reducers300 X 200mm Dia




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.For Reducers300 X 250mm Dia




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.For Reducers350 X 300mm Dia




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.For Reducers500 X 300mm Dia




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Manufacture, supply, & delivery of HDPE pipes grade PE 100 (10 kg/sqcm) conforming to IS 4984 - 1995 including transportation to any where in A.P.50mm Dia




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Manufacture, supply, & delivery of HDPE pipes grade PE 100 (10 kg/sqcm) conforming to IS 4984 - 1995 including transportation to any where in A.P.75mm Dia




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Laying and jointing of HDPE pipes by butt fusion welding as per IS:7634-Part-II/1975 as amended from time to time to the alignment and gradient and testing the pipe line to the required pressure. 50mm Dia




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Laying and jointing of HDPE pipes by butt fusion welding as per IS:7634-Part-II/1975 as amended from time to time to the alignment and gradient and testing the pipe line to the required pressure. 75mm Dia




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Manufacture, supply, & delivery of HDPE fittings conforming to IS 4984 - 1995 including transportation to anywhere in AP.b) HDPE End Caps50mm Dia




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Manufacture, supply, & delivery of HDPE fittings conforming to IS 4984 - 1995 including transportation to anywhere in AP.b) HDPE End Caps75mm Dia




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Manufacture, supply, & delivery of HDPE fittings conforming to IS 4984 - 1995 including transportation to anywhere in AP.a) HDPE Tees75mm Dia




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Manufacture, supply, & delivery of HDPE fittings conforming to IS 4984 - 1995 including transportation to anywhere in AP.d) HDPE Bends75mm Dia




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Service connection using 1 No.of Composite Clamp Saddle for tapping from DI distribution mains shall be of wrap around design, wide skirt and wide straps support, which shall reinforce the pipe while providing excellent stability to the saddle. Non corrosive plastic body moulded with stainless steel threaded metal insert for tapping outlet and underneath projection to self interlock with DI/HDPE main pipe. Threading size and dimensions shall conform to IS: 554. The body shall have retaining cavity housing for internal and external retention of the elastomeric seal. Straps shall be made Engineering plastic SS 304, NC Rolled thread, tightening torque for 1/2" (M12) nut bolt 14-15Kg.m and for 5/8"(M16) nut bolt 21-23Kg.m (DI Main Pipe Sizes from 100mm to 250mm with Outlet Sizes of 1/2", 3/4",1" Outlets),1 No. of Regulating Brass Ferrule.(1/2",3/4",1"),2 No. of compression adaptor with one side compression end to suit ½” /3/4”/1” (20mm/25mm/32mm OD )PE80 Blue pipe and other side with female threaded off-take with SS-304 material inserts of sizes ½” /3/4”/1” BSP threads, Body , Nut and cap of Polypropylene , Clip ring of POM(Acetylic resin) and “O” ring of NBR material, as per ISO 17885 Standards with pressure rating PN 16.Double Compression elbow to suit 20mm/25mm/32mm OD PE80 Blue pipe, Body, Nut and cap of polypropylene, clip ring of POM (Acetylic resin) and “O” ring of NBR material, as per ISO 17885 Standards with pressure rating PN 16. PE80 Blue pipe of 4 meter length as per ISO4427 Rev1. for conveyance of potable water. the pressure rating 1/2" (20mm OD) will be PN16. Certificate for compliance of testing these fittings and pipe as per BS-6920 by designated Laboratories to be produced. inclusive of Transportation, installation cost, civil works such as earthwork excavation, refilling etc complete as directed by Engineer-incharge




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Supply, Laying & Jointing of MDPE Blue Pipe 40mm as per ISO 4427 Rev 1. For conveyance of potable water .The pressure rating of 40mm will be 4kg/cm. Certificate for compliance of testing these fittings and pipe as per BS-6920 by designated laboratories to be produced.




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Manufacture, supply, delivery, Laying & Jointing of 16mm PE flexible pipes conforming to including transportation to any where in A.P.




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Manufacture, supply, delivery, Laying of 16mm Start Connector/takeoff including transportation etc., complete and as directed by Engineer-in-charge




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Manufacture, supply, delivery, Laying of 16mm End Cap including transportation etc., complete and as directed by Engineer-in-charge




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Plain Cement Concrete PCC M10 ( 1:3:6 ) using 40mm guage hard granite machine crushed metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, centering, machine mixing, lifts and delifts, leads, laying in position, compacting, curing, all labour charges, etc., complete for levelling course as directed by the departmental officers.PCC for Thrust blocks & Valve Chambers




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Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M 25 grade using 20mm & 10mm HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) mechanically mixed , compacted by vibration including curing for 14 days including cost, conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges, centering, machine mixing, laying, vibrating, curing etc., including other incidental hire and operational charges of all T&P etc., complete as per approved drawings and as directed during execution but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item as per technical specifications clause 802,803,804, 805,806,807, 1202 , 1203, 1204 , 1205.4 & 1205.5 MORD and 1500 , 1600 , 1700 & 2100 MORTH MoRT&H specification 1500, 1700, 2100, 2200 & 2300 (5th revision ) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge (with minimum cement quantity of 403 kgs)Note : The rate shall be adjusted as per the approved design mix by the competent authority For Thrust Block




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Providing High Yield Strength Deformed (HYSD)/ Thermo Mechanically Treated (TMT) /(Fe 500 grade as per IS 1786-1979) of different diameters for RCC works , including labour charges for straightening, cutting, bending to required sizes and shapes, placing in position with cover blocks of approved materials and size and tying and lap-splicing with binding wire of 18 SWG, forming grills for reinforcement work as per approved designs and drawings, including cost and conveyance of steel bars, including all wastages such as overlaps, couplings, chairs, spacer bars including cost and conveyance of binding wire, cover blocks and all incidental, operational, labour charges such as cutting, bending, placing in position, tying complete and as directed by the Engineer in Charge.For Thrust Block & Valve Chambers




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Laying and Providing End caps for DI & MS crossing pipes using Socket Flanges and Blank Flange joints .Centrifugally cast (spun) Ductile Iron Fittings conforming to IS:9523/2000 having dimensions as per table. The rates mentioned are for fittings, zinc coated externally with inside mortar lining (with finishing as per class 13/IS 9523/2000) (ex-works) Excluding Transportation etc., complete and as directed by Engineer-in-chargeFor DI pipe crossings (Upto 500mm)




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Manufacturing, Supply, Delivery of Double chambered restrained joint DI K9 Pipes confirming to IS 8329 (restrained joints are designed and tested as per ISO 10804) (to be used to for minimum required length as per design along with double chambered restrained DI fittings to avoid concrete thrust block at bends) including rubber gaskets confirming to IS 5382 -1985 /8329-2000 with latest amendments and locking bars & rubber spacers, conveying to work site, including loading and unloading at both destinations, excluding cost of specials .100mm Dia




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Manufacturing, Supply, Delivery of Double chambered restrained joint DI K9 Pipes confirming to IS 8329 (restrained joints are designed and tested as per ISO 10804) (to be used to for minimum required length as per design along with double chambered restrained DI fittings to avoid concrete thrust block at bends) including rubber gaskets confirming to IS 5382 -1985 /8329-2000 with latest amendments and locking bars & rubber spacers, conveying to work site, including loading and unloading at both destinations, excluding cost of specials. 150mm Dia




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Manufacturing, Supply, Delivery of Double chambered restrained joint DI K9 Pipes confirming to IS 8329 (restrained joints are designed and tested as per ISO 10804) (to be used to for minimum required length as per design along with double chambered restrained DI fittings to avoid concrete thrust block at bends) including rubber gaskets confirming to IS 5382 -1985 /8329-2000 with latest amendments and locking bars & rubber spacers, conveying to work site, including loading and unloading at both destinations, excluding cost of specials .200mm Dia




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Manufacturing, Supply, Delivery of Double chambered restrained joint DI K9 Pipes confirming to IS 8329 (restrained joints are designed and tested as per ISO 10804) (to be used to for minimum required length as per design along with double chambered restrained DI fittings to avoid concrete thrust block at bends) including rubber gaskets confirming to IS 5382 -1985 /8329-2000 with latest amendments and locking bars & rubber spacers, conveying to work site, including loading and unloading at both destinations, excluding cost of specials .250mm Dia




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Lowering CI, DI pipes (all classes) and specials (fittings) with s/s ends carefully into trenches and laying them true to alignment and gradient including all sundries from source of supply (Ref to specifications. BIS No: 3114/1994)100mm Dia




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Lowering CI, DI pipes (all classes) and specials (fittings) with s/s ends carefully into trenches and laying them true to alignment and gradient including all sundries from source of supply (Ref to specifications. BIS No: 3114/1994)150mm Dia




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Lowering CI, DI pipes (all classes) and specials (fittings) with s/s ends carefully into trenches and laying them true to alignment and gradient including all sundries from source of supply (Ref to specifications. BIS No: 3114/1994)200mm Dia




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Lowering CI, DI pipes (all classes) and specials (fittings) with s/s ends carefully into trenches and laying them true to alignment and gradient including all sundries from source of supply (Ref to specifications. BIS No: 3114/1994)250mm Dia




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Jointing CI, DI pipes and fittings with rubber gasket (push-on-joints), excluding the cost of gasket but including all sundries, filling with water, with a water lead up to 500 meters and testing to required pressure etc complete. (Reference to specifications. BIS No.3114/1994/12288/1997.)100mm Dia




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Jointing CI, DI pipes and fittings with rubber gasket (push-on-joints), excluding the cost of gasket but including all sundries, filling with water, with a water lead up to 500 meters and testing to required pressure etc complete. (Reference to specifications. BIS No.3114/1994/12288/1997.)150mm Dia




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Jointing CI, DI pipes and fittings with rubber gasket (push-on-joints), excluding the cost of gasket but including all sundries, filling with water, with a water lead up to 500 meters and testing to required pressure etc complete. (Reference to specifications. BIS No.3114/1994/12288/1997.)200mm Dia




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Jointing CI, DI pipes and fittings with rubber gasket (push-on-joints), excluding the cost of gasket but including all sundries, filling with water, with a water lead up to 500 meters and testing to required pressure etc complete. (Reference to specifications. BIS No.3114/1994/12288/1997.)250mm Dia




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Manufacture, Supplying and fitting Ductile Iron Double Chambered Restrained Joint fittings confirming to IS 9523 : 2000 (restrained joints are designed and tested as per ISO 10804) of Class K-12 (Alternative and to avoid concrete thrust blocks along with minimum length of Restrained joint DI pipes at bends) including rubber gasket confirming to IS 5382 : 1985 and locking bars & rubber gaskets etc complete Ductile Iron Double Chambered Restrained Joint Fittings upto 500mm dia




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Manufacture, Supplying and fitting Ductile Iron Double Chambered Restrained Joint fittings confirming to IS 9523 : 2000 (restrained joints are designed and tested as per ISO 10804) of Class K-12 (Alternative and to avoid concrete thrust blocks along with minimum length of Restrained joint DI pipes at bends) including rubber gasket confirming to IS 5382 : 1985 and locking bars & rubber gaskets etc complete Ductile Iron Double Chambered Restrained Joint Fittings above 500mm dia




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Earthwork in excavation for structures as per drawing and technical specifications Clause 305.1 including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious material and disposal upto a lead of 50 m, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling in trenches with excavated suitable material as per Technical Specification 305 MORD / 304 MORTHa) 0.0 m To 3.0 m Depth




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Earthwork in excavation for structures as per drawing and technical specifications Clause 305.1 including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious material and disposal upto a lead of 50 m, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling in trenches with excavated suitable material as per Technical Specification 305 MORD / 304 MORTHb) 3.0 m To 6.0 m Depth (Including Dewatering)




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Earthwork in excavation for structures as per drawing and technical specifications Clause 305.1 including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious material and disposal upto a lead of 50 m, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling in trenches with excavated suitable material as per Technical Specification 305 MORD / 304 MORTHc) 6.0m (Including Dewatering)




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Providing & laying Sand bedding in foundations & filling in trenches as per drawing including cost and conveyance of materials to site with all leads & lifts including watering, tamping, raming all other incidental and operational charges etc., complete as per technical specification Clause 305.3.9 MORD & 304 MORTH (5th Revision) or as per latest revisions and specifications and as directed by the Engineer - in - charge.




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Plain Cement Concrete PCC M10 ( 1:3:6 ) using 40mm guage hard granite machine crushed metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, centering, machine mixing, lifts and delifts, leads, laying in position, compacting, curing, all labour charges, etc., complete for levelling course as directed by the departmental officers. PCC bedding for Power Conduit crossings




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Carting away the surplus excavated materials i.e., earth from the site to a suitable distance of about 5 kms including loading, unloading, conveyance charges and dumping the carted materials at the contractors cost, labour charges, all leads and lifts, all other incidental and operational charges as directed by Engineer incharge.




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Supply and providing of main line HDPE Electrical pipe conduits with Silicore Lubricant inner layer with ribs , dimensional ratio of 13.5, deflection not greater than 5% when exposed to the normal operating temperature 90 degrees centigrade under the overburden soil pressure and other physical properties confirming to ASTMF 2160 and / or NEMA TC 7 ( The expected service life of HDPE Pipe conduit and accessories shall not be less than 50 years) including transportation225mm HDPE




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Lowering Laying and jointing of 225mm HDPE electrical pipe conduits with silicore lubricant inner layer having ribs with Push fit coupler and as per drawing in ready made trenches true to alignment and gradient and maintain specified spacing with spacers (excluding cost of spacer ) including all materials labour charges and all other incidential charges etc complete for finished item of work as per drawing and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.225mm HDPE




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Manufacture, Supply and Delivery of RCC NP4 Socket and Spigot pipes conforming to B.I.S. 458/2003 (rate per meter of effective length) inclusive of Transportation.800mm Dia RCC NP4 Pipe




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Manufacture, Supply and Delivery of RCC NP4 Socket and Spigot pipes conforming to B.I.S. 458/2003 (rate per meter of effective length) inclusive of Transportation.1200mm Dia RCC NP4 Pipe




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Manufacture, Supply and Delivery of RCC NP4 Socket and Spigot pipes conforming to B.I.S. 458/2003 (rate per meter of effective length) inclusive of Transportation.1600mm Dia RCC NP4 Pipe




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Lowering the RCC pipes carefully into the trenches laying them true to alignment and gradient, jointing with rubber rings and testing including filling with water with a water lead upto 500 meters including cost of rubber rings as per BIS No. 783/1985. 800mm Dia RCC NP4 Pipe




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Lowering the RCC pipes carefully into the trenches laying them true to alignment and gradient, jointing with rubber rings and testing including filling with water with a water lead upto 500 meters including cost of rubber rings as per BIS No. 783/1985. 1200mm Dia RCC NP4 Pipe




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Lowering the RCC pipes carefully into the trenches laying them true to alignment and gradient, jointing with rubber rings and testing including filling with water with a water lead upto 500 meters including cost of rubber rings as per BIS No. 783/1985. 1600mm Dia RCC NP4 Pipe




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Providing Spacers of Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) material make with 10mm thk for HDPE Pipe conduits including placing, positioning at 1.5 mtr interval as directed by engineer-in-charge.Spacers For Power Duct for 225mm Dia Pipe




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Supply and Laying of Warning tape of 225 mm thick in excavated trenches in two layer ,one Yellow colour tape at 100 mm and 250mm width Below FRL and Red colour tape at 400 mm and as directed by engineer-in-charge.




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Supply & Placing of chequered Cement concrete heavy duty tiles confirming to IS 1380 using aggregate cement pigments of of 25 mm thick(any shade-300 x300 mm) set over base coat of cement mortar 1:6 12 mm thick over cc bed already laid or RCC roof slab,including near cemnt slurry of honeylike consistency spread at the rate 3.3 kgs/sqm and jointed with need cement to full depth mixed with pigment of matching shade including cost of all materials like cement,sand,water and tiles etc ,complete finished item of work.




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Earthwork in excavation for structures as per drawing and technical specifications Clause 305.1 including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious material and disposal upto a lead of 50 m, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling in trenches with excavated suitable material as per Technical Specification 305 MORD / 304 MORTHa) 0.0 m To 3.0 m Depth




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Earthwork in excavation for structures as per drawing and technical specifications Clause 305.1 including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious material and disposal upto a lead of 50 m, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling in trenches with excavated suitable material as per Technical Specification 305 MORD / 304 MORTHb) 3.0 m To 6.0 m Depth (Including Dewatering)




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Plain Cement Concrete PCC M10 ( 1:3:6 ) using 40mm guage hard granite machine crushed metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, centering, machine mixing, lifts and delifts, leads, laying in position, compacting, curing, all labour charges, etc., complete for levelling course as directed by the departmental officers.




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Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M 30 grade from batching plant using 20mm & 10mm HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) mechanically mixed , compacted by vibration including curing for 14 days including cost, conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges, centering, machine mixing, laying, vibrating, curing etc., including other incidental hire and operational charges of all T&P etc., complete as per approved drawings and as directed during execution but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item as per as per technical specifications clause 802,803,804, 805,806,807, 1202 , 1203, 1204 , 1205.4 & 1205.5 MORD and 1500 , 1600 , 1700 & 2100 MORTH MoRT&H specification 1500, 1700, 2100, 2200 & 2300 (5th revision ) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge (with minimum cement quantity of 407kgs cum)Note : The rate shall be adjusted as per the approved design mix by the competent authoritya) Raft




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Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M 30 grade from batching plant using 20mm & 10mm HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) mechanically mixed , compacted by vibration including curing for 14 days including cost, conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges, centering, machine mixing, laying, vibrating, curing etc., including other incidental hire and operational charges of all T&P etc., complete as per approved drawings and as directed during execution but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item as per as per technical specifications clause 802,803,804, 805,806,807, 1202 , 1203, 1204 , 1205.4 & 1205.5 MORD and 1500 , 1600 , 1700 & 2100 MORTH MoRT&H specification 1500, 1700, 2100, 2200 & 2300 (5th revision ) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge (with minimum cement quantity of 407kgs cum)Note : The rate shall be adjusted as per the approved design mix by the competent authorityb) Walls-300mm thick




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Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M 30 grade from batching plant using 20mm & 10mm HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) mechanically mixed , compacted by vibration including curing for 14 days including cost, conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges, centering, machine mixing, laying, vibrating, curing etc., including other incidental hire and operational charges of all T&P etc., complete as per approved drawings and as directed during execution but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item as per as per technical specifications clause 802,803,804, 805,806,807, 1202 , 1203, 1204 , 1205.4 & 1205.5 MORD and 1500 , 1600 , 1700 & 2100 MORTH MoRT&H specification 1500, 1700, 2100, 2200 & 2300 (5th revision ) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge (with minimum cement quantity of 407kgs cum)Note : The rate shall be adjusted as per the approved design mix by the competent authorityb) Walls-200mm thick




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Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M 30 grade from batching plant using 20mm & 10mm HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) mechanically mixed , compacted by vibration including curing for 14 days including cost, conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges, centering, machine mixing, laying, vibrating, curing etc., including other incidental hire and operational charges of all T&P etc., complete as per approved drawings and as directed during execution but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item as per as per technical specifications clause 802,803,804, 805,806,807, 1202 , 1203, 1204 , 1205.4 & 1205.5 MORD and 1500 , 1600 , 1700 & 2100 MORTH MoRT&H specification 1500, 1700, 2100, 2200 & 2300 (5th revision ) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge (with minimum cement quantity of 407kgs cum)Note : The rate shall be adjusted as per the approved design mix by the competent authorityb) Walls-250mm thick




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Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M 30 grade from batching plant using 20mm & 10mm HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) mechanically mixed , compacted by vibration including curing for 14 days including cost, conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges, centering, machine mixing, laying, vibrating, curing etc., including other incidental hire and operational charges of all T&P etc., complete as per approved drawings and as directed during execution but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item as per as per technical specifications clause 802,803,804, 805,806,807, 1202 , 1203, 1204 , 1205.4 & 1205.5 MORD and 1500 , 1600 , 1700 & 2100 MORTH MoRT&H specification 1500, 1700, 2100, 2200 & 2300 (5th revision ) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge (with minimum cement quantity of 407kgs cum)Note : The rate shall be adjusted as per the approved design mix by the competent authorityb) Walls-350mm thick




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Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M 30 grade from batching plant using 20mm & 10mm HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) mechanically mixed , compacted by vibration including curing for 14 days including cost, conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges, centering, machine mixing, laying, vibrating, curing etc., including other incidental hire and operational charges of all T&P etc., complete as per approved drawings and as directed during execution but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item as per as per technical specifications clause 802,803,804, 805,806,807, 1202 , 1203, 1204 , 1205.4 & 1205.5 MORD and 1500 , 1600 , 1700 & 2100 MORTH MoRT&H specification 1500, 1700, 2100, 2200 & 2300 (5th revision ) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge (with minimum cement quantity of 407kgs cum)Note : The rate shall be adjusted as per the approved design mix by the competent authorityc) Slab




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Providing & laying Sand bedding in foundations & filling in trenches as per drawing including cost and conveyance of materials to site with all leads & lifts including watering, tamping, raming all other incidental and operational charges etc., complete as per technical specification Clause 305.3.9 MORD & 304 MORTH (5th Revision) or as per latest revisions and specifications and as directed by the Engineer - in - charge.




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Providing High Yield Strength Deformed (HYSD)/ Thermo Mechanically Treated (TMT) /(Fe 500 grade as per IS 1786-1979) of different diameters for RCC works , including labour charges for straightening, cutting, bending to required sizes and shapes, placing in position with cover blocks of approved materials and size and tying and lap-splicing with binding wire of 18 SWG, forming grills for reinforcement work as per approved designs and drawings, including cost and conveyance of steel bars, including all wastages such as overlaps, couplings, chairs, spacer bars including cost and conveyance of binding wire, cover blocks and all incidental, operational, labour charges such as cutting, bending, placing in position, tying complete and as directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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Carting away the surplus excavated materials i.e., earth from the site to a suitable distance of about 5 kms including loading, unloading, conveyance charges and dumping the carted materials at the contractors cost, labour charges, all leads and lifts, all other incidental and operational charges as directed by Engineer incharge.




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Manufacture as per BIS:12592 (Part 1&2) Supply & Delivery and Fixing of Heavy Duty manhole covers and frames - 24x24 HD 20 with ISI marking anywhere in A.P., F.O.R. destination including, loading, unloading & stacking at site etc., complete




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Manufacture as per company’s standard specification supply and delivery of encapsulated plastic steps for man holes anywhere in A.P. including cost of materials packing as per company’s standards, loading, transportation, unloading and stacking at site of work etc, complete .




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Manufacture, supply,delivery and fixing of GI Electrode of 40mm Dia and 3m Length and transportation anywhere in Andhra Pradesh.




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Providing and Supply of FRP Gratings of 38x38mm mesh with 7/5mm rib of 38mm thick including cost of materials packing as per company’s standards, loading, transportation, unloading and stacking at site of work etc, complete.




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Manufacture supply Fabrication and fixing of fixing of ISA 50x50x6 for manholes Grating including anywhere in A.P. including cost of materials packing as per company’s standards, loading, transportation, unloading and stacking at site of work,one coat of primer etc, complete.




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Earthwork in excavation for structures as per drawing and technical specifications Clause 305.1 including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious material and disposal upto a lead of 50 m, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling in trenches with excavated suitable material as per Technical Specification 305 MORD / 304 MORTH0.0 m To 3.0 m Depth




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Earthwork in excavation for structures as per drawing and technical specifications Clause 305.1 including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious material and disposal upto a lead of 50 m, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling in trenches with excavated suitable material as per Technical Specification 305 MORD / 304 MORTH3.0 m To 6.0 m Depth (Including Dewatering)




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Earthwork in excavation for structures as per drawing and technical specifications Clause 305.1 including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious material and disposal upto a lead of 50 m, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling in trenches with excavated suitable material as per Technical Specification 305 MORD / 304 MORTH6.0m (Including Dewatering)




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Refilling with sand as per drawing including cost and conveyance of materials to site with all leads & lifts including watering, tamping, raming all other incidental and operational charges etc., complete as per technical specification Clause 305.3.9 MORD & 304 MORTH and as directed by the Engineer - in - charge.




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Providing & laying Sand bedding in foundations & filling in trenches as per drawing including cost and conveyance of materials to site with all leads & lifts including watering, tamping, raming all other incidental and operational charges etc., complete as per technical specification Clause 305.3.9 MORD & 304 MORTH (5th Revision) or as per latest revisions and specifications and as directed by the Engineer - in - charge.




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Plain Cement Concrete PCC M10 ( 1:3:6 ) using 40mm guage hard granite machine crushed metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, centering, machine mixing, lifts and delifts, leads, laying in position, compacting, curing, all labour charges, etc., complete for levelling course as directed by the departmental officers.




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Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M 30 grade from batching plant using 20mm & 10mm HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) mechanically mixed , compacted by vibration including curing for 14 days including cost, conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges, centering, machine mixing, laying, vibrating, curing etc., including other incidental hire and operational charges of all T&P etc., complete as per approved drawings and as directed during execution but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item as per as per technical specifications clause 802,803,804, 805,806,807, 1202 , 1203, 1204 , 1205.4 & 1205.5 MORD and 1500 , 1600 , 1700 & 2100 MORTH MoRT&H specification 1500, 1700, 2100, 2200 & 2300 (5th revision ) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge (with minimum cement quantity of 407kgs cum)Note : The rate shall be adjusted as per the approved design mix by the competent authoritya) Raft




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Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M 30 grade from batching plant using 20mm & 10mm HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) mechanically mixed , compacted by vibration including curing for 14 days including cost, conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges, centering, machine mixing, laying, vibrating, curing etc., including other incidental hire and operational charges of all T&P etc., complete as per approved drawings and as directed during execution but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item as per as per technical specifications clause 802,803,804, 805,806,807, 1202 , 1203, 1204 , 1205.4 & 1205.5 MORD and 1500 , 1600 , 1700 & 2100 MORTH MoRT&H specification 1500, 1700, 2100, 2200 & 2300 (5th revision ) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge (with minimum cement quantity of 407kgs cum)Note : The rate shall be adjusted as per the approved design mix by the competent authority b) RCC Duct wall




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Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M 30 grade from batching plant using 20mm & 10mm HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) mechanically mixed , compacted by vibration including curing for 14 days including cost, conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges, centering, machine mixing, laying, vibrating, curing etc., including other incidental hire and operational charges of all T&P etc., complete as per approved drawings and as directed during execution but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item as per as per technical specifications clause 802,803,804, 805,806,807, 1202 , 1203, 1204 , 1205.4 & 1205.5 MORD and 1500 , 1600 , 1700 & 2100 MORTH MoRT&H specification 1500, 1700, 2100, 2200 & 2300 (5th revision ) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge (with minimum cement quantity of 407kgs cum)Note : The rate shall be adjusted as per the approved design mix by the competent authorityc) Slab




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Form work for Drain side walls including cost & conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges, other incidental hire and operational charges of all T&P etc., complete as per approved drawings etc., complete and as directed by Engineer-in-charge




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Providing High Yield Strength Deformed (HYSD)/ Thermo Mechanically Treated (TMT) /(Fe 500 grade as per IS 1786-1979) of different diameters for RCC works , including labour charges for straightening, cutting, bending to required sizes and shapes, placing in position with cover blocks of approved materials and size and tying and lap-splicing with binding wire of 18 SWG, forming grills for reinforcement work as per approved designs and drawings, including cost and conveyance of steel bars, including all wastages such as overlaps, couplings, chairs, spacer bars including cost and conveyance of binding wire, cover blocks and all incidental, operational, labour charges such as cutting, bending, placing in position, tying complete and as directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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Providing, fitting and fixing of mild steel Flat of size (0.15x0.01) and bar including cost of material, labour, fabrication charges and one coat of primer etc complete as per drawing and technical specifications Clause 1208.2MORD / 1900 & 2703 MORTH and as directed by Engineer-in-charge




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Providing fitting and fixing of mild steel 16 mm M.S.Rod welded to M.S.Flat @800 c/c and bar including cost of material, labour, one coat of primer etc complete as per approved drawings complete as per drawing and technical specifications Clause 1208.2MORD / 1900 & 2703 MORTH and as directed by Engineer-in-charge.




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Providing and Supply of FRP Gratings of 38x38mm mesh with 7/5mm rib of 38mm thick including cost of materials packing as per company’s standards, loading, transportation, unloading and stacking at site of work etc, complete




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Supply, fabricating , installing structural steel with MS Channels, Angles, Flats, Rods, including cost of materials, labour ,one coat of primer etc complete as per Drawing




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Supply of PVC Water Stopper 310mm wide to be provided at end of crossing etc., complete and as directed by Engineer-in-charge




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Supply of Polysheet of 125m micron thick to cover PVC water stopper etc., complete and as directed by Engineer-in-charge




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Brick Masonry in CM (1:4) with Modular Bricks 19 x 9 x 9 cms 2nd class complete excluding pointing and plastering as per drawig and technical specifications clauses 600,1202 & 1203 MORD/1300 MORTH including cost and conveyance of materials to site with all leads & lifts , all other incidental and operational charges etc., complete and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge




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Earthwork in excavation for structures as per drawing and technical specifications Clause 305.1 including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious material and disposal upto a lead of 50 m, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling in trenches with excavated suitable material as per Technical Specification 305 MORD / 304 MORTHa) 0.0 m To 3.0 m Depth




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Earthwork in excavation for structures as per drawing and technical specifications Clause 305.1 including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious material and disposal upto a lead of 50 m, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling in trenches with excavated suitable material as per Technical Specification 305 MORD / 304 MORTHb) 3.0 m To 6.0 m Depth (Including Dewatering)




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Providing & laying Sand bedding in foundations & filling in trenches as per drawing including cost and conveyance of materials to site with all leads & lifts including watering, tamping, raming all other incidental and operational charges etc., complete as per technical specification Clause 305.3.9 MORD & 304 MORTH (5th Revision) or as per latest revisions and specifications and as directed by the Engineer - in - charge.




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Plain Cement Concrete PCC M10 ( 1:3:6 ) using 40mm guage hard granite machine crushed metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, centering, machine mixing, lifts and delifts, leads, laying in position, compacting, curing, all labour charges, etc., complete for levelling course as directed by the departmental officers.




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Carting away the surplus excavated materials i.e., earth from the site to a suitable distance of about 5 kms including loading, unloading, conveyance charges and dumping the carted materials at the contractors cost, labour charges, all leads and lifts, all other incidental and operational charges as directed by Engineer incharge.




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Brick Masonry in CM (1:4) with Modular Bricks 19 x 9 x 9 cms 2nd class complete excluding pointing and plastering as per drawig and technical specifications clauses 600,1202 & 1203 MORD/1300 MORTH including cost and conveyance of materials to site with all leads & lifts , all other incidental and operational charges etc., complete and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge




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Manufacture, Supply and Delivery of RCC NP4 Socket and Spigot pipes conforming to B.I.S. 458/2003 (rate per meter of effective length) inclusive of Transportation.400mm Dia RCC NP4 Pipe




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Manufacture, Supply and Delivery of RCC NP4 Socket and Spigot pipes conforming to B.I.S. 458/2003 (rate per meter of effective length) inclusive of Transportation.500mm Dia RCC NP4 Pipe




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Lowering the RCC pipes carefully into the trenches laying them true to alignment and gradient, jointing with rubber rings and testing including filling with water with a water lead upto 500 meters including cost of rubber rings as per BIS No. 783/1985. 400mm Dia RCC NP4 Pipe




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Lowering the RCC pipes carefully into the trenches laying them true to alignment and gradient, jointing with rubber rings and testing including filling with water with a water lead upto 500 meters including cost of rubber rings as per BIS No. 783/1985. 500mm Dia RCC NP4 Pipe




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Earthwork in excavation for structures as per drawing and technical specifications Clause 305.1 including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious material and disposal upto a lead of 50 m, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling in trenches with excavated suitable material as per Technical Specification 305 MORD / 304 MORTHa) 0.0 m To 3.0 m Depth




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Earthwork in excavation for structures as per drawing and technical specifications Clause 305.1 including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious material and disposal upto a lead of 50 m, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling in trenches with excavated suitable material as per Technical Specification 305 MORD / 304 MORTHb) 3.0 m To 6.0 m Depth (Including Dewatering)




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Earthwork in excavation for structures as per drawing and technical specifications Clause 305.1 including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious material and disposal upto a lead of 50 m, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling in trenches with excavated suitable material as per Technical Specification 305 MORD / 304 MORTHc) 6.0m (Including Dewatering)




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Providing & laying Sand bedding in foundations & filling in trenches as per drawing including cost and conveyance of materials to site with all leads & lifts including watering, tamping, raming all other incidental and operational charges etc., complete as per technical specification Clause 305.3.9 MORD & 304 MORTH (5th Revision) or as per latest revisions and specifications and as directed by the Engineer - in - charge.




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Carting away the surplus excavated materials i.e., earth from the site to a suitable distance of about 5 kms including loading, unloading, conveyance charges and dumping the carted materials at the contractors cost, labour charges, all leads and lifts, all other incidental and operational charges as directed by Engineer incharge.




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Plain Cement Concrete PCC M10 ( 1:3:6 ) using 40mm guage hard granite machine crushed metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, centering, machine mixing, lifts and delifts, leads, laying in position, compacting, curing, all labour charges, etc., complete for levelling course as directed by the departmental officers.




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Supply and delivery of Centrifugally Cast( Spun) Ductile Iron with HAC and Polyethylene Sleeve Pressure Pipes for Water, Gas and Sewerage with Socket Spigot Ends confirming to IS: 8329/2000 in Standard Working lengths of 4.0m,5.0m,5.50m & 6.0m for Push-On -Joint (Rubber Gasket D Jointing) with cement mortor lining inside the pipes with out side zinc coating, inclusive of Transportation .600mm Dia DI K7 Pipes




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Manufacture as per BIS:12820/89 with S.B.R. Quality Rubber confirming to BIS:5382/85, supply and delivery of Rubber Gaskets suitable for CI, DI, S/S pipes any where in A.P. for destination departmental stores including cost of material, loading, incidental, handling with companys standard packing, transportation, unloading & stacking.600mm Dia DI K7 Pipes




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Lowering CI, DI pipes (all classes) and specials (fittings) with s/s ends carefully into trenches and laying them true to alignment and gradient including all sundries from source of supply (Ref to specifications. BIS No: 3114/1994)600mm Dia DI K7 Pipes




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Jointing CI, DI pipes and fittings with rubber gasket (push-on-joints), excluding the cost of gasket but including all sundries, filling with water, with a water lead up to 500 meters and testing to required pressure etc complete. (Reference to specifications. BIS No.3114/1994/12288/1997.)600mm Dia DI K7 Pipes




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Manufacture, supply, & delivery of (DWC) structured wall polyethylene/polypropylene piping system with nonsmooth external annular corrugated and smooth internal surface (Double Wall) for nonpressure sewage & Drainage application pipes of standard length 6 m, grade conforming to IS 16098 (part-II: 2013) including transportation to anywhere in A.P .200mm DWC Pipe




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Laying of SN8 structured wall (External Annular Corrugated & Smooth Internal surface) Polythelene pipes, on the lower bedding (Constructed at bottom of trenches) at prescribed gradient, depth & alignment including installation and jointing of the same with the help of coupler (on line/ off line) attached to one end of the pipe & sliding the coupler end over the elastomeric sealing rubber ring fitted on the specified valley of the spigot end of next pipe, testing the water tightness of the joint assembly, ensuring the continuity tests of specified pipe segments etc. complete as per drawing, specifications & detail engineering, including carriage of pipes & fittings from site stacks to the place of laying etc. as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. (Payment to be made on the basis of actual finished length of pipe line).200mm DWC Pipe




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Manufacture, supply, & delivery of (DWC) structured wall polyethylene/polypropylene piping system with nonsmooth external annular corrugated and smooth internal surface (Double Wall) for nonpressure sewage & Drainage application pipes of standard length 6 m, grade conforming to IS 16098 (part-II: 2013) including transportation to anywhere in A.P .250mm DWC Pipe




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Laying of SN8 structured wall (External Annular Corrugated & Smooth Internal surface) Polythelene pipes, on the lower bedding (Constructed at bottom of trenches) at prescribed gradient, depth & alignment including installation and jointing of the same with the help of coupler (on line/ off line) attached to one end of the pipe & sliding the coupler end over the elastomeric sealing rubber ring fitted on the specified valley of the spigot end of next pipe, testing the water tightness of the joint assembly, ensuring the continuity tests of specified pipe segments etc. complete as per drawing, specifications & detail engineering, including carriage of pipes & fittings from site stacks to the place of laying etc. as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. (Payment to be made on the basis of actual finished length of pipe line).250mm DWC Pipe




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Manufacture, supply, & delivery of (DWC) structured wall polyethylene/polypropylene piping system with nonsmooth external annular corrugated and smooth internal surface (Double Wall) for nonpressure sewage & Drainage application pipes of standard length 6 m, grade conforming to IS 16098 (part-II: 2013) including transportation to anywhere in A.P .300mm DWC Pipe




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Laying of SN8 structured wall (External Annular Corrugated & Smooth Internal surface) Polythelene pipes, on the lower bedding (Constructed at bottom of trenches) at prescribed gradient, depth & alignment including installation and jointing of the same with the help of coupler (on line/ off line) attached to one end of the pipe & sliding the coupler end over the elastomeric sealing rubber ring fitted on the specified valley of the spigot end of next pipe, testing the water tightness of the joint assembly, ensuring the continuity tests of specified pipe segments etc. complete as per drawing, specifications & detail engineering, including carriage of pipes & fittings from site stacks to the place of laying etc. as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. (Payment to be made on the basis of actual finished length of pipe line).300mm DWC Pipe




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Manufacture, supply, & delivery of (DWC) structured wall polyethylene/polypropylene piping system with nonsmooth external annular corrugated and smooth internal surface (Double Wall) for nonpressure sewage & Drainage application pipes of standard length 6 m, grade conforming to IS 16098 (part-II: 2013) including transportation to anywhere in A.P .400mm DWC Pipe




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Laying of SN8 structured wall (External Annular Corrugated & Smooth Internal surface) Polythelene pipes, on the lower bedding (Constructed at bottom of trenches) at prescribed gradient, depth & alignment including installation and jointing of the same with the help of coupler (on line/ off line) attached to one end of the pipe & sliding the coupler end over the elastomeric sealing rubber ring fitted on the specified valley of the spigot end of next pipe, testing the water tightness of the joint assembly, ensuring the continuity tests of specified pipe segments etc. complete as per drawing, specifications & detail engineering, including carriage of pipes & fittings from site stacks to the place of laying etc. as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. (Payment to be made on the basis of actual finished length of pipe line).400mm DWC Pipe




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Manufacture, supply, & delivery of (DWC) structured wall polyethylene/polypropylene piping system with nonsmooth external annular corrugated and smooth internal surface (Double Wall) for nonpressure sewage & Drainage application pipes of standard length 6 m, grade conforming to IS 16098 (part-II: 2013) including transportation to anywhere in A.P .500mm DWC Pipe




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Laying of SN8 structured wall (External Annular Corrugated & Smooth Internal surface) Polythelene pipes, on the lower bedding (Constructed at bottom of trenches) at prescribed gradient, depth & alignment including installation and jointing of the same with the help of coupler (on line/ off line) attached to one end of the pipe & sliding the coupler end over the elastomeric sealing rubber ring fitted on the specified valley of the spigot end of next pipe, testing the water tightness of the joint assembly, ensuring the continuity tests of specified pipe segments etc. complete as per drawing, specifications & detail engineering, including carriage of pipes & fittings from site stacks to the place of laying etc. as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. (Payment to be made on the basis of actual finished length of pipe line).500mm DWC Pipe




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Providing and constructing of precast RCC circular manhole of grade M-30,Type- A ,900 mm internal diameter according to drawing, fixing (slant portion of 0.64 m and raft 0.3 m) with cover and frame (heavy duty, 24x24 HD-20 grade designation), total weight of cover and frame to be not less than 182 kg, Plastering with SRC cement motor 1:3 including centering shuttering all complete as per standard design and as directed by Engineer in charge.




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Extra Depth for every 1.0 m depth beyond 0.64 m and inling with SRC cement motor of 1:3. With Wall thickness 150mm including Reinforcement HYSD FE500& Centering For Type-A Manhole




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Supply and placing of Plain Cement concrete M15 nominal mix prop (Cement : fine aggregate: coarse aggregate ) using 40mm guage hard granite machine crushed metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, centering, machine mixing, lifts and delifts, leads, laying in position, compacting, curing, all labour charges, etc., complete as per drawing, technical specifications standard design and as directed by Engineer in charge. (If quantity of cement increase/decrease the rate will be deducted as per design mix) PCC - M15 For Benching for Type A Manhole




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Providing and constructing of precast RCC circular manhole of grade M-30,Type- B, 1200mm internal diameter according to drawing, fixing (Slant portion of 1.15m and raft0.3m) with cover and frame (heavy duty, 24x24 HD-20 grade designation), total weight of cover and frame to be not less than 182 kg. Plastering with SRC cement motor 1:3 including centering shuttering all complete as per standard design and as directed by Engineer in charge




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Extra Depth for every 1.0 m depth beyond 1.15 m and inling with SRC cement motor of 1:3 .With Wall thickness 150mm including Reinforcement HYSD FE500& centeing For Type-B Manhole




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Supply and placing of Plain Cement concrete M15 nominal mix prop (Cement : fine aggregate: coarse aggregate ) using 40mm guage hard granite machine crushed metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, centering, machine mixing, lifts and delifts, leads, laying in position, compacting, curing, all labour charges, etc., complete as per drawing, technical specifications standard design and as directed by Engineer in charge. (If quantity of cement increase/decrease the rate will be deducted as per design mix) PCC - M15 For Benching for Type B Manhole




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Providing and constructing of precast RCC circular manhole of grade M-30,Type- C, 1500 mm internal diameter according to drawing, fixing (Slant portion of 1.5 m and raft 0.33 m) with cover and frame (heavy duty,24x24 HD-20 grade designation), total weight of cover and frame to be not less than 182 kg. Plastering with SRC cement motor 1:3 including centering shuttering all complete as per standard design and as directed by Engineer in charge.




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Extra Depth for every 1.0 m depth beyond 1.5 m and inling with SRC cement motor of 1:3. .With Wall thickness 200mm including Reinforcement HYSD FE500 & Centering For Type-C Manhole




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Supply and placing of Plain Cement concrete M15 nominal mix prop (Cement : fine aggregate: coarse aggregate ) using 40mm guage hard granite machine crushed metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, centering, machine mixing, lifts and delifts, leads, laying in position, compacting, curing, all labour charges, etc., complete as per drawing, technical specifications standard design and as directed by Engineer in charge. (If quantity of cement increase/decrease the rate will be deducted as per design mix) PCC - M15 For Benching for Type C Manhole




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Providing and constructing M-30 RCC circular manhole of grade M-30,Type- D , 1800 mm internal diameter according to drawing, fixing (Slant portion of 2 m and raft 0.4 m) with cover and frame (heavy duty, 24x24 HD-20 grade designation), total weight of cover and frame to be not less than 182 kg. Plastering with SRC cement motor 1:3 including centering shuttering all complete as per standard design and as directed by Engineer in charge.




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Extra Depth for every 1.0 m depth beyond 2 m and inling with SRC cement motor of 1:3. With Wall thickness 200mm including Reinforcement HYSD FE500& Centering For Type-D Manhole




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Supply and placing of Plain Cement concrete M15 nominal mix prop (Cement : fine aggregate: coarse aggregate ) using 40mm guage hard granite machine crushed metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, centering, machine mixing, lifts and delifts, leads, laying in position, compacting, curing, all labour charges, etc., complete as per drawing, technical specifications standard design and as directed by Engineer in charge. (If quantity of cement increase/decrease the rate will be deducted as per design mix) PCC - M15 For Benching for Type D Manhole




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Manufacture as per company’s standard specification supply and delivery of encapsulated plastic steps for man holes anywhere in A.P. including cost of materials packing as per company’s standards, loading, transportation, unloading and stacking at site of work etc.




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Providing sand cast iron drop connection externally for 60 cm drop from branch sewer line to main sewer manhole including inspection and cleaning eye with chain and lid, sand cast iron drop pipe and bend encased allround with cement concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 fine sand : 10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) with all centering and shuttering required, cutting holes in walls and making good with brick work in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) plastered with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) on inside of the manhole wall, lead caulked joints between sand cast iron pipes and fittings, stiff cement mortar 1:1 (1 cement : 1 fine sand) joints between sand cast iron tee and S.W. pipe, making required channels complete as per standard design and specifications 150 mm dia sand cast iron drop connectionFor depths up to 60 cm




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Providing sand cast iron drop connection externally for 60 cm drop from branch sewer line to main sewer manhole including inspection and cleaning eye with chain and lid, sand cast iron drop pipe and bend encased allround with cement concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 fine sand : 10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) with all centering and shuttering required, cutting holes in walls and making good with brick work in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) plastered with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) on inside of the manhole wall, lead caulked joints between sand cast iron pipes and fittings, stiff cement mortar 1:1 (1 cement : 1 fine sand) joints between sand cast iron tee and S.W. pipe, making required channels complete as per standard design and specifications 150 mm dia sand cast iron drop connectionExtra for depths beyond 60 cm of sand cast iron drop connection complete




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Manufacturing, Supply, Delivery of Double chambered restrained joint DI K9 Pipes confirming to IS 8329 (restrained joints are designed and tested as per ISO 10804) (to be used to for minimum required length as per design along with double chambered restrained DI fittings to avoid concrete thrust block at bends) including rubber gaskets confirming to IS 5382 -1985 /8329-2000 with latest amendments and locking bars & rubber spacers, conveying to work site, including loading and unloading at both destinations, excluding cost of specials600mm Dia




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Lowering CI, DI pipes (all classes) and specials (fittings) with s/s ends carefully into trenches and laying them true to alignment and gradient including all sundries from source of supply (Ref to specifications. BIS No: 3114/1994)600mm Dia




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Jointing CI, DI pipes and fittings with rubber gasket (push-on-joints), excluding the cost of gasket but including all sundries, filling with water, with a water lead up to 500 meters and testing to required pressure etc complete. (Reference to specifications. BIS No.3114/1994/12288/1997.)600mm Dia




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Manufacture, Supplying and fitting Ductile Iron Double Chambered Restrained Joint fittings confirming to IS 9523 : 2000 (restrained joints are designed and tested as per ISO 10804) of Class K-12 (Alternative and to avoid concrete thrust blocks along with minimum length of Restrained joint DI pipes at bends) including rubber gasket confirming to IS 5382 : 1985 and locking bars & rubber gaskets etc complete but Ductile Iron Double Chambered Restrained Joint Fittings above 500mm dia




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Earthwork in excavation for structures as per drawing and technical specifications Clause 305.1 including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious material and disposal upto a lead of 50 m, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling in trenches with excavated suitable material as per Technical Specification 305 MORD / 304 MORTHa) 0.0 m To 3.0 m Depth




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Providing & laying Sand bedding in foundations & filling in trenches as per drawing including cost and conveyance of materials to site with all leads & lifts including watering, tamping, raming all other incidental and operational charges etc., complete as per technical specification Clause 305.3.9 MORD & 304 MORTH (5th Revision) or as per latest revisions and specifications and as directed by the Engineer - in - charge.




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Plain Cement Concrete PCC M10 ( 1:3:6 ) using 40mm guage hard granite machine crushed metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, centering, machine mixing, lifts and delifts, leads, laying in position, compacting, curing, all labour charges, etc., complete for levelling course as directed by the departmental officers.For PCC Bedding




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Carting away the surplus excavated materials i.e., earth from the site to a suitable distance of about 5 kms including loading, unloading, conveyance charges and dumping the carted materials at the contractors cost, labour charges, all leads and lifts, all other incidental and operational charges as directed by Engineer incharge.




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Manufacture, Supply and Delivery of RCC NP4 Socket and Spigot pipes conforming to B.I.S. 458/2003 (rate per meter of effective length) inclusive of Transportation.600mm Dia RCC NP4




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Manufacture, Supply and Delivery of RCC NP4 Socket and Spigot pipes conforming to B.I.S. 458/2003 (rate per meter of effective length) inclusive of Transportation.1000mm Dia RCC NP4




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Lowering the RCC pipes carefully into the trenches laying them true to alignment and gradient, jointing with rubber rings and testing including filling with water with a water lead upto 500 meters including cost of rubber rings as per BIS No. 783/1985. 600mm Dia RCC NP4




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Lowering the RCC pipes carefully into the trenches laying them true to alignment and gradient, jointing with rubber rings and testing including filling with water with a water lead upto 500 meters including cost of rubber rings as per BIS No. 783/1985. 1000mm Dia RCC NP4




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Supply and Transportation of double walled corrugated HDPE duct made as per specification BSEN - 500 86/IS 14930 Part-II. Makes: DURA LINE (Dura Guard)/Precision/CPE or any ISI approved make .For Outer dia 160 mm and Inner dia 136 mm Makes: As per lis of recommended brans as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. DURA LINE (Dura Guard)/Precision/CPE or any ISI approved make having ISI mark.




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Lowering and laying by pushon joint of OD 160mm DWC Pipe double walled corrugated HDPE duct made as per specification BSEN - 500 86/IS 14930 Part-II including cost of labour,material and aother incidental charges etc complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.




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Providing of 7 way ( Multi duct for ICT) with permanent Lubricant inner layer with ribs , dimensional ratio of 13.5, deflection not greater than 5% when exposed to the normal operating temperature 90 degrees centigrade under the overburden soil pressure and other physical properties confirming to ASTMF 2160 and / or NEMA TC 7 ( The expected service life of HDPE Pipe conduit and accessories shall not be less than 50 years) including transportation




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Laying and Jointing of 7 Way 40mm Multi Duct in ready made trenches true to alignment and gradient with push fit coupler including all sundries but excluding cost & conveyance of pipes from source of supply and jointing materials etc, complete and as directed by Engineer-in-charge




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Providing Spacers of Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) material make with 10mm thk for HDPE Pipe conduits including placing, positioning at 1.5 mtr interval as directed by engineer-in-charge.Spacers for ICT : DWC- 4 & 7 Way-7




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Providing Spacers of Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) material make with 10mm thk for HDPE Pipe conduits including placing, positioning at 1.5 mtr interval as directed by engineer-in-charge.Spacers for ICT : DWC- 6 & 7 Way-8




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Providing Spacers of Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) material make with 10mm thk for HDPE Pipe conduits including placing, positioning at 1.5 mtr interval as directed by engineer-in-charge.Spacers for ICT : DWC- 3 & 7 Way-6




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Supply and Laying of Warning tape of 225 mm thick in excavated trenches in two layer ,one Yellow colour tape at 100 mm and 250mm width Below FRL and Red colour tape at 400 mm and as directed by engineer-in-charge.




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Supply & Placing of chequered Cement concrete heavy duty tiles confirming to IS 1380 using aggregate cement pigments of of 25 mm thick(any shade-300 x300 mm) set over base coat of cement mortar 1:6 12 mm thick over cc bed already laid or RCC roof slab,including near cemnt slurry of honeylike consistency spread at the rate 3.3 kgs/sqm and jointed with need cement to full depth mixed with pigment of matching shade including cost of all materials like cement,sand,water and tiles etc ,complete finished item of work.




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Earthwork in excavation for structures as per drawing and technical specifications Clause 305.1 including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious material and disposal upto a lead of 50 m, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling in trenches with excavated suitable material as per Technical Specification 305 MORD / 304 MORTHa) 0.0 m To 3.0 m Depth




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Earthwork in excavation for structures as per drawing and technical specifications Clause 305.1 including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious material and disposal upto a lead of 50 m, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling in trenches with excavated suitable material as per Technical Specification 305 MORD / 304 MORTHb) 3.0 m To 6.0 m Depth (Including Dewatering)




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Plain Cement Concrete PCC M10 ( 1:3:6 ) using 40mm guage hard granite machine crushed metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, centering, machine mixing, lifts and delifts, leads, laying in position, compacting, curing, all labour charges, etc., complete for levelling course as directed by the departmental officers.




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Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M 30 grade from batching plant using 20mm & 10mm HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) mechanically mixed , compacted by vibration including curing for 14 days including cost, conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges, centering, machine mixing, laying, vibrating, curing etc., including other incidental hire and operational charges of all T&P etc., complete as per approved drawings and as directed during execution but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item as per as per technical specifications clause 802,803,804, 805,806,807, 1202 , 1203, 1204 , 1205.4 & 1205.5 MORD and 1500 , 1600 , 1700 & 2100 MORTH MoRT&H specification 1500, 1700, 2100, 2200 & 2300 (5th revision ) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge (with minimum cement quantity of 407kgs cum)Note : The rate shall be adjusted as per the approved design mix by the competent authoritya) Raft




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Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M 30 grade from batching plant using 20mm & 10mm HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) mechanically mixed , compacted by vibration including curing for 14 days including cost, conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges, centering, machine mixing, laying, vibrating, curing etc., including other incidental hire and operational charges of all T&P etc., complete as per approved drawings and as directed during execution but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item as per as per technical specifications clause 802,803,804, 805,806,807, 1202 , 1203, 1204 , 1205.4 & 1205.5 MORD and 1500 , 1600 , 1700 & 2100 MORTH MoRT&H specification 1500, 1700, 2100, 2200 & 2300 (5th revision ) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge (with minimum cement quantity of 407kgs cum)Note : The rate shall be adjusted as per the approved design mix by the competent authorityb) Walls-250mm thick




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Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M 30 grade from batching plant using 20mm & 10mm HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) mechanically mixed , compacted by vibration including curing for 14 days including cost, conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges, centering, machine mixing, laying, vibrating, curing etc., including other incidental hire and operational charges of all T&P etc., complete as per approved drawings and as directed during execution but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item as per as per technical specifications clause 802,803,804, 805,806,807, 1202 , 1203, 1204 , 1205.4 & 1205.5 MORD and 1500 , 1600 , 1700 & 2100 MORTH MoRT&H specification 1500, 1700, 2100, 2200 & 2300 (5th revision ) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge (with minimum cement quantity of 407kgs cum)Note : The rate shall be adjusted as per the approved design mix by the competent authorityb) Slab




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Providing & laying Sand bedding in foundations & filling in trenches as per drawing including cost and conveyance of materials to site with all leads & lifts including watering, tamping, raming all other incidental and operational charges etc., complete as per technical specification Clause 305.3.9 MORD & 304 MORTH (5th Revision) or as per latest revisions and specifications and as directed by the Engineer - in - charge.




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Providing High Yield Strength Deformed (HYSD)/ Thermo Mechanically Treated (TMT) / (Fe 500 grade as per IS 1786-1979) of different diameters for RCC works , including labour charges for straightening, cutting, bending to required sizes and shapes, placing in position with cover blocks of approved materials and size and tying and lap-splicing with binding wire of 18 SWG, forming grills for reinforcement work as per approved designs and drawings, including cost and conveyance of steel bars, including all wastages such as overlaps, couplings, chairs, spacer bars including cost and conveyance of binding wire, cover blocks and all incidental, operational, labour charges such as cutting, bending, placing in position, tying all materials etc., complete and as directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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Carting away the surplus excavated materials i.e., earth from the site to a suitable distance of about 5 kms including loading, unloading, conveyance charges and dumping the carted materials at the contractors cost, labour charges, all leads and lifts, all other incidental and operational charges as directed by Engineer incharge.




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Manufacture as per BIS:12592 (Part 1&2) Supply & Delivery and Fixing of Heavy Duty manhole covers and frames - 24x24 HD 20 with ISI marking anywhere in A.P., F.O.R. destination including, loading, unloading & stacking at site etc., complete




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Manufacture as per company’s standard specification supply and delivery of encapsulated plastic steps for man holes anywhere in A.P. including cost of materials packing as per company’s standards, loading, transportation, unloading and stacking at site of work etc, complete




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Providing and Supply of FRP Gratings of 38x38mm mesh with 7/5mm rib of 38mm thick including cost of materials packing as per company’s standards, loading, transportation, unloading and stacking at site of work etc, complete




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Providing and Fixing of ISA 50x50x6mm for man holes anywhere in A.P. including cost of materials packing as per company’s standards, loading, transportation, unloading and stacking at site of work, cost of one coat of primer etc, complete .




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Earthwork in excavation for structures as per drawing and technical specifications Clause 305.1 including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious material and disposal upto a lead of 1 Km, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling in trenches with excavated suitable material as per Technical Specification 305 MORD / 304 MORTHUpto 3m




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Providing & laying Sand bedding in foundations & filling in trenches as per drawing including cost and conveyance of materials to site with all leads & lifts including watering, tamping, raming all other incidental and operational charges etc., complete as per technical specification Clause 305.3.9 MORD & 304 MORTH (5th Revision) or as per latest revisions and specifications and as directed by the Engineer - in - charge.




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Supply, delivery, laying and jointing of Smooth Wall 40mm outer dia and 33mm inner dia Permanently Lubricated HDPE Telecom Duct with Silicore inner layer and 4mm PP Rope in 500mts Coil format confirming to TEC GR.No.TEC/GR/TX/CDS-008-03, March-2011 with Amdt. No.1, dt:25/28.03.2013 etc., complete and as directed by Engineer-in-charge40mm OD HDPE Pipe




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Manufacture, Supply and Delivery of RCC NP4 Socket and Spigot pipes conforming to B.I.S. 458/2003 (rate per meter of effective length) inclusive of Transportation.300mm RCC NP4




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Lowering the RCC pipes carefully into the trenches laying them true to alignment and gradient, jointing with rubber rings and testing including filling with water with a water lead upto 500 meters including cost of rubber rings as per BIS No. 783/1985300mm RCC NP4




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Plain Cement Concrete PCC M10 ( 1:3:6 ) using 40mm guage hard granite machine crushed metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, centering, machine mixing, lifts and delifts, leads, laying in position, compacting, curing, all labour charges, etc., complete for levelling course as directed by the departmental officers.




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Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M 25 grade using 20mm & 10mm HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) mechanically mixed , compacted by vibration including curing for 14 days including cost, conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges, centering, machine mixing, laying, vibrating, curing etc., including other incidental hire and operational charges of all T&P etc., complete as per approved drawings and as directed during execution but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item as per technical specifications clause 802,803,804, 805,806,807, 1202 , 1203, 1204 , 1205.4 & 1205.5 MORD and 1500 , 1600 , 1700 & 2100 MORTH MoRT&H specification 1500, 1700, 2100, 2200 & 2300 (5th revision ) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge (with minimum cement quantity of 403 kgs)Note : The rate shall be adjusted as per the approved design mix by the competent authority




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Providing High Yield Strength Deformed (HYSD)/ Thermo Mechanically Treated (TMT) /(Fe 500 grade as per IS 1786-1979) of different diameters for RCC works , including labour charges for straightening, cutting, bending to required sizes and shapes, placing in position with cover blocks of approved materials and size and tying and lap-splicing with binding wire of 18 SWG, forming grills for reinforcement work as per approved designs and drawings, including cost and conveyance of steel bars, including all wastages such as overlaps, couplings, chairs, spacer bars including cost and conveyance of binding wire, cover blocks and all incidental, operational, labour charges such as cutting, bending, placing in position, tying complete and as directed by the Engineer in Charge.




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Manufacture as per BIS:12592 (Part 1&2) Supply & Delivery and Fixing of Heavy Duty manhole covers and frames HD 20x20 with ISI marking anywhere in A.P., F.O.R. destination including, loading, unloading & stacking at site.




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Providing and applying Black Bitumen coating outside of Ductile iron Pipes including all material, labour and machinery etc., complete, with freight charges, inspection charges, transportation, etc. complete including all labour, materials and ROU/ROW as per specification and to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge.800mm Dia




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Cleaning of chocked pipe line by diesel running vehicle mounted hydraulic operated high pressure suction cum jetting cleaning machine fitted with pump having 4000 litre suction capacity and 6000 litre water tank capacity including skilled operator supervising engineer etc. for cleaning and partial desilting of manholes and dechocking of Pipe lines.Dechocking and flusing of sewer line from one manhole to another by high pressure jetting systemof 2200 PSI for Pipe line 800mm Dia




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Conducting Hydralic field test pressure for all types of pipelines and all dia's with required pressure including all machinery ,materials & manpower transportation of Water etc complete , as per specification and to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge.800mm Dia




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Cleaning rubbish, sludge, weeds scum, liquid earth, mud etc. from box drain / covered nikashi etc. by mathor labour after removing concrete slab / manhole cover etc. without damaging the same and refixing the same properly after cleaning as necessary and removing the sludge etc. by using iron pans, buckets including all labour, tools & plants including expulsion of impure / inflammable / asphyxiating gases from the drains etc. and removing the spoils in dry condition and disposing the same by truck beyond the area of Municipal Corporation / Municipality / Notified Area Authority / Industrial Township Authority etc. for such disposal including the cost of loading, unloading, transportation and making arrangement of necessary land for disposal, spreading and leveling as necessary etc. and cleaning the road side in all respects, complete as per direction of the Engineer- in-Charge. (Land for disposal to bearranged by the contractor).For Power Duct




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Cleaning of chocked pipe line by diesel running vehicle mounted hydraulic operated high pressure suction cum jetting cleaning machine fitted with pump having 4000 litre suction capacity and 6000 litre water tank capacity including skilled operator supervising engineer etc. for cleaning and partial desilting of manholes and dechocking of Pipe lines.Dechocking and flusing of sewer line from one manhole to another by high pressure jetting systemof 2200 PSI for Pipe line 225




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Supply and Providing of Main Line using HDPE Electrical pipe Conduits with permanent Lubricant inner layer with ribs, dimensional ratio of 13.5,Deflection not greater than 5% when exposed to the normal operating temparature 90°C under the over burden soil presuure and other physical properties comforming to ASTMF 2160 and /or NEMA TC7.The expected service life of HDPE pipe conduits and accessories shall not be less than 50 years- 225mm dia for 33 kV XLPE Cables 225 mm HDPE (Silicore coated)




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Demolition of RCC Work including stacking of serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials within 100 metres lead




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Carting away the surplus excavated materials i.e., earth from the site to a suitable distance of about 5 kms including loading, unloading, conveyance charges and dumping the carted materials at the contractors cost, labour charges, all leads and lifts, all other incidental and operational charges etc complete




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Cleaning of reinforcement from rust from the reinforcement bars to give it as total rust free steel surface by using alkaline rust remover of approved make with paint brush and removing loose particles after 24 hours of its application with wire brush and thoroughly washing with water and allowing it to dry,all complete as per direction of Engineer in charge 10mm Dia Bar




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Cleaning of reinforcement from rust from the reinforcement bars to give it as total rust free steel surface by using alkaline rust remover of approved make with paint brush and removing loose particles after 24 hours of its application with wire brush and thoroughly washing with water and allowing it to dry,all complete as per direction of Engineer in charge 12mm Dia Bar




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Cleaning of reinforcement from rust from the reinforcement bars to give it as total rust free steel surface by using alkaline rust remover of approved make with paint brush and removing loose particles after 24 hours of its application with wire brush and thoroughly washing with water and allowing it to dry,all complete as per direction of Engineer in charge 16mm Dia Bar




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Cleaning of reinforcement from rust from the reinforcement bars to give it as total rust free steel surface by using alkaline rust remover of approved make with paint brush and removing loose particles after 24 hours of its application with wire brush and thoroughly washing with water and allowing it to dry,all complete as per direction of Engineer in charge 20mm Dia Bar




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Specialised Injection Grouting with Cement and Free Flow Additives includes Drilling of holes with power drilling machine to the required depth [12mm to 14mm dia holes], Fixing of Rubber Nozzles with cement and quick setting, Rapid hardening compound putty - Rapidstrong qs or equivalent.Grouting of holes with 140 PSI Grout pump with cement slurry mixing with Specialized Free flow, Non-shrink Grout additive - 250 Grams per bag of 50 Kgs Cement add required water to make slurry form.After completion of grouting, Remove the Rubber nozzles e]. Later sealing of the hole with polymer cement putty .




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Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Tests Conducting Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Tests on the Concrete Slab for retrofitting works including cost of labour,material etc complete as directed by the Engineering in-charge for retrofitting works




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Rebound Hammer Test Conducting Rebound Hammer Test the concrete Surface for retrofitting works including cost of labour,material etc complete as directed by the Engineering in-charge for retrofitting works




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Cleaning rubbish, sludge, weeds scum, liquid earth, mud etc. from box drain / covered nikashi etc. by mathor labour after removing concrete slab / manhole cover etc. without damaging the same and refixing the same properly after cleaning as necessary and removing the sludge etc. by using iron pans, buckets including all labour, tools & plants including expulsion of impure / inflammable / asphyxiating gases from the drains etc. and removing the spoils in dry condition and disposing the same by truck beyond the area of Municipal Corporation / Municipality / Notified Area Authority / Industrial Township Authority etc. for such disposal including the cost of loading, unloading, transportation and making arrangement of necessary land for disposal, spreading and leveling as necessary etc. and cleaning the road side in all respects, complete as per direction of the Engineer- in-Charge. (Land for disposal to bearranged by the contractor).Storm Water Drains




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Demolition of RCC Work including stacking of serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials within 100 metres lead




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Carting away the surplus excavated materials i.e., earth from the site to a suitable distance of about 5 kms including loading, unloading, conveyance charges and dumping the carted materials at the contractors cost, labour charges, all leads and lifts, all other incidental and operational charges etc complete




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Cleaning of reinforcement from rust from the reinforcement bars to give it as total rust free steel surface by using alkaline rust remover of approved make with paint brush and removing loose particles after 24 hours of its application with wire brush and thoroughly washing with water and allowing it to dry,all complete as per direction of Engineer in charge 10mm Dia Bar




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Cleaning of reinforcement from rust from the reinforcement bars to give it as total rust free steel surface by using alkaline rust remover of approved make with paint brush and removing loose particles after 24 hours of its application with wire brush and thoroughly washing with water and allowing it to dry,all complete as per direction of Engineer in charge 12mm Dia Bar




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Cleaning of reinforcement from rust from the reinforcement bars to give it as total rust free steel surface by using alkaline rust remover of approved make with paint brush and removing loose particles after 24 hours of its application with wire brush and thoroughly washing with water and allowing it to dry,all complete as per direction of Engineer in charge 16mm Dia Bar




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Cleaning of reinforcement from rust from the reinforcement bars to give it as total rust free steel surface by using alkaline rust remover of approved make with paint brush and removing loose particles after 24 hours of its application with wire brush and thoroughly washing with water and allowing it to dry,all complete as per direction of Engineer in charge 20mm Dia Bar




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Specialised Injection Grouting with Cement and Free Flow Additives includes Drilling of holes with power drilling machine to the required depth [12mm to 14mm dia holes], Fixing of Rubber Nozzles with cement and quick setting, Rapid hardening compound putty - Rapidstrong qs or equivalent.Grouting of holes with 140 PSI Grout pump with cement slurry mixing with Specialized Free flow, Non-shrink Grout additive - 250 Grams per bag of 50 Kgs Cement add required water to make slurry form.After completion of grouting, Remove the Rubber nozzles e]. Later sealing of the hole with polymer cement putty .




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Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Tests Conducting Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Tests on the Concrete Slab for retrofitting works including cost of labour,material etc complete as directed by the Engineering in-charge for retrofitting works




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Rebound Hammer Test Conducting Rebound Hammer Test the concrete Surface for retrofitting works including cost of labour,material etc complete as directed by the Engineering in-charge for retrofitting works




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Cleaning and Chocked Pipe line by diesel running vehicle mounted hydraulic operated high pressure suction cum jetting cleaning machine fitted with pump having 4000 litre suction capacity and 6000 litre water tank capacity including skilled operator supervising engineer etc. for cleaning and partial desilting of manholes and dechocking of Pipe lines.Dechocking and flusing of sewer line from one manhole to another by high pressure jetting systemof 2200 PSI for Pipe line 200mm Dia




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Cleaning and Chocked Pipe line by diesel running vehicle mounted hydraulic operated high pressure suction cum jetting cleaning machine fitted with pump having 4000 litre suction capacity and 6000 litre water tank capacity including skilled operator supervising engineer etc. for cleaning and partial desilting of manholes and dechocking of Pipe lines.Dechocking and flusing of sewer line from one manhole to another by high pressure jetting systemof 2200 PSI for Pipe line 400mm Dia




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Cleaning and Chocked Pipe line by diesel running vehicle mounted hydraulic operated high pressure suction cum jetting cleaning machine fitted with pump having 4000 litre suction capacity and 6000 litre water tank capacity including skilled operator supervising engineer etc. for cleaning and partial desilting of manholes and dechocking of Pipe lines.Dechocking and flusing of sewer line from one manhole to another by high pressure jetting systemof 2200 PSI for Pipe line 500mm Dia




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Retrofitting of Existing 7 Way Multiduct Path Sheeting with Anti termite & Copper Tracer Wire (40/34.2mm Three Layer sub duct, inner ribbed) inclusive Inward and Outward Transportation, The rectification i.e Re-Bundling 7-Way HDPE Multiway Duct wrapping by extrusion process with 100% virgin grade 1.20 mm Anti-Termite PE Sheathing and Tracer Wire with Sheathing 1.20 mm ± 0.20 mm materials as per standard specifications and confirming to relevant IS codes including cost, conveyance of all materials,machinery,labor charges etc complete and as directed by the department officer incharge




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Supply, of 7- Way 40mm Multi Ducts with Silicore Lubricant inner layer for ICT fibre cables comforming to ASTMF 2160 and /or equivalent indian standard as per drawings and technical specifications and as directed by the Engineer - in - charge.




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Bailing out water from the pipe line trenches with Electric Driven pump set including hire charges, current charges and wages for Driver and Helper .Considering 10 Hp Motor




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Bailing out water from the pipe line trenches with Electric Driven pump set including hire charges, current charges and wages for Driver and Helper.Considering 20Hp Motor




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Centrifugally cast (spun) Ductile Iron Fittings conforming to IS:9523/2000 having dimensions as per table. The rates mentioned here under are for fittings, zinc coated externally with inside mortar lining (with finishing as per class 13/IS 9523/2000) Mechanical Joints Up to 300 mm dia.




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Centrifugally cast (spun) Ductile Iron Fittings conforming to IS:9523/2000 having dimensions as per table. The rates mentioned here under are for fittings, zinc coated externally with inside mortar lining (with finishing as per class 13/IS 9523/2000). Mechanical Joints Above 300 mm dia.




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Earthwork in excavation as per technical specifications Clause 305.1 including setting out, removal of stumps and other deleterious material and disposal upto a lead of 50 m, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling in trenches with excavated suitable material as per Technical Specification 305 MORD / 304 MORTHa) 0.0 m To 3.0 m Depth Earthwork for Temporary Channel Dewatering




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Providing & laying Sand filling in trenches including cost and conveyance of materials to site with all leads & lifts including watering, tamping, raming all other incidental and operational charges etc., complete as per technical specification Clause 305.3.9 MORD & 304 MORTH (5th Revision) or as per latest revisions and specifications and as directed by the Engineer - in - charge. Replacement of Sand for stabilization on Loose Soil




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Environmental and Social Management Plan as per standard norms and guidelines including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, all operations for finished item of work, as directed by Engineer in Charge




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Arrangement of transportation facility by four wheeler for purpose of site inspection and official use of the departmental officers and Engineers during execution period including fuel, maintenance charges & driver charges and the vehicle for not less than 3500 Km per Month and the vehicle should not be older than 5 years.




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